Chapter 97 - Commotion Inside Auction

'How come one of my luggage is here?! There's something wrong.' Nathalie's throat somehow ran dry from mouth agape as she couldn't' believe what her eyes gawked at the stage.

If dumbfoundedness took form into a tangible, physical form, then Nathalie had already embodied it the moment her eyes went agape from the luggage graced with the spotlight in the center of the stage.

The auctioneer started to go over and prepare several items that got seen despite shrouded amongst the shadows on the stage; she couldn't help but glare at the masked woman in a sultry bunny suit.

She was the one who brought the item to the light for the master of ceremony to take on the lead and excited the event.

It was a man in an avant-garde formal suit with a ruffled necktie that entertained among the crowds. He had a bald head with two black devil horns that protruded like spires. 

[What was his name again?] she beckoned her partner for the day as she scribbled.

"Sir Mark Harrington, my lady—"

[Right; well, it doesn't matter, I don't care.] Nathalie wrote as fast as she could before erasing it completely.

Contrary to her words, she pondered and remembered who the person was, but he was just average and of normal descent. 

It just boiled down from Marquis, which she ought to ask later on.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Mark announced, bowing with palm on his chest. "Before we would dive deeper to the juicy treasures for everyone in here to bid. Please give it up for our special patrons in this spectacular event." 

His hand gestured at the other side of the balcony: with Grand Duke Forsberg, Grand Duke Salvatore, and Crown Prince Vladimir, and to the rest of them. Meanwhile, Nathalie never had any idea who were the people on her side, but she cared less as she fidgeted in her stead from her personal belongings.

Suitcases, to put it simply, that she brought home for New Year's Eve.

Mark announced, "This was excavated..."

She got a mental block, and as much as she wanted to charge to the stage, her body remained still and frozen. A part of her didn't want to make such a scene, or else it would've gone not good for her.

"Behold, this first item is not an ordinary suitcase, for its ability remained unknown up to this date! It has been treated as a keepsake for centuries in the further south, discovered by the fearsome wayfarers. With the jewels encrusted on its edges, and the stark ebony leather remained high-quality after several years spent submerged into the water! Ever since this has resembled eternal youth."

From the grand and the hyperbole of it all, Nathalie got floored by the statement, and she widened her eyes when the nobles piqued their interest in it.

"The initial bid amount is set at 10,000 gold coins! Remember, the bidders shall bid not less than 500 gold as the increment. Any savant collectors who are interested in this magnificent artifact?"

But just as she would hope no one would buy it, many of the noble ladies started to holler out with their amount.

"11,000 gold coins for that luggage!" A bubbly voice echoed throughout the crowd.

"11,000 gold coins as number 5 proclaimed, going once!"

"11,550!" claimed one of the nobles on the crowd.

Mark hollered at the positive response he got; this made his violet eyes go ablaze. "Any else who would want to bid?"

The cheers had yet to settle down, and the increasing price has yet to stop. A sense of panic swelled inside Nathalie if she didn't get it in her hands.

[Keith, on my command.]

As the luggage rose higher and higher and reached up to 43,590 gold coins, Keith raised the placard.

"150,000 gold coins."

All of them took a sharp turn and looked at them with a myriad of reactions. It was hard for them to see who was in the balcony from a tad higher barricade that reached the base of the neck from afar and worse from the people below.

The higher seating like Athan and the rest had only seen their cloak from a tad bit of a top view.

Unbeknownst to them, she got too preoccupied with her thoughts that she couldn't think if these things she claimed hers to be would be given by someone else's.

Mark, who had his jaws dropped—as he couldn't believe what the man avowed without any tinge of hesitation; he started to look around, and the people began to feel the intimidation. They slowly murmured among themselves.

The mysterious man who was willing to spend so much, even among the higher aristocrats, who don't get to spend that much over a single item as luxury.

Although, the show must go on that the master of the ceremony had to snap out of his trance.

"150,000 gold coins! Ladies and gentlemen, any bidders?" He roamed his gaze at almost every single one of the audience. 

"Going once…."

"Going twice…."

"Going thrice…."

A hammer struck on the podium where Mark was at, declaring the words. "...This luggage is now sold. Congratulations! Now, the new owner must adhere to the post-requirement and inquiries…"

In Nathalie's mind, he wanted to ignore him just as much as she didn't enjoy his company, despite being the one who has brimmed with happiness. 

It wasn't her cup of tea at the moment.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, another item presented; this time, it was another vintage luggage, it was white with beige leather straps on it, with a familiar tag— super branded, and Nathalie was aware of it.

'This isn't good.' Subconsciously, Nathalie latched on to Keith beside her with a grip, seemingly trembling from what she witnessed. 'No way in hell this is happening—'

The pupils in her eyes dilated as she peered down, with people being mysterious for what it was then, and caught often glancing at their direction.

It was to the point that Keith noticed, as Mystique had never acted that much, even when things are against her.

"My Lady, are you alright?" he whispered, clearly with a concerned look.

But she remained silent as lips pressed so thin and fidgeted her seat.

Because she threw a bid so high that caused the audiences into awe, there seemed a benchmark.

With prestige and luxury came the money as the worth of the item, no matter how mysterious it can be...

That could only mean trouble for Nathalie.