The music died out, and as they moved closer, the chatters became prevalent. 

Nathalie had long noticed a particular stare of Athan, for she wore a rather outfit appropriate in harsh winters in her homeland, the Northern Territory; however, they were in the Imperial Capital, and such frigid environment is nowhere near it.

Fortunately enough, he never said a word, and as though respected her decision.

For a while now, she had long kept herself from spoiling the surprise. 

'This has to be right. What I want is what I get.' 

After going through the troubles and persuasion of Arnold, she finally got the chance to showcase a new side of herself.

By the time they reached towards the entrance, an arch wide open with imperial guards giving way to them, she stood with grace. At that moment, she took off her fur cape, slipping off her dainty shoulders, and hung by the forearms—donning it like a cozy sash.

Utter silence loomed inside the massive hall, what seemed at the center of it found several partners dancing and waltzing from their positions now looking at her way.

Even the ones on the side of what seemed like the nobles indulging the banquet, with long refractory tables and numerous chairs alongside it, stopped their tracks as their eyes were all on her.

Both Athan and Veronica turned around, and they were beyond astonished at the dress she donned for this special formal occasion.

From afar, anyone would've agreed she took her time, not painting but encrusting every jewel on her voluptuous body. Her youthful alabaster skin was all for their eyes to see, bearing the contrast of nothing else but glimmering stones, making her even vibrant and sheen than she ever was then.

The inaudible murmur came from the ladies first.

Some got flabbergasted, asking with their cliques for what she was up to...

With a scowl, most went to reprimand their partners…

Others spread through blatant slanders of her and Arnold's questionable tolerance...

Veronica found it hard to take her eyes off of her on the otherworldly outfit Nathalie wore. Compared to her outfit—and so as the rest of the noble ladies in the room, despite the plain, elaborate gown she wore with the help of a corset on top of her bodice and a petticoat, hers became too bland and basic after compromising their comfort.

Contrary to everyone's opinion of such a daring act, Athan took a good look the second time around after giving him a little fright, that it was a deception from her outfit, almost making him feel so relieved.

"Violette, you…"

Upon knowing that Athan succeeded and didn't fall for her ruse, Nathalie smiled innocently, and couldn't care less of their opinions but specific people—the memorable characters—that she observed in the distance.

Aside from the ladies, the hungry gazes from men— of different ranks, lifestyles, statuses, and ages— in which they were all for her, enough to creep to her skin.

Only then Arnold's eyes gleamed, and a frigid cold shook their demeanors into terror. A sign they sought death wish, lest they plan to continue what they wanted to do.

With the stones still stealing a scene, they failed to notice the thin layer of tulle that matched her skin tone, appealing to them as a form of illusion.

A sharp silhouette made out of the stones, emphasizing her cleavage, wide hips, and draped down to her heel. Moreover, she had one high slit; but for the sake of Arnold's sanity, she donned a matching pair of same nude stockings and elbow-length gloves.

Literally so, Nathalie was the symbol of opulence.

[Shall we?]

"Let us lead you the way to His Majesty, Mystique." Veronica smiled, turning her way to Athan, and they shuffled forward.

Then, Nathalie linked her arms at Keith and hinted at him that everything was under her control.

The silence vanished when they started to make a round of clack and thud on the floor. The people gave way to them, and couldn't even avert their gazes.

With this, Ashtra snickered, prodding her hair upon asking for telepathy on Nathalie.

'Your presence is so strong that it left them beyond stunned. I like that attitude, keep them surprised as much as you surprise me!'

Nathalie rolled her eyes inwardly, thinking, 'Then, be on your toes if you so wish.'

'What feisty attitude, you're lucky I can't read you so much.'

So much so she wanted to respond, she had to cut off right away as soon as they came close to the throne. In the long carpet, they sauntered, carved a path of the stair that led up to where the Emperor of the Dysnomia Empire sat.

It wasn't as far as she pondered, but arching her neck a tad bit was enough to make her sore from such intimidation of the ruler.

Alas, for the first time, the curiosity and train of wonders in her mind from all of the panorama of dreams she once had, finally came to life. There, she got to see the man, who wore a majestic outfit with a cape on his back, sitting on his golden throne.

He propped his chin at the back of his hand, looking at her with a profound stare.

'Lawrence Kendrich Vladimir…' 

The man, who also screamed with luxury and power other than her.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think how his features were ineffable—no words could describe him as her descriptive words she wrote in the novel didn't give any justice for what she witnessed—and somewhere deep in her heart stirred with thoughts on Athan and the rest of the Princes got to inherit his.

Not only that, there were confidants that had long served the Emperor, and through a gauge, not any different to Arnold when it came to prestige and power.

Nathalie noticed the subtle pressure grew stronger, even from the slight tremble on Keith sensed; but it didn't let her crumble.

Especially when she caught the slight smirk on his lips.

Lawrence was never to show any ounce of emotion, for whatever the occasion it was then.

Until now...

Although it didn't let her catch off guard. Keeping up professionally, she gestured a bow in unison with the rest in front of Lawrence.

But then, in the middle of paying respects, Lawrence echoed, "Raise, especially you, Mystique."

Soon as she raised her head, Lawrence uttered words and immediately caused an uproar within.