Chapter 281 - Commence The Mission

"Miss Quinn, they are entering the building."

"I can see it very well, thank you so much." Nathalie rolled her eyes as she spat at him with a tinge of satire on her words. After which, she scrunched her forehead while she ended up biting her nails.

Athan was being keen on those around him, and he also couldn't notice Arnold, who had a distraught look on his face with both eyes and mouth agape.

"It's really Mysti..." He became so breathless soon as she was in such a distance; with eyes aglow a little, he nodded again. "Yes, it's her..."

Nathalie then looked at them. "Hiding your presence shouldn't be a problem, yes?" 

When they all nodded, she then nudged from her seat and pressed the button again. "Daisy, Jonathan, get ready."

After which, Jonathan parked on the nearby corner of the street. After which, Jonathan opened the door for them to move out.

Ashtra and Stravwuark already transformed into ornaments for Nathalie and Jonathan, respectively. 

Athan now found himself looking around; it was a bit crowded; however, to his surprise, he wasn't getting much attention compared to earlier. When he looked around, his attire bore no difference from the rest.

To the side, there were also limousines lined up, and he pondered like what she had was no other.

'What a bustling, luxurious city…' 

"Oh my, I almost forgot it's almost rush hour…" Nathalie propped her hands on top of her eyes as she overlooked the area; then she darted at Daisy and Jonathan. "Let's go."

It was almost like the crowds bustled worse than the stormy seas: close and compact; although, it didn't sway her as she tried to move after the two spearheaded against the path.

"Excuse me; please excuse me—" Nathalie got her dainty shoulder bumped with a stranger, and she almost went into it, back and forth; before Athan moved right away, Keith reached for her back, giving her a foothold.

"My Lady, I have to follow them, right?"


"Very well then..."

Keith shuffled ahead, and she followed closely. 

Both Athan and Arnold glanced at one another then shook their heads and went along the way.

They had an intimidating aura coming from them, albeit not that obvious, which had the ones who distanced them a few inches away from them.

While it worked in their favor, it was different from Nathalie but she still braced for it, like she had no qualms about it.

Only about a couple of yards ahead, she almost got side-tracked from bumping most of the time. 

This time, Athan reached for her hand, coming so close behind her with a whisper. "I'll hold your hand so you won't get left behind." He then advised them to hold Keith's hand, she wouldn't get tossed around.

Nathalie, without any second thought, did so and began to be so courteous to both of them, especially mouthing hearty gratitude.

Meanwhile, Athan kept his pace steady, but he couldn't help but have a sudden flutter in his heart from her genuine reaction— he didn't expect she would return such a gesture, a positive one at that. 

His ears buzzed from the thuds, beeps, and the incessant chatter from the street yet he couldn't deny he found solace near her, and focused everything on her, even if it was to get by in such a busy place.

'Her hands… Are so warm…' His eyes noticed the silky crimson hair that swayed as she paced on the pavement. Almost he had an illusory comparison of Mystique for a while. 'She's similar and different at the same time, I'm slightly confused, for the better.'

In his mind, the moment he found out who she was back when he rushed to Starbrooke Castle, was the ultimate surprise so far.

'I thought that… It might not be a bad idea to get along with her.'

What he acted then had the right reasons but towards the wrong person.

While it was unfortunate to hear that Mystique had gotten worse, he still needed to face her, at least knocking a sense into her.

Alas, the moment it turned out quite spacious, he then let go of her hold since it left no further purpose.

From the opposite side of the street from the building they stood, and Athan began to scrutinize through his special vision.

Inside the building was complex, and he was no stranger to it now. But then, out of all every brimming body heats roaming around, Mystique had a temperature lower than the usual, and special energy giving off and he knew it like the back of his hand.

"She's still on the same floor… With that person… Though, there seemed to be so many people inside, wielding such weapons."

Nathalie peered sideways, humming before she took a curt nod. Though it wasn't her big issue with more securities stationed both inside and outside.

"This won't be cute." She then reached for Ashtra that became a necklace donned on her, whispering, "Can you do me a favor?"

"I know… I know..."

"Ready when you are—"


"Fabulous." She then looked at Daisy and Jonathan. "Let's go."

'Something is bugging me... It's elusive...' Though Athan shook that idea.

Both went to a detour, and they moved so fast, no different from assassins, which got him impressed, and here Nathali was, standing without any fear in her eyes.

Not one bit as he was also nervous, despite the new environment that he was about to enter but he was still being careful nevertheless, as there were so many civilians that might get alarmed from any mishaps that would go their way.

Soon as they entered, the closest security leered at him— about two and a half seconds— before he let go, which he thought that the disguise and lowering his presence worked well.

But then he thought that there was no way they could predict something so strange like a magic as it was to this crazy advanced technology to him.

Going inside the cozy, spacious room with a series of golden lighting cast onto the sheen floor.

While they fared smooth, Arnold didn't dwell so much as he uttered, "They went to the elevator."

"Where to?"

"Perhaps I have no clear answer… The elevator had yet to stop, and they were already halfway past this building."

Withal, Nathalie looked around as she mumbled close to them, "....So is she really trying to take over my role now? Let's go. I need to see this manuscript myself!"