Chapter 133 - A Deep Conversation

In one of the Elverstone Stronghold's balconies, overlooking the golden-tangerine crown in between the gorge of the stark valley, both Nathalie and Jonathan sat right across from the small table.

She took her time admiring the beauty that flashed her eyes while she grazed her hand over the white linen cloth then to the glass of iced tea; with a grab, a crisp clinking mused her ears and indulged the spur moment of relaxation.

Meanwhile, Jonathan propped his arm on the table, similarly glancing and admiring the sunset, blossoming, and painted the sky with crimson hues. He had a red wine to drink, a deep contrast to hers. 

In the meantime, they have been negotiating for plans. While Nathalie was willing to concoct more of it, provided Jonathan had adequate resources, he would provide more workforce to hasten her projects.

They talked so much that they already lost track of time, and she didn't hate every second of it. 

'I'm so glad I got to meet him in such an unexpected place and time. Then, I took the gamble.'

"So, you've made up your mind?" he mused.

Nathalie nodded.

"Then, I will always have your back."

She couldn't help but quirked up a smile, swirling her glass when she thought about how their talk developed.

But the mood shifted rather quickly when it came down to Keith.

Per Tyler's request, a sole living room without adding a specific detail provided the same thought and reaction for the readers to know. It was sufficient for the story, as the interactions between the characters were needed. In the good old, classic novel books, she was only given a range of words to craft the whole story.

One of the things that made her all giddy and excited how intricate the world setting was, for that was what she lacked. Yet, it didn't fail to surprise her. There was a great visual impact on the geography of the place, for one, and most of the time, she loved every single aspect of it and became too far-fetched back in her book as she generalized the setting.

But this was different, talking about the characters, so much so she was so ashamed to admit to Jonathan that she didn't know almost every character—at least the cumulative backstories of them, which was so intricate that it grew beyond what she initially wrote for the character profile. 

"I still can't believe you don't know at all."

On the other hand, Nathalie was her phone, which she used to send messages to Jonathan, typing as fast as she could.

[TBH, I told you about it.]

"But not this… Y'know, it's embarrassing." Jonathan kneaded his forehead. Ever since he learned and got to know Keith in person, somewhere in him wanted to help him.

However, Jonathan tried his best to get close to or have few accomplices of the North, but he could only go as far as he could, and he had more hearsays than facts. Keith had a particular point in his life that was beyond traumatizing, and it was more like an open secret. 

The only thing the Grand Duke of Forsberg did was to keep an eye on the Commander of the Arctic Order from malicious intent, enough to ruin his reputation.

"You don't know how freaked out I saw my face in his… Yet I still was able to hold on to this one."

[I get you, for real, for real.] Then she pressed myriads of mind-blowing emojis to his way. [I had a mental breakdown when I saw myself in the mirror—Mystique—Let alone, I would see Nathalie popping out of the blue.]

"A body and spirit detachment—Like a near-death experience?"

Nathalie squinted at him. 

'A near-death experience? Did he just forget what happened to the two of us—?'

"I know what you're thinking; your face says it all… It's a joke!" Jonathan scratched his head, letting out a hearty guffaw as he attempted to lift up the heavy tension they already had.

Many people were already turning their backs at her: before was Athan and now Nathan. Perhaps it was already a good sign that things are slowly turning in her favor.

[Don't joke about that.] Nathalie then huffed out. [But yes, I would do everything not to get myself embarrassed any longer.]

"Meh, obviously," he replied with a tilt of his head and a light shrug. "But how can I do that when you're always there blocking my way. I'm too angry about what you did."

His spat got her to grimace from the utter truth. 

[I'm sorry.]

She might not be the Mystique of the past, but she was now, and for what she did was inexcusable, and she needed to be held accountable for the actions made. 

"It's alright. I realized you were also protecting him from me. I also have a 'nasty reputation' as what nobles want to claim." Jonathan glanced at Nathalie with a bitter smile. "So thank you for telling me that. Mystique still has a good heart."

Jonathan could never imagine if he was in Keith's stead. 

To her, what happened to Keith was simply unforgivable, and she became too upfront with him about the rape scene.

It was only a good thing that Mystique came to save the day; if she came there to put more torment into his life, there was no way Nathalie could forgive her.

After connecting things to pieces, it made sense with this profound persona of Keith she thought she knew.

[Still, thank goodness, I'm not that bitch anymore.]

"You're not THAT girl, but you're IN that girl."

[I'm trying to change my fate, alright?] Nathalie clarified, rolling her eyes from his utterance. [I know what I'm doing.]

"Totes for that, you have my full support already."

One last gulp of her tea, she placed it on the saucer and stood from her seat.

Alas, their short conversations came to an end. 

"You need to prepare on your way back to His Highness, huh?"


"Well, before you go. I hope I should give you this as a present. It might help!"