Chapter 175 - A Great Tension

For what seemed the morning came, Keith squirmed a tad bit with his left arm beyond sore and numb from resting sideways. After which, eyes snapped wide open with Mystique's glossy strands of her periwinkle hair and curvaceous back to pair with it.

Gazing downwards, his body burned up when his hand was on her hip. Worse came with a tingling sensation on his shaft, seemingly prodding and cozying in between her bare derriere.

'Right, we did that…'

But his admiration came short when she nestled in Athan's embrace. They were in each other's arms, and in no way he could bring himself close to her as they had a peaceful, angelic countenance.

'Even His Highness had this kind of face. If he had really changed for her, as he avowed, then I might not stand a chance.'

He pressed his lips thin despite a subtle smile, and slowly pulled away from her. He couldn't stand it as his chest tightened, and looked away, sitting by the edge of the bed.

Arms leaning by his thighs, he glanced at how his body had an ounce of cream by the bruises and marks that healed faster than he thought. 

But it didn't take long for him to look behind and stared at the man, who would go so far as to apply for a remedy on him—a luxurious quality of a consumable at that after sniffing several times.

'Never thought he would be this thoughtful, even to me.' He squinted, reaching his fingers to his neck, kneading how his skin was fair and unblemished. 'I suppose it was a remuneration...'

After scouring around, how the boudoir was in a total wreck, he sighed.

'I need to finish cleaning up,' he thought as soon as he stood up, he took a stretch with his arms and neck.

By far, it was the craziest night he had.

From Mystique putting herself first in front of everybody else as she pulled several stunts, which turned out rather successful.

While the legendary 'Frost Wyrm' became overjoyed, it brought extreme vulnerability to the Grand Duke of Blackwell no less.

Not only that, Keith's concern reminded Veronica, for whatever she was up to that moment; he could've never forgotten, even in that glance.

With that in mind, he contemplated it could've been the result of Mystique's sheer decision.

When huge debris was now set aside and cleared, for the most part, he then stared at the clothes scattered further, one of which was his, and picked it up as he donned his sleeves.

But as soon as he tied up the belt, cinching his waist, he snapped to the right when he noticed a stern gaze in his direction.

To his surprise, it had to be Athan, who sat upright— bottom-half covered by the blanket, leaning by the headboard with one knee brought to his elbow—smirking at him.

'What is he up to now?'

Athan said, "You hold great grudges against me—"

However, he paused when Keith hushed him while peering at Mystique, who was still sleeping ever-so-soundly on the bed.

Athan scoffed, shaking his head while rustling out. 

Bare naked, he shuffled towards Keith, and no one could tell him he was having fun seeing the knight's reaction to him.

"I didn't know you like what you see."

Upon grinding his teeth, he dwelled on his thoughts, 'He's doing it on purpose.'

Both of them were more or less the same height, and not one of them peeled off their glances from one another.

Only then Athan uttered once more as he raised his hand. "That is my bathrobe, perhaps?"

Keith then watched the spare robe in his hands, and Athan took the chance with a quick grab. In one fluid motion, the fabric swung nimbly in the air like a cape as he put on his muscular torso.

In deep contrast with his robe, looking prim and proper, he was rather loose and all. With now a loose neckline that revealed not only his chest but also up to his navel, the belt was enough to cover his bulge.

"Ahh, I see. So you like this."

'This madman….' He stared daggers at him, trying to provoke him nevertheless. 

In turn, Keith groaned, cracking his neck out of his blatant annoyance. "If I may be blunt, Your Highness, I have little to no interest in what you've said"

"Was that it?" Athan mused, arching his neck upwards. "I thought we enjoyed each other's company recently, yes?"

Though as much as he hated to admit it, it was hard to dismiss how he got himself in the situation, not only did he end up pleasuring her, but also to him.

He did enjoy it.

Before, it never crossed his mind as he knew what he liked.

Yet this didn't happen once.

Twice already—with a man, he held in lowest regard at that.

"... It was in the heat of the moment, Your Highness. But I assure you that's where it ends."

"You sure talk so boldly…" Athan let out a low, hearty chuckle from his claims. "I can see it in your eyes, that deep affection…"

His smug grin flinched him out inwardly, and he clenched his fist, trembling, almost to the point of bleeding as he stopped himself from harming the Crown Prince.

Keith was silent for a while as though giving him the benefit of the doubt. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't?" With a tilt on Athan's head, he blurted, "Maybe it's always more than admiration as your eyes on Violette—"

In an instant, Keith grabbed Athan by the collar, letting out a dire growl with a warning. "Don't test me, lest I shred you to pieces, speaking so confidently when she's around."

"Ohhh, so scary… I'm cowering…" Athan then grinned ear to ear, gesturing how he suddenly went aggressive. "The way I see it? I don't think so." 

"What nonsense..." He whispered, and leered behind him, trying not to wake her up before he let go from pulling him. "I'm warning you."

After which, Keith went towards the stand, and took several of his garments before he was about to leave the room.

"You're leaving already?" Athan crossed his arms. "You'll regret it when she's in my arms in the end."

His constant derisions soured his day so early, but it would never get to his head. Before opening the door, he said, "... Maybe you should be on your guard with Her Highness before prowling around with your prick up."