Chapter 224 - Plans And Deals

For a while now, Nathalie crossed her arms as she paced back and forth on the balcony.

The tea had gone cold for quite some time.

Except for Ashtra, they all stood.

Jonathan leaned against the edge of the handrail's ceramic slab. He was also in a tight situation for he also knew his role.

The series of sharp clacks paused as Nathalie then faced Jonathan, scribbling midair, [So, you're telling me that it took longer because Clarice had more to say about you and with regards to this?]

"She did. Then, you confirmed it now."

He didn't believe it, at first. For he got everything under his control until her words started to give him a hint that even his army got mobilized. 

It terrified him, for their plan was to build a diplomatic relationship; but then, he got inserted into the future fiasco, because a part of the Crown Prince's operation belonged to his regime.

Right now, they might come off as important guests, but they were no different from hostages. When the inevitable future came and worked out of Clarice's favor, then the two of them were there for collateral purposes.

Looking around and the development it had gotten thus far, what Clarice had was beyond treason.

Moreover, any suspicious movement from Nathalie would've also come out that she colluded with potential foreign threats.

Which brought her to the first inciting incident of the sequel: Arnold sought help outside the Dysnomia Empire.

Although, it was her this time around.

No way in hell would happen, or so at least she thought at the moment.

'This is crazy…' Nathalie kneaded her temples for most of the things that spiraled out of control.

The last thing she could do was get help from Arnold; while it was never an easy task, to begin with, she could only have her hopes pinned on him.

She sent a message through a recorded video, as per Nathalie's instruction. After which, she sent a copy of hers and then showed him that it's real enough to hinder him with the warning she had.

Nathalie wracked her brain as she thought about what went through Athan's mind. What information he got; what happened and got to this state but then it got more difficult to let go of Clarice's words that she parted near the end of their conversation.

'Oh hell no… Not him having such romantic feelings; What does it gotta do with me—? I'm sure he'd use me for something else. Again.'

Athan was no stranger with the future he saw, and yet Clarice's words didn't make sense.

It was as though she couldn't read the leader of the 'Order of Pandora' like the back of her hand now. 

But then, she also had a backup plan, lest her words were deemed true. 

The message she put forward should've been enough for him to halt his advances, at least a stalemate, or even retract his movements to a trajectory she wanted it to be…

"Although, do you want Athan to show it?"

[Your Grace, we have no choice but to do it.] Nathalie replied; as much as she disliked for anyone to witness the smartphone; this was one of the ways she could communicate without any hocus-pocus or a cast of the doubt for Athan to know when she was out of reach as of the moment.

Moreover, she meant business.

"It's already so late at night, but the place is still thriving!" Dawn stretched his neck out, trying to overlook the place he was in. "Don't you think so, Dusk?"

"Definitely; I still find it weird because I don't even know this… Kind of a bustling city."

"Maybe so many things have changed since then?"

"Most probably; but for such a short time… Maybe what that woman said... Was it true after all?"

Nathalie listened to them as she thought the same thing, but his queries also piqued her curiosity, which she then chimed in, [What is?]

"That she's powerful enough; even without the help of those madmen from Ustreador, she would be victorious—"

Dawn whammed his head with his knuckle, which earned an earful groan from his other twin, but then he also seethed in anger for speaking out of line and out of turn. 

"How could you say that? Do you also want to commit treason and then off with your head that badly?!" 

"I was just saying…" 

"Enough, both of you." Jonathan now went in between them, pushing away their broad chests with ease. When they looked away with a sharp huff, he added, "I have a plan so get yourselves ready for tomorrow."

Soon as he thought of a plan, their eyes began to twinkle. They couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear with their wolf ears twitching.

'A plan, hmm? I wonder what would that be...'

Jonathan cleared his throat as he gathered them around, dropping his voice almost to a whisper, "Well, I'd think Stravwuark and Ashtra should scout the 'Desolate Ravine'  for now—"

"I can hear you…" Ashtra was still on his seat and looked at his nails, and breathed out frost to a sheen on it.

"I can also sense your curiosity of me, even from a mile away."

Ashtra glanced at Jonathan, up and down, then went back to his nails. "...And?"

"I'd tell you personally; that's if you want—"


Nathalie and the rest were caught off guard when he suddenly sprang up, slamming the table. Her face darted at Jonathan, who now had a wry smile.

"Not so fast." Jonathan shoved up his palm. "The whole night, how about that?"

Ashtra hissed as the temperature dropped even colder, making a thin sheet of ice on the table and on the floor. "You're in no position to—"

"Weren't you interested in her smartphone?"

His scoffs went rough and as well as his replies ran cold, "... What of it?" 

"I would show you mine."

In the distance, they all caught a glint of his eyes as his pale lips drew a lopsided grin. 

"You don't have to tell me twice." After which, Ashtra shuffled close to Jonathan by a hair's breadth. Only for them to look at how he snatched Strav, the little bird ornament on his shoulder, and then walked away.

"I guess that's our deal then…"

"The both of you owe me something…" he threatened with staring daggers at them. "I shall return."

'Oh, dear…'