Chapter 99 - Bidding Insanity Continues

The audiences became enthralled as to who were the brave guests that secured a seat on one of the prestigious places on the balcony. It was as clear as day that they were beyond importance.

Some might've guests another royalty or a foreign noble who was rich and confident enough to go against the Crown Prince, while the others started to spread rumors on who could've gotten the final call of it.

With Athan and Nathalie went at it, Keith, as a middleman, got caught from the crossfire.






Athan chuckled, even got to silence the uproars and the clamors among the audiences from the spectacle displayed between them.

"What a feisty one," he said. He stood upright in his seat, tugging the lapels of his suit while pointing at the master of ceremony. "You, over there. I'm tired of these charades. I hope you don't mind adding 50,000 gold coins higher than the number 5."

Everyone was on the edge of their seats: sucked cold air deeply, eyes gouged out of their sockets, clutched their chest, and all the chatters.

For an item already reached a million figures, and not all of them—let alone a few high-ranked nobles—were blessed with such and gave away so easily as Athan did.

No matter what she would do, he would stop her without delay.

Until she gave up.

Meanwhile, Nathalie clawed the armrest with sleet crept against its polished wooden surface with a shattering sound.

"We mustn't do that, my Lady." Keith interrupted and had her snapped out of an angry trance.

[...I'm sorry.]

"It's alright. Do we plan to go on?" While he gestured his hand on the announcer, who repeatedly asked if there were still any higher bids to come.

[I'm not afraid of him… Go double it.]

Keith shuddered from her declaration, soo much he opened his mouth to retort but failed out of hesitation. He could only grit his teeth and roared aloud.

To be called shock and all with their faces showed was an understatement.

It was madness…

It was insanity…

The room peaked with mayhem. They all went abuzz, raking each others' ears, and the sea of people became restless tides that clashed and flailed one wave after another.

But it all deafened when her heart thumped, and her head throbbed aloud with the immeasurable pain she had. It was just a hard pill for her to swallow.

"Alright, that's enough for the ruse." Athan let out a hearty guffaw, letting everyone know that it was a form of mockery to Nathalie, which they started as a peal of light laughter and rained him with praises.

Tremors invaded her body as she forcefully contained herself not to hurt anybody, even the man, only a partner, besides her. Though the knight also expressed grief and anger with a crack on his neck and knuckles for the loss and humiliation.

"Wow! We never thought you'd be into some play, Your Highness. It made the crowds enthralled more than just coming here and enjoying the event."

"I simply did you all a favor—and entertainment for quite a bland one, isn't it?" He crossed his arms. "At least there's one in her who bids like a lunatic, and it makes things exciting don't you think so?"

"Well, y—yes! I think so too! So does the crowd, right ladies and gentlemen?" They chorused with an agreement, nodding, and laughed for all they cared. "Alright! This magnificent, transparent bag filled with mystery goods now sold to number 5! Congratulations!"

'I hate him to the bone! It makes me want to smack his face. I just want to fuck him up so much."

A million worth of gold with items in her bag, even for a single item she paid for dollars didn't tantamount to that.

They had already bought so much, and her goal to save a lot of money while gaining the most didn't get well as she thought.

"We shall continue; up next is the—"

"2,000,000 gold."

Before Mark could elaborate on what the new luggage was, Athan already declared another huge amount.

"Oh, Your Highness had offered—"

"I mean it… I await the good news of what number 5 had to offer."

Meanwhile, Nathalie was on cold feet, unable to imagine that he was now going full force, and got eye contact with Keith, who had a grim face as he mouthed at their low funds.

With silence rose as the chatters died out of amusement, a long minute and counting, Mark tried to get back on track with his usual line.

"Alright, 2,000,000 gold coins!" Trying to live up to the enthusiastic feeling, but there was a tinge of hoarseness in his voice as he couldn't look from the Crown Prince's direction. 

Veronica and Sylvester also looked at him with such confusion, their eyebrows arched and creased even further, respectively.

But most of all, Nathalie got stunned.

Alas, she was at wit's end.

After Mark called out once more, he struck the podium and announced, "Alright, the item now sold to His Highness! Congratulations! Around applause, please!"

Though just as when they all thought that was the end of his blatant display of arrogance, it was merely a beginning. 


"3,000,000! Sold! Congratulations!"

One by one, luggage on display, and Athan released some ridiculous values to offer.

"5,500,500. That's my offer."

"Sweet! 5,500,500 gold coins! Sold! Congratulations once more."

It didn't decrease since six digits blurted out.

She was all floored, at this point, and blown away by what happened. Just when almost more than half of it she obtained—he came and crushed her, no stone left unturned.

Until it reached the last bag, a clear one as well, and it had a variety of cosmetics that she had collected, and the ounce of dread and, at the same time, elation attacked her like electrical sparks.

Before Nathalie commanded Keith to take it for one last time, Athan declared unapologetically.

"Make that 10,000,000 gold coins. I know my wealth should've just been for noblesse oblige, but this comes very rarely. Allow me to have my time and enjoy."

Nathalie had her limbs wobble from relentless stress that built up from the start. Only a glimmer of hope left in her, and it got taken away from her so quickly.

"I shall pay it, and this shall be a consolation in endeavors of number 5. I hope you like it."