Chapter 298 - A Cold Tension

Before everything else, Charles responded, "Your Highness, if you would be so benevolent to hear of my plea this early evening."

"Be quick about it." Athan gave him a curt nod.

"With due respect, not only that woman injured me and my men but that woman stole my pouch."

The Crown Prince looked at him then snapped his head at Nathalie, who was still crouching on the ground. 

Somehow, in her inner pocket showed a familiar shape— two of them— which he squinted his eyes.

"What's the meaning of this, Violette?"

[He used an artifact, which is inside his pouch, that also included capturing Ashtra.] Nathalie then shifted his position as she retrieved Charle's dimension storage on her palms and showed it to them. [Unless he gives me back what was taken away from me.]

Charles smirked at her. "I'd never fathom how much you have to fall deeper from your stained, malicious reputation." 

"Charles. Do me a favor and return it."

This cracked the supposed victory on his face; while everyone pondered it was another punishment topping her current one, they became even more confused as though the man who held the highest authority would've let it pass.


"No buts in my presence." A gleam came from his eyes, shuddering them in subtlety. "Have you forgotten that I'd be the one to punish her accordingly?"

Leaving him no choice, he then gestured a bow, affirming his decision that awaited her. 

Athan then signaled her, which she gave to him, and threw it to Charles.

Rummaging the inside, he then retrieved the artifact; soon as it went aglow, a faint, fiery orb traveled towards her necklace she donned, and it started to gain its usual luster.

However, when he noticed what artifact it was then at last; his face went pale, for he dreaded what she thought right now.

It was as clear in her face— agony.

Up close, Athan gritted his teeth and averted his gaze.

Everyone dispersed, leaving the three of them nearby the river stream.

"Will that do, Your Highness?"

"I appreciate it; I shall carry on what you've done for all this time. Await good news from Matthew as well."

Everyone had a gleam in their faces, cheering as though what he spoke of was great merit.

From the Grand Duke of Salvatore no less, it would be a big chance for them for promotion and the benefits that awaited them. With Athan holding his words, they started to take chances and the atmosphere became light.

Even the presence of Nathalie vanished before their eyes.

"Many thanks to His Highness for his benevolence!" they chorused.

Athan then nodded with pride, gesturing a dismissive wave of a hand. "Now, you may all disappear in front of my sight before I change my mind!"

In a snap, they all went away, emerged through the shadows, and Charles subtly changed his demeanor when he glanced at Nathalie before turning his back at them, then ran far with the spear in his hand.

The last glint from the tip of his spear was seen until it vanished alongside the volume of darkness beyond the woods.

Athan sighed, then he lowered his knees and had Keith help him tear his sleeves with his sharp teeth and fangs when he noticed the herbs sticking to her body, even not covering them, all started to peel off from her. 

[You— You don't have to do that—]

However, he grabbed her wrist, putting it aside as it was nothing but a distraction. "Allow me to return the favor. So leave me be…"

Nathalie pressed her lips thin; while it wasn't a big deal to her if the herbs were there or not, the situation didn't help better as he was the one doing it for her, out of anyone else she could've thought of then.

Even Keith had no say to it.

Leaving her no choice, she had to bear with it.

The silence reigned over them for quite a long time, but none of it mattered as she scribbled midair.

[You came…]

"That's all you have to say?!" Athan cut her off as he stepped further, closing their gap and leaving only a few inches between their faces. His chest rose and fell rather quickly as he never broke eye contact with her.

Meanwhile, Nathalie blinked his eyes, while it did catch her off guard, she somehow managed to crease up her eyebrows from his advances.

[Then, what do you want me to do?]

"I've given you the chance to defend yourself— But what you did only turned out to be digging your own grave!" 

Athan was so livid that even with a raised voice he muttered it with gritted teeth from the pent-up frustration he got all this time.

"Don't blame her. I suggested it, and I became too careless."

Ashtra's voice resonated in their head, which colored them surprised and then utterly frustrated.

'They looked shocked about Ashtra owning up to it but they also got furious from his words I guess…'

[But it was the same for me as well; I forgot how you've progressed thus far and that artifact…]

"I know! I know what you mean, alright?!" he snapped at her; which he bit his lower lip. "This is just an alternative—"

[You mean total control of 'Someone'...] While having a suggestive gaze at the necklace.

"Let's call it a day, Violette. Your father had gone insane from long worries." He turned away, which then he hinted about the ruined dress she donned on.

Nathalie shook her head. "Give me time to change." She then pulled out a flared, yet cozy robe for her to wear before getting ready to move out of the place.

In the midst of the early nightfall, the cold winds brushed Nathalie's face as she held on, tight perching Keith's back.

Her eyes weren't locked ahead, from passing over several moss-filled tree barks and out of her vision to the gushing creeks and streams, but only towards the night sky, sparkling with a sea of stars.

'I wonder what kind of fate awaited me…'

Keith ran for as much as he hopped, skipped, and jumped over different slopes, towering builders, and other debris blocking his way towards Braewood Keep. Although, he couldn't help but look after her.

The ride was quiet, even when Athan was behind her, she neither nudged nor spoke to him.

Indeed, so much happened today and she had yet to fully recover.

Cold nights thrived as much as their hearts had gotten.