Chapter 149 - An Unconditional Response

A sudden rustle came from the lush dark-green shrubs that proliferated, vanishing the loamy grounds, along with the stark stress, a thick canopy that not even a dapple light graced its meadows. 

Though he was rather at ease when he recognized the thuds that came with it.

Even from the left, Keith knew it was Marianne, who now had new cliques she had to get to work with henceforth.

The three of them put on a heavy fur cloak that hid whatever they were beneath until their footwear, and donned on a hood that hid only revealed their mouth with a few fringes of their hair draping out.

Two of them, a tad bit behind Marianne, were the two slaves that Athan bought from the auction weeks ago. He learned it was one of the original plans from the objectives of Mystique planned for so long; so far, it has yet to be revealed, even to him—which got him curious enough. 

'I thought that My Lady would've been going for her ruse to get acquainted to His Highness for these two slaves,' he pondered, then glancing at Mystique with her gaze beaming with a deep impression of these three. 'But I guess not... Incredibly serious for what she ought to do, even reaching out to him.'

Few days ago, other than having to get to talk with them for whatever 'contract' Mystique and Athan had, Keith had gotten the opportunity to talk to her about what happened that day.

He shut his eyes for a while and recalled the memory somewhat fresh in his mind.


In a private room, of what Keith had been a temporary place to accommodate, he sat by the edge of the bed, and kneaded his callused hands from one hideous attempt he did to her—perchance it reached Arnold's ears, turned out enough a warranted punishment beyond death. 

Everything was too sudden to him: after getting in touch with her sworn enemies for as much as she could, he thought things were wrong.

No magic or divine intervention happened as to the odd behavior that happened to her, and he already jumped to conclusions that would affect not only him, but the whole Blackwell Household.

Even if it did, it was still not his place to do so; and for a myriad of reasons and emotions he had, he needed to take responsibility for the actions he did.

Embarrassed, there was no way to face her as the knight he should've; more so getting so intimate without clearing the misunderstandings yet.

He blew it up big time, twice, and left scratching his head out of frustration, groaning, and plopped to the bed.

'I have failed her…' With clenched teeth, he covered his face with his wrist. 

All of a sudden, the door began to knock.

'Oh no, she's up already!'

From the peculiar thud, he jolted up and out of the bed, shuffling fast to the door.

Upon opening, Keith's eyes greeted Mystique, who was in a white velvety dress with flared sleeves and hem—no accessories, cosmetics, or even coiffure. 

"Oh, uhh…" Keith averted his gaze, scratching his nape, and greeted her, "Good day, My Lady. perhaps there's something I could—"

[Yes, I do…]

Somehow, he was frantically looking around, taking a deep breath, and said, "Right. I shall get myself ready for—"

[Just a minute of your time, in your room.]

Keith gulped hard, and caught a glimpse of her outfit. She was simple yet elegant without having the need to put on jewels, a canvas for her face, and let her hair cascade—very beautiful, and once of the rarest times at that.

"If you insist, My Lady." Withal, his arms gestured for her to come inside, and after closing the door, he led her towards a small sandalwood table, good for three in it. Though she took a seat and he didn't, uttering, "I shall get you some tea—"

He was about to walk away when she tugged the cuffs of his white ruffled sleeves, turning around. This time, he didn't want to assume, and became dubious about what she wanted.

[This will be quick. Have a seat as well.]

Nodding, he sat across her from the table, prim and upright, though his gaze turned out of focus, and oftentimes at the wooden surface of the table, like there was to marvel at it.

Deep inside him clawed, of going for his gut feeling before the stifling silence reigned between them.

[I lost count how many times I asked for just a penny for your thoughts…] She tapped on the table after scribbling, thinking for a while. [Why have you done that?]

'Here it is…' His heartbeat stopped for a while as his gut went heavy as he wanted to escape from the room; but at the same time, a part of him screamed for what he needed.

No turning back this time around.

"....Please forgive me." His tail now cowered and ears drooped, and just wanted to hide from the corner, after he finally said it.

Keith, when it came to Mystique, it became so hard to put up a cold facade, and so many thoughts came to mind now cracked under pressure. Things started to be difficult for him already.

"I forgive you."

Her voice rang, and snapped out of his train of thoughts immediately. He couldn't help but parted his lips, trembling. 

Looking at her indigo eyes so pristine, and her meek smile that was for him to see, a part of him wanted to reason he got tongue-tied suddenly.


Keith opened his eyes, so many words he had to put up with; instead of punishing him, which she always and rightfully would do, she accepted it nevertheless, and assured him.

Like she could read him.

He remembered her face withheld as though she understood everything, so unconditionally, and the guilt crushed him so bad. 

She did change, indeed, for the better. 

This time, his resolve put a fire in him; no matter what, he would be there for her every endeavors.

But then at the same time, he looked to the right side, when the one affront was Nathan; Not only the twins were behind him, but also from their cloaks unveiled were Veronica and Sylvester.

Both of their eyes almost popped out of their sockets when Marianne removed her hood, having a bitter smile.

Alas, the two finally reunited.