Chapter 317 - The Recent Assessment

After all the debacle that Nathalie had gone through, she had to take a quick bath in her room before having a quick meeting at Athan's study chambers.

Keith came with a glass of honey lemon tea for her to drink.

After which, Nathalie mouthed hearty gratitude, strutting towards the wardrobe before asking him, [How are the news outside?]

"They quickly acted per your advice; so far everything is under control."

[But there are still matters needed to be addressed.]

"They're waiting for you, I suppose."

[That's fine.]

"....Are you alright?"

Her glances went sharp when he asked out of the blue. [Did you doubt me? I thought we had a quick test about the scrolls and potions I made before this day…]

"It's a lot but…" he trailed off his voice, scratching his head. "I never understood why you must continue to act like a villain."

[I realized; there's one thing I can't escape in this world. Perception of people— what could they do other than letting their anger and prejudice control them and follow my schemes?]

Keith went silent; but she knew that he understood both sides but he was more concerned for hers; he was her personal guard after all. He only darted a gaze that spoke myriad emotions.

It also broke her heart that she had to live this way; the fate given to her if she wanted to achieve the shortest route possible.

Though it worked in some way to those who weren't close or knew about her closely, it also left a bad taste to those whom she held dear.

Sometimes, she couldn't please everybody in this case and looking for the way that benefited everyone the most at her expense.

'I couldn't help but assess more of the situation; if Mystique still pursued acting viciously…'

Despite the consequences of being oppressed and all...

She took her time wearing a new mermaid dress that she had, although this time she asked for Keith's help. From her back, she guided him to pull the zippers up.

"I think it's done, My Lady."

[Thank you.] She then looked at the mirror one last time, beaming a warm smile, and reached out to his hand.

The plague had stayed for some time but never left unnoticed. Several plans were carried out to counter it. Right now, the culprit, Clarice, was still in custody as she surrendered from such resistance.

She became subservient for as long as her people left unscathed, which Athan did but left some heavy surveillance as everyone was still on probation— at least the innocent citizens living within Desertpeak Town.

Another group was established to regulate the town while Clarice was summoned to the Imperial Capital to face the trial for the charges put to her.

But then, both of them knew that they still have plans for her and the very least Athan could do was convince any punishment imposed other than a death sentence.

Although it destroyed the livelihood and economic growth within the Western Territory, Sylvester never gave up. For he was assured to learn that plagues won't be coming back, at least any time soon.

Especially the disappearance of numerous creatures, only because Athan had done so, through artifacts, to isolate the creatures from the ruckus as they went into madness. 

While they were quick to act on it; they overlooked the matter that had already gone deep, most probably beyond his insight.

If not for the anomalies in the place, then she might've neglected it.

Even so, she didn't think that it would've been a lot for not even a quarter of the year had passed.

It wasn't as harmful as she thought it would be but the tar infused their bodies that somehow weakened them without any knowledge about it.

Now, with her help, she administered as many potions as she could to distribute those who were near the affected lands from it. For as long as they followed protocols and the brief instruction, the situation has a chance to turn into a favorable condition.

Sylvester planned several sites and checkpoints needed and received the prescription she had without the need through supervision. Still, she apologized because she didn't expect to be at its worst.

She recalled how grateful he was, nevertheless, for what she had done all this time.

But it was the least of his concerns, almost all of them held high regard for her actions. For what she did was much of a suicidal attempt. Little did they know she wasn't affected by it.

So long as the tar was contained and incinerated in a much safer environment, everything was going to be alright.

Now they stood in front of the door that led to Athan's study; with the guard opening, he then escorted them towards the Grand Duke and the rest, who took part in her emergency meeting.

"You're here!" Athan stood upright as he pressed his palms on the refectory table. The same went for Arnold. Although, the former sighed in relief after learning that she was beyond fine for the catastrophe she took part in.

"I told you Mysti is alright."

He scoffed at her father, "Even you panicked."

"For the record; I never expected her to use so much of those scrolls when we could've found some abled, healthy men who had an attribute to fire."

Athan greeted his teeth when he only gave him a cold shoulder of what happened.

[You two, please don't go at it...] Nathalie sighed. [This isn't the time yet.]

"I hope you don't mind me asking, Violette." Clearing his throat, he muttered again, "But how was it possible you survived without much of a burn on your skin aside from the tattered and burned parts of your dress back then?"

"I happen to know the mechanism doing so, but it was much tedious work."

[Upon learning artifacts won't work against me; I thought it might apply the same thing; after all, I'm using it for self-defense.]

So far, Athan knew that she lost her grimoire and she had to look for alternatives.

Which only earned praise to the two of them.

"Perhaps the idea of a 'Goddess' suits you so well."