"How could that be? What have you done to the emperor?"

Looking at his leaking and collapsed body, Wang Miao was shocked and hard to accept.

He became a huge body at the celestial level, which is quite different from the way that other powerful people use mana to blow up, or use Dharma to bless.

Although the latter two can also form a strong combat effectiveness, they are both virtual in nature.

And the expansion of his body is very real.

Because he has just devoured Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and other giant celestial bodies, the material after the destruction of these celestial bodies filled his divine body.

But now, that energy is leaving him, completely out of control.

"You must not have learned the highest meaning of the nirvana heavenly power. The ultimate means of the nirvana is not to devour things into energy, but to directly refine what you devour into a new law!"

Luo Yu sneers coldly and breaks the mystery.

The so-called law is the supreme principle of all things in the universe.

Modern scientists call it the laws of physics.

Immortals regard it as Tao.

Obviously, the immortal's understanding of the law is far beyond the civilization of ordinary people.

If you think about it, the immortal has been exploring the Tao for hundreds of thousands of years at least. This does not include the chaotic immortals like Luo Yu, which existed before the beginning of chaos.

The civilization of mortals is less than ten thousand years, and the study of the laws of the universe has made considerable achievements only in modern times.

The two are not in the same breath.

Among the innumerable laws, the so-called way of extinction is a process of annihilation.

Extinction is everywhere in the universe, which is the result of the operation of all things.

Therefore, at the beginning of that year, the fairy saw the stars fall and all things die out. Then he realized the way of extinction, and wrote a book about the heavenly power of extinction.

After the break, Tianting demoted Qijue Nu as a demon girl, and regarded it as a taboo evil skill. But in fact, even the elders behind Tianting wanted it very much.

However, it never occurred to me that a double pupil of the Wang family got a bargain in the end.

"Do you mean that the method you are using now is the most holy one she refused to pass on to me?"

Wang Miao suddenly realized something, full of anger and frustration.

At that time, Xiang Xue's incarnation in the Wang family taught him the nirvana skill, but not without reservation.

The nirvana heavenly power can be divided into three parts, namely, the chapter of the common way, the chapter of the immortal way and the chapter of the most holy.

Xiang Xue gave Wang Miao the chapters of Taoism and immortality, but the most holy one was not taught.

Thinking of these things, Wang Miao is full of resentment against Qiao Xiangxue, and even feels no guilt for what he did before. He thinks that Xiangxue didn't treat him sincerely and cheated him, which led to the complete break between them.

"A person like you, who is merciless and righteous, will not be able to achieve anything even if she gives you the most holy chapter."

Luo Yu naturally understands what the other party is thinking and can't help sniffing.

In Luo Yu's opinion, Xiangxue must have had some worries when she didn't give Wang Miao the holy chapter.

On Kunlun Mountain, Qiao Xiangxue has bright eyes. She searches in her past memory and slowly understands why she did it.

At that time, she was out of kindness.

In her eyes, Nirvana is too domineering, especially in the most holy chapter, which has the terrifying potential to make all things disappear and return to dust.

It's easy to lose one's mind in this kind of skill. She didn't want to teach it because she wanted to protect Wang Miao.

Of course, Wang Miao will never understand these good intentions, and now, she does not need the understanding of this white eyed wolf.

In the starry sky, Luo Yu didn't stop his hand when he was talking.

He turned his hands to make a seal. The substances leaked from Wang Miao's body quickly gathered and collapsed into a black spot.

This black spot has a terrible suction, and the matter within tens of thousands of kilometers radius, whether it is interstellar dust or accidentally passing comets, has been forcibly absorbed in the past.

It is very much like a super astronomical phenomenon that modern science is painstakingly studying.

Black hole!

As we all know, black hole is the most dense object in the universe, even light can not escape its gravity.

Everything that enters a certain boundary of a black hole will eventually be swallowed.

But scientists' understanding of black holes seems to be limited to this, because scientists have no means to explore the interior of black holes.

However, in the eyes of the immortal, this is the ultimate truth of the annihilation of all things.

In the black hole, all the physical laws are invalid, and the laws are in the state of emptiness.

The most holy chapter of nirvana is about how to use the mystery of emptiness to compose new rules with immortal's self will.

This kind of law can be new.

It can also be destruction!

At this time, Luo Yu naturally chose the latter.

After the formation of that tiny black hole, Wang Miao was beaten back to his original shape and fled for the first time for fear of being withdrawn into the black hole's death zone.

In principle, even if the four planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune die out and turn into a black hole, the size of the black hole will not be much bigger than a ping-pong ball, and the forbidden area of death created by it will not affect too much. A great emperor like Wang Miao can easily get rid of its gravity by flying away.

However, this is not the case.

Wang Miao broke the void and moved millions of kilometers in an instant.

But he noticed that the strong suction, not only did not weaken, but also became stronger.

He turned his head and saw that the pupils of his eyes shrank.

Because, that small black hole, unexpectedly caught up with him, closer and closer to him.

He broke the void again, and it still didn't help.

A small black hole is like a ghost. It follows wherever it goes. It is not limited by space, and the distance between the two is rapidly getting closer.

"I'm afraid of your evil ways and demons

Wang Miao is furious, regardless of the cost, burning the blood of the great emperor in his body, trying to destroy this small black hole by fully running his own imperial formula.

However, he found that the powers of the two are of the same origin, and the divine power released by Xingwu Tianjue can not threaten the small black hole.

What's more, the latter seems to be more abstruse, completely controlling the initiative.

At this point, Wang Miao has to admit the cruel fact that the dijue created by her painstaking efforts is not as good as that woman's jimie Tiangong. Moreover, from the beginning to the end, Xingwu Tianjue has not gone out of the shadow of jimie Tiangong.

Kunlun fairy mountain, many immortals, demon king, also understand this scene.

"It turns out that the great emperor's formula is not his own skill."

If Nandou Xianweng has something to think about.

"It seems that I met the initiator today and was completely suppressed." Fairy Yinfeng is very impolite.

But in fact, at this time, Wang Miao's subordinates, also unable to refute, looked disappointed.

Their faith is collapsing at this moment.

Wang Miao is really a heartless liar.