Chapter 68 - Lady Marianne Isabelle

It only came into his mind about what awaited in the dungeon; it was shrouded that even it was beyond Athan's capabilities. Perhaps at this point.

He knew he had to get stronger.

Yet it only took him strong enough to force his way into this section of the castle, as it was one of the last places he had ventured in his previous life.

It had been decades past. Lights quenched its brilliance for a long time, revealing nothing but a cold abyss that numbed one's skin and blinded one's eyesight.

It was only rumored the dangers hidden within the darkness of its overtly glamorous, stark glass-like castle that stood atop the mountainous taiga and in the eternal snowstorms.

When he saw it in his two eyes, it was already too late as the conflict arose within his heart.

The dust piled up, with the bricks and glass that dulled through time.

One by one, Athan ordered to do a rigorous search and clean attempt to restore the heinous place into a memorable museum.

For all of his citizens to know how cruel history could be to get where they were then. It was only a matter of time they had to bear their fangs after being diplomatic for so long when the neighboring countries and empires went on and kept their aggressive stance.

Mystique remained vigilant, yet she took all of the hatred and burden of the future, all by herself.

Even if that meant painting herself as the devil in everyone's eyes.

He remembered lighting up that time and found numerous bones, of those that no longer were known with the people alive, witnessing the tragedy that disappeared —some were dented, cracked, and even pulverized akin to shattered glass fragments—coated with cobwebs and pests.

Chains, metal works, and other torture devices now enamored with rust, creaking with jarred sounds that came from the screeches of the dead.

The broken vials and vessels corroded and became one with the ground. Several books and other documentaries that were still able to be salvaged were restored for as much as he could.

All of these were kept hidden in the dark and underground.

A place where Mystique lurked in her free time.

It was the dungeon he knew back then.

However, what bore to Athan's sight at the moment was Nero, on a large trestle table, sprawled with such comfort with several ores that surrounded him. His only familiar had eyes closed, not bothered what happened to his surroundings.

Meanwhile, the prince took a survey of his surroundings. If it was maintained correctly and removed several dangerous tools and devices found from the place, it was no different from a royal study.

Nothing changed that much within the dungeon—it was spacious, even with the hanging chandeliers that burned so brightly it didn't grace the ceiling that much—several shelves with lounges found within the place. Even the carpet and compartments were arranged in a tidy manner.

But that didn't shock him the most when behind Nero was a silhouette he was deeply familiar.

'Why is she here?' Then, he squinted, trying not to get fooled by his eyes. 'This wasn't the case.'

She has yet to come back, but it wasn't the time and place he knew, and to think she came with the least he expected somehow blew his mind.

In between the jagged, crystalline wings found two aquamarine eyes—clear as the tropical waters—that bore into his soul. They blinked as if Athan was a ghost.

However, he remained cool as he knew who she was; he knew he had to take his chances with the kind of familiarity.

"You may come out, Lady Marianne."

Peeking through Nero's large frame were her bellowing curls of flax, almost draping to the chest line. A couple of steps to the side, and her hands clasped behind with her feet rocking back and forth.

She was like a timid child, or perhaps it was because of his royal presence that she became the meek lady that she was…

He believed the latter.

"It's been a while—"

"Your Highness!" Marianne interjected, dusting off her loose velvety tunic. The tunic was rather loose; even donning a flared robe still had her curves popped out and carved to perfection.

He wasn't disappointed with the genes that came from one of the founders of the Dysnomia Empire.

Every second that ticked made the atmosphere stifling, her eyes continued to gape—not caring to blink at all—as though she couldn't believe what she saw currently.

Before, she tried to prop her knees on the polished flooring, but she couldn't do so when Athan's voice echoed with a fierce tone, and his crimson eyes went aglow.

Using his power, she only trembled and stood upright in front of his presence; he peered down her legs and clenched fist that wobbled ever-so-slightly.

His mouth opened, and he strode close to her as he was curious how she lived so far, but she shut her eyes and shouted on top of her lungs.

"Please don't tell my brother about this!"

With the bloody scream, Athan found himself rooted in place, and Nero stopped his gobbles from the young maiden that now had a cautious gaze, treading back as if she was cornered and wanting to break free from his sight.

Unbeknownst to them, his thoughts ran wild how the future sequence changed fast—perhaps a tad faster and leaning to the extent of uncertainty.

It wasn't this worse the second time around compared to this.

He knew he had to make haste; for whatever reason, she was here; there was motivation and goal he could exploit.

"I won't say a word, and I swear in my name and my birthright," Athan avowed.

There was no way he could tell Matthew about it with such abrupt news, or else it would backfire and then made things more than complicated as it was then.

Despite it, her eyebrows arched and crossed her arms; she didn't want to believe even a single word.

Her delirious gaze pierced him even at such a distance.

But that didn't hurt him at all.

'She could throw whatever she wanted for me to hear, but now that the key ingredient came earlier than I expected seemed like divine providence.' Athan couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

For she would be the one to tame the 'Frost Wyrm' found in the northern territory.

"Perhaps you like it more here than in the Grand Duchy of Salvatore."