The ancient world, geographically speaking, does not belong to the human world, nor does it belong to the celestial world, and some of it borders on the underworld.

It is the remnant of the old spirit world after it was divided.

Before the canonization, the three realms were not separated. In the eyes of ordinary people, there has always been a concept of "overseas". When it comes to immortals, they like to say that immortals have not returned from overseas.

Overseas is actually the spirit world.

In the spiritual world, there are many strange things and miracles. It is the place that the practitioners yearn for.

After the seal of God, the three realms were separated. The heaven, the human and the underworld were like a cake with a round center. They were cut into three pieces with a knife. Although they were still attached to each other, there were thick boundary walls that were hard to cross.

It was at that time that the spirit world was divided and acted as a buffer and adhesive for the three worlds.

Therefore, it is difficult to say which plane the ancient world belongs to, but there is no doubt that if there is a war between heaven, earth, gods, men and demons, the ancient world will become a battlefield.

Now, Luo Yu has won the human world, and the upper world is still in the hands of heaven and Western gods. The underworld is controlled by those underworld masters and evil gods. If he wants to further act, the ancient world will have to be conquered.

On the fourth day after cleaning up the human world, Luo Yu led all the people in Taichu fairy pavilion to the ancient world.

Luo Yu built more than hundreds of Shenzhou and Xianzhou in advance.

On the day of the expedition, these immortal boats, carrying all the people of Taichu fairy Pavilion, came to the entrance of the two boundary passages on the sea.

With the imbalance of the order of the three realms, the ancient world and the human world attracted each other under the traction of each other's law force, and the two originally fragile boundary walls instantly resolved.

Now, the sea sky line, like the luminous screen of Watergate, is the entrance.

Zixuan and mengliuli look at the passage in front of them with a complicated look.

After many years, they finally have to go back.


With a clear cry, on the sea, a large number of sea officers and soldiers came out. The king of the whale, the king of the tortoise and other sea leaders put up their respective flags one after another.

At the end of the story, it is longluo.

After many years, longluo is still pretty girl like, a gorgeous Dragon Robe, long blue hair shawl, ethereal and beautiful, but also dignified and domineering.

"Brother, I miss you so much."

Seeing Luo Yu, the girl puts down the burden of the Dragon Emperor and rushes over happily, holding Luo Yu and sucking her nose.

Luo Yu left the world for 20 years. Similarly, she and Luo Yu were separated for 20 years.

Over the years, although the threat of Atlantis has weakened, the longgonghai people are still in trouble.

The Dragon King of the four seas has never been a thief, and he has made trouble many times. Several old evil dragons are even more covetous.

The heaven in the upper world secretly sent many immortals to make trouble and even assassinate the Dragon Emperor.

Fortunately, with the fortifications left by Luo Yu, especially the star bow and Shenyu arrow, she succeeded in deterring all the enemies.

This time, Luo Yu decided to go to the ancient world and wrote a letter to her. Without thinking about it, she called on all the masters of longgonghai clan to gather and join Luo Yu.

"Brother Luo, you are the three world feather saint. I wonder if I can call you brother Luo now."

The third prince stepped on the water wave, with a complicated and sad look.

Although he had already guessed that Luo Yu's identity was extraordinary, he didn't expect that Luo Yu was the master of the three worlds.

Not only the three princes, the king of the dragon, the king of the whale, but also those who are strong in the Dragon Palace, look at Luo Yu with awe.

This battle is the call of Yusheng. They have no pressure to respond, even if they are enemies of Tianting.

"I don't care about that." Luo Yu patted the third prince on the shoulder, then looked around and said strangely, "where's the boy in Kun dome?"

When his identity is made public, the most exciting thing is Kunpeng's son.

Xiaokunpeng is the grandson of jiutianxianfeng. According to his generation, he is also called Yusheng Yisheng.

Unfortunately, this time, Luo Yu did not see Xiao Kunpeng.

The third prince explained: "a few years ago, something happened to the Kunpeng family in the upper world. Master kundome was called back by the old Kunpeng."

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Yu frowned.

Kunpeng is a powerful creature of the Taigu heavenly family. Few people dare to offend him in the upper world. With the support of Xiaofeng and her reputation as a feather saint, the forces that dare to attack the Kunpeng family are few and far between.

When this happens, Luo Yu can't help worrying about Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng's recent success in preaching the truth has made her the supreme one in the three realms of heaven, which certainly makes those old people behind the scenes suspicious. In addition to her relationship with Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng's situation in the upper realms is not friendly.

Recently, her identity has been known to all three circles, but there is no movement in Xiaofeng's life. Most of it is something wrong.

However, Luo Yu has no way to solve these problems.

At present, he must lead us to fight against the ancient world step by step.

The influence of Tianting is deep-rooted and far stronger than that of Taichu Xiange. If it is not conducive to the isolation of the Three Kingdoms, Tianting will not be able to lay a solid foundation in the gap of large-scale troops for the time being, and it will be difficult to be a direct enemy of Tianting. In short, one wrong step will be doomed.

Luo Yu takes back his mind, stares at the light gate in front of him like a torch, and calmly gives the order: "go to the ancient world!"

Immediately, hundreds of God boats, carrying all the people and horses, passed through the gate of light and entered the ancient world.

After entering the ancient world, Shenzhou was still floating in the vast ocean.

From high altitude, in the distant sea, there is an island shrouded in the atmosphere of flood and desolation.

That island is the wild island where Luoyu, Zixuan and mengliuli met.

At that time, the three sword gods hid their names on the road. They put the sword lady under house arrest. Chiyou's heart of the devil God was also hidden in the center of the island.

And four monsters.

Now, the traces of the three sword gods have long disappeared, and Chiyou's heart of the demon God has also disappeared. There are only four monster kings, who are still lonely on that island.

Zixuan and mengliuli look at the island with ups and downs.

Then, the fairy boat roared in the clouds and headed for the mainland of China.

Along the way, Zixuan seems to have something on her mind.

Mengliuli came over, supported her fragrant shoulder, and said in a soft voice, "those who should come will always come. Since we have decided to support him without hesitation, we should not have any reservation."

As far as she knows, to this day, there is still no new leader in Jiuxian palace.

This immortal gate must still miss Zixuan. If Zixuan goes back, she will be able to persuade some of the strong members to join the army of Taichu immortal Pavilion.

Zixuan bit her red lip and nodded: "tell him, I'll come."

"Well, you go and come back quickly." Dream glass smile.

Then Zixuan turned into a rainbow and went to Penglai Island.

Luo Yu saw this scene and didn't stop it.

About an hour later, Zixuan went and returned. She didn't bring any elder or sect leader to Jiuxian palace. She only brought a young man with her, and her face was very ugly.

At first sight, something happened.