Seventy two giants of light are like the surging legions under the command of the God King.

This scene is just like a repeat of the war between gods and demons!

"Such a terrible attack, even God can't carry it!"

If she is on the court, she can Parry two or three giants at most.

"Even Luo Xianyu is going to the limit!"

Eight armed arhat concluded.

They, who have already been out of the game, all believe that today's World War I is a close call.

No matter how demonic Luo Xianyu is, he can't resist the afterglow of the battle field of gods and demons in the past. Although he can barely resist this wave, it should be noted that giants are immortal in the sea.

The next second, everyone heard the terrible movement in the sky.

They looked up and suddenly saw that countless firestars had fallen from the sky.

Every fireball is huge and amazing.

This spectacular scene, like stars falling down all over the sky.

"What happened?"

"Are the gods coming to the world?"

"In my opinion, I'm afraid the gods are going to destroy the world. Why don't they wash the world again?"

The people on the cruise ship were terrified, and the observatories and monitoring stations all over the world were in chaos.

Because, it looks like a sign of extinction!

"Mr. President, please don't panic. Our satellites and radars have not detected the threat of asteroid impact. Those meteorites are not from outer space. They look more like human forces!"

In North America's Air Defense Department, the general called the president for the first time to appease the president's staff who had evacuated to the bunker.

"Are you kidding, man-made power, how can it be so terrible!"

Inside the bunker, the president looked at the picture taken by the UAV on the big screen, still in shock.

In the eyes of the president, this is more like the spectacle of thousands of nuclear missiles launched together in Hollywood blockbusters.

The difference is that missiles are launched from land silos or submarine in the sea, and these terrible meteorites come from unknown space.

Soon, many observatories used large-diameter telescopes to focus on the end of the meteorite trail, and finally figured out what happened.

If you look closely, those meteorites do not come from outer space, but from the sky, countless empty black hole windows.

"Is that Luo Xianyu's means?"

Many world-class bigwigs were shocked to speculate at the same time.

At the scene of the Coral Sea totem war, many strong spectators have realized this.

"Does it mean that Luo Xianyu knows that he can't completely eliminate those giants in the Ocean battlefield, so he summons the unknown power of extraterrestrial space?"

It's unbelievable.

Meteors are falling faster and faster.

And seventy two giants also killed Luo Yu at the same time.

Sea King Porter feels the movement in the sky, but at this time, the enemy is close at hand, and the negative hand is standing there, motionless, his victory is in sight.

"No matter what tricks you have, the victory already belongs to me!"

The sea king's eyes were blazing, and with 72 giants, he waved his weapons and gave full play to his divine power. He stormed at Luo Yu.

"You can't beat me!"

Luo Yu's expression was indifferent. At the moment when the giant attacked, he also accelerated the meteorite falling in the sky, and concentrated on colliding within a radius of one kilometer with himself as the center.

Boom! Boom!!!!!!

In a flash, like the great collision between heaven and earth, we can't tell the difference between the giant's divine power and the meteorite's impact, so we have the power to gather together and burst out.

Its energy explosion was captured by all spy satellites in outer space at the same time.

A bird's-eye view from space shows that the relevant sea area is like a large-scale asteroid impact on the earth.

The energy released in a few seconds has surpassed that of the largest hydrogen bomb so far.

People all over the world who are watching the live broadcast in front of the screen are stunned.

On the streets of New York, in front of times square, pedestrians look at the big screen of the shopping mall and stop one after another.

Paris, under the Eiffel Tower, a noble century wedding is being held, all the guests stopped talking, the priest holding the Bible, stupefied, drew a cross in front of his chest: "I buy cakes! God bless me

Coastal cities around the Pacific have sounded air defense alarms.

Relevant countries issued high-energy tsunami warning for the first time!

Time seems to stop at this moment.

Everyone was in a panic.

According to the textbook, the dinosaurs that dominated the earth at that time may be extinct in an asteroid impact in outer space.

So people can't help thinking, is this another reincarnation?

There's panic all over the world.

Fortunately, a few minutes later, the alarm went off.

Spy satellite through image and data analysis, draw a gratifying conclusion, the Coral Sea explosion, its energy is concentrated in a very narrow range, and will not cause a fatal threat to the survival of all mankind, coastal cities, will not be submerged by the tsunami.


People all over the world cheered and hugged and kissed each other.

However, none of those in power can laugh.

Because it just proves that it is not a natural disaster, but a man-made one.

On this planet, some people already have the power to destroy heaven and earth.

From now on, perhaps, the whole blue star will face such a threat all the time, and it will be destroyed one day.

And in the coral sea battlefield, with the melting of the temple battlefield border, all of them were in a cold sweat.

Some tourists pissed their pants on the spot. When they saw the flash, they thought they would be vaporized.

Fortunately, the big bang not only did not threaten the survival of mankind, but also did not form a fatal blow to the cruise ships outside the battlefield.

The strong with sharp eyes noticed that it was not their luck, but that at the moment of energy explosion, someone opened a large number of void windows and transferred most of the energy to other time and space.

Who on earth did this?

Sea king?


The power of the temple?

A moment later, when it's all over, the answer comes out.

We were shocked to find that the 72 giants formed by sea water had disappeared.

Even the sea surface of the original battlefield has become a dry and even charred small land.

A tall and burly man, back lying there motionless.

On his right hand is a trident broken in two.

And not far from it, there was also a man.

The difference is that the man is still standing there firmly, his back is misty, and it is trance.

In a flash, on the outskirts of the battlefield, thousands of cruise ships were dead.

The whole world is quiet!

It's over.

Totem war, the first battle of Lords, over.

It's time to win!

The sea king was defeated.

Luo Xianyu is still writing the myth of his invincibility