Qin Mu had a simple meal with Gongsun Zhi, and they went straight to the harbor city.

Along the way, Gongsun Zhi held the seat belt tightly with both hands, and the whole person looked terrified.

She drove the navigation and looked carefully at the route for fear that Qin Mu would take her somewhere.

Qin Mu saw her careful thinking, but he was too lazy to expose it. With the music on, neither of them spoke.

When the car arrived at the harbor city, Gongsun Zhi, who was still worried about all kinds, was relieved.

Qin Mu still drove to the place where he had stopped with Tang Qianyue.

As soon as she got off the bus, Gongsun Zhi said in a low voice, "team leader, it's no use just bringing me here. We can't do anything without measuring colleagues."

If they want to do planning and design, they need field measurement data.

Although they also got a piece of data before, the data is not detailed and can only be used as a general reference.

"You don't need to do anything. Just walk around." Qin Mu waved his hand and said.

He brought Gongsun Zhi here today. He just took her out for a walk. He didn't need her to do anything.

"Ah?" Gongsun Zhi wondered.

Didn't you bring her out to work?

Qin Mu smiled at her without saying anything. He took out his hand and slapped the ground in front of the surrounding environment.

Qin Mu's bold and unconstrained practice made Gongsun Zhi a little confused.

What's this? Real map?

Is there such an operation in the field investigation?

Although Qin Mu's actions seem to be taking random photos, in fact, his photos are with regularity and intention.

Qin Mu uploaded the photos to a website. There was nothing on the website, so he only wrote a few simple letters "DWA".

Seeing that Qin Mu was busy, Gongsun Zhi didn't dare to disturb him although she had some doubts. She had to walk around by herself.

While they were checking, two black cars came not far away, bringing up the dust all over the sand.

Qin Mu just looked up at the direction of the two cars, and then continued his work.

However, when Gongsun Zhi saw the two cars, her face suddenly changed.

She looked around nervously, like a helpless animal in danger, trying to find a nest to hide.

However, when the two cars drove closer and closer, she found that she was nervous and couldn't even step.

The two cars stopped not far from Qin Mu's side. Four tall men in black suits looked like bodyguards.

Qin Mu finally realized the problem and looked up at the people.

The men walked straight towards Gongsun Zhi, and Gongsun Zhi's whole face became extremely ugly, and even her body could not control it and began to tremble.

"What's the matter?" Qin Mu went to Gongsun Zhi and asked.

Gongsun Zhi reacted and hurriedly hid behind Qin Mu.

"Miss, please come back with us," said one of the bodyguards.

"I... I'm working now. Leave now. Don't disturb my work." Gongsun Zhi said with anger on her sweet face.

Qin Mu picked his eyebrows lightly and turned his head to look at Gongsun Zhi.

Is it difficult? Is Gongsun Zhi still a rich second generation?

"Sir, this is 20000 yuan. Please dismiss my lady immediately." the bodyguard took a wad of money from another person behind him and said proudly to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu raised his mouth and looked at several bodyguards in front of him with great interest.

"What exactly do you want to do? I just want to try self-reliance. Why do you stop me everywhere?" Gongsun Zhi was completely angry.

Because of these people, all the companies she used to apply for dared not hire her.

In order to avoid these people, she has come to Haicheng from Jiangbei. She has been in peace for more than a month. Unexpectedly, she was found by these people again.

"Miss, it's dangerous outside. It's better to go home with us." the bodyguard said expressionless.

"I say you people, Xiao Zhi just wants to rely on her own self-reliance, and you have to take care of it?" Qin Mu stood in front of Gong Sun Zhi with a meddlesome expression.

"Team leader." Gongsun Zhi was moved when he heard Qin Mu speak for himself.

In the past, people in those companies were like seeing the plague, hiding away from her, and no one dared to stand up and speak for her.

"Team leader? So, you are not my miss's employer." hearing Gongsun Zhi call Qin Mu the team leader, the bodyguard's face was filled with ridicule.

"In that case, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise you will pay for your current behavior," another bodyguard said coldly and threatened.

"Team leader, I, I'd better go with them." Gongsun Zhi immediately became nervous when she heard the bodyguard's threat.

"Don't worry, it's all right." Qin Mu shook his head at her.

"I'm really not Xiaozhi's employer, but I'm her team leader. Since I'm her team leader, I have to be responsible for her safety. If you want to take Xiaozhi away, you can report to your home first and let me see if you have this condition to take her away."

Qin Mu looked up and down at the men who looked like bodyguards with an indifferent smile on his face.

"We are the bodyguards invited by Gongsun's family. Do you think we can take her away?" one of the bodyguards looked at Qin Mu like a fool.

Gongsun Zhi lowered her head with a lonely look in her eyes.

"Bodyguard?" Qin Mu sneered.

"I think you are kidnappers."

"What are you talking about?" Qin Mu said angrily.

"Wear sunglasses and a suit and say you're a bodyguard? Please don't discredit the bodyguard industry." Qin Mu jokingly shook his head.

From the behavior of these people just now, they are completely laymen. They are not like professionally trained bodyguards.

Qin Mu wondered. If Gongsun Zhi was really a rich second generation, how could he ask such a person to be a bodyguard.

"Besides, the main responsibility of bodyguards is to protect the safety of employers. It's the first time I've seen bodyguards restrict the behavior of employers. If it's to restrict the behavior of employers for safety, it's better to buy a single room in prison. It's more reliable and the cost is the lowest than your protection."

"Boy, you'd better control your mouth. Ba, don't talk indiscriminately, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." one of the bodyguards clenched his teeth and said angrily after hearing Qin Mu's sarcasm.

"Well, tell me. How are you going to be rude to me?"