Chapter 310 - The Real Savage

Nathalie's heart bloomed with so many emotions.

Which she was rather familiar with.




Everything she knew, she tried to rationalize but right now, she wanted to feel the moment and went on with it. 

"My Lady?" Keith then jolted from his stead, then took a sniff, which only had his mouth agape from what was deemed true.

But Nathalie had his queries the least concern, for her staring daggers were all for Athan to take..

The atmosphere within the chamber dropped, too stifling at that.

Athan didn't respond for a while but she noticed that he now had a subtle gaze after looking all so drunk not too long ago.

When she grew impatient, she was about to tug Keith out of it but Ashtra stopped her halfway and only piqued her interest.

'Why not?'

"I sense a bet. Wait for a while— something would ring I guess now that the previous conditions barred and became Keith's disadvantage."

'... What... In damn hell did it even go with this? I swear, I'd get to the bottom of this soon…' She looked around as they sneaked to dressing themselves before prowling out of the room. 

Ashtra chimed in, 'Goodness look at them; while they did get a room but this many at once? No sense of privacy and did anyone...  Quite a wild side… Now they're leaving like they still have some shame.'

When the 'Frost Wyrm' snicked, Nathalie let out a groan as she addressed them nonetheless.

She was leaving no stone unturned at this point.

"I seem to have crashed the party." She then looked around. "Perhaps you are all trying to ignore me?"

When her voice echoed once more, they shuddered in subtlety and were unable to face her even more.

But this time, Athan rustled out of the bed, pushing the women out of his way as he grabbed a robe, donning it on him for all he cared before trudging close to Nathalie.

Before he could get any closer, she shoved her palm, [Don't get chummy with me, you smell retched.]

"I know that." Athan sighed, scratching his nap. "I find it hard to believe."


"So you were really serious that you have some important business with me."

[I didn't have to send Keith your way if it was but a trivial matter, yes?]

"This is a misunderstanding—"

[I may be mute but clearly, so I'm not that blind, Your Highness.] She then glared at him, up and down numerous times. [Did you take me for a fool?]

Athan somehow had a sign of hesitation with his parted lips, which she turned around and looked at Keith, who was still tied.

The bindings weren't that tight and he could've gone his way out but with Ashtra's words turned heavier, she heeded his advice.

'How much do I have to stall my time—?'

Alas, it was over when the sudden beeping sound came.

To his surprise, it was the smartphone, which he also had his share, that was on the nightstand.

'Is this it, Ashtra?'

"I assume so.'

[Perhaps it's time for us to leave.]

Meanwhile, Keith then snapped his bindings with his sheer strength, then tugged the blindfold away, and bore a grave gesture of apology in front of her. However, she raised her hand, dismissing him.

He was alright in the first place.

"Pardon for it took so long…"

[Not a problem; I'd say we have 'More problems' to focus on. Isn't that right Athan?] She smiled and her gaze said otherwise— full of mockery. Turning her way towards the door, she added, [Might as well finish with this ' fun and games' you have here while I shall take my leave.]

Nathalie then gestured to Keith to escort her way out of the stench-filled room.

At that moment, she didn't spare anyone with her cold gaze— brimmed with judgment at how dirty and nasty they were, especially in her presence.

With her glares that dropped their self-esteem and actually in retrospect how they've been, including Athan, she could care less and move along.

"You act like a hypocrite that way, don't you think?" Ashtra's voice popped out of nowhere in her head.

[Are you kidding me? Do you think I look like I'm the same as him?!]

"Who knows…"

[I'm not all for coitus, especially with anyone— be it strangers or acquaintances. Definitely, I have some reservations and am not that shameless. I won't stoop that low.]

"So feisty."

[Really, shut up if you have nothing nice to say; it spoils my mood.]

Walking their way out seemed like forever, and when they did, she took a deep breath of fresh air. She left the door open as she went away.

But then, thuds echoed throughout the walls, which she looked behind her, only to find Athan, donning with nothing else but a luxurious robe, breathing hard as he was close to reaching out to her.

"— I don't— understand…"

This time, Keith almost bared his fangs, with a low growl, but Nathalie patted him to calm down for now.

[What is?]

"What is it—  That you want—  To talk about? I—  thought you needed time— ?"

Throughout the journey, she did mention that she needed time as she was too upset for what happened; blaming for her part that she lived as a villainess and took the consequences regardless. 

In turn, she lashed it out on him, and he was the bigger person to say nothing back at her.

If anything, she couldn't totally blame him for that time, but this one was a different matter.

'It must be Mystique's…' Nathalie sighed, to cool down.

[Now that you mention it; perhaps it's but a trivial matter.] She then glanced at Keith, with his stares bore with deep guilt. [I shall see you later on then. Take care and have a blissful morning, Your Highness.]

With a bow, she then nodded to Keith as they needed to move away from him.

But Athan was stubborn, when she reached for her hands as he screamed wait, she was quicker.

[Don't touch me.] Nathalie pressed her lips thin. [At least clean your hands first— who knows how many places and holes it had touched only this morning.]