Chapter 450 It’s Time to Get May out of Prison

Lisa couldn't stay in constant touch with Vincent for the past several months because she had gone to Maldives with Robert and she needed to be discreet about things.

Although she had contacted Vincent a few times while she was away, she avoided called Vincent as possible as she could.

Vincent, too, had called her occasionally to tell Lisa about what had been happening to him. He didn't want to arouse other people's suspicions.

Despite her evil scheme, Lisa had the greatest time in her life during the past three months when she was in Maldives with Robert.

"Vincent, how are you doing? Are you feeling any pain right now?" Lisa herself had undergone plastic surgery, so she knew of the complications that might follow and could put one in so much pain. But as long as Vincent could get through this, he would soon be fine.

Lisa would never know why Adam hadn't gotten her a better hospital for her surgery. To save herself from all the worries, she had chosen a reputable one for Vincent, better than where she had her surgery done.

"No, I am feeling okay. My body didn't reject the surgery. But I'm worried about you. You don't look so good. What happened? Is there anything wrong?"

They didn't have much time to talk with each other except whenever she went out to buy groceries alone during her vacation, so she was pretty anxious.

"I'm all right. Vincent, I have to ask you for a favor. Did you know that Adam made me use drugs? I have to quit my drug addiction, or else I couldn't be able to bear his child..."

Lisa was referring to Robert, of course. She wanted to have his child so badly, yet she dared not to do so, for she was still battling her drug addiction. Although, she had been trying very hard to fight it. Now, she was forcing herself to only have four doses each week, but it had been more than difficult for her.

The child she would bore would definitely develop diseases and abnormalities if she got pregnant under such a poor condition. If that were to happen, she would literally be thrown into a pit of darkness and guilt. That was not what she had


Lisa had only heard about the news that the real Linda was back, but she never had the opportunity to confirm it with her own eyes. After all, she had personally seen the moment when the real Linda was kidnapped. Since then, she had pretended to be Linda. But now, she was actually shocked that the real Linda had survived the abduction. It was truly a miracle in Lisa's eyes, for she had thought that the chance of survival for Linda was literally none.

Yes, it was indeed a miracle that Linda had returned safe and sound. But she wondered why Linda hadn't taken any action against her, yet. Maybe Linda didn't know that Lisa had stolen her identity?

Lisa considered herself very lucky. Linda didn't like Robert, so she wouldn't contact him. Robert had always thought that Lisa was the real Linda the whole time, so he was doing everything to make her happy without paying attention to the outside world. Plus, he had been dragged by Lisa to Maldives, and they had stayed there for the past three months. While abroad, it was difficult for him to keep up with what was going on in China.

"Vincent, if you could get rid of Linda, please do so, or else…" Lisa said after reflecting for a while.

"I will, " answered Vincent.

"I have another favor to ask. Our mother has been in prison for the past six months. I am worried about her. Can you find a way to get her out of there?"