"Brother, they found you!"

Longluo grabs Luoyu's clothes nervously. This is the territory of Haizu, surrounded by Haizu, and she is also a dragon. There is only one human here, that is Luoyu.

"Don't be nervous, they're not talking about me."

Luo Yu is calm and not flustered.

Sure enough, the sea monsters, turtle and crab nine, did not cast their questioning eyes at Luo Yu, but looked at the door.

After a while, there are several figures, swaggering came in.

The leader is a man in black.

This man has a crooked nose, sunken eyes, a strange flame mark on his forehead, and exudes evil Qi all over his body.

At his side, followed by a group of armed generals in armor, fighting and holding halberds.

Judging from the appearance of these people, they should be ancient figures.

However, in the black man's side, the most prominent, or the group of friars men and women.

Luo Yu recognized each other at a glance. Those guys were Kunlun and Emei disciples he met when he visited the Lin family last time. Among them, the man in the blue shirt was Qingyun, and the woman in the white long sleeve skirt was Lengyue.

Last time, Qingyun and Lengyue, together with a group of disciples, broke into the Lin family and became tyrannical. After meeting Luo Yu, they broke up unhappily.

Later, Luo Yu wiped out Kunlun and Emei, but the group of people who went out to work didn't bow to Luo Yu. Instead, they suddenly evaporated from the world and heard nothing from him.

Later, Luo Yu learned from the immortal Wuchen that after Luo Yu had mastered the lifeblood of Kunlun and Emei, not everyone was sincere and obedient.

Many of the disciples left behind and set up new Kunlun and Emei sects.

In short, he wanted to revolt and recapture the two immortal mountains.

But Luo Yu didn't pay attention to it.

In his eyes, these clowns, can't become the climate, at most behind some small action.

After Qingyun and Lengyue came in, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became tense.

"Why are humans here?"

All the Hai people on the scene stared at the uninvited guests with suspicious, eccentric and even hostile eyes.

It's not hard to understand.

Just like the demons are hostile to human beings, human beings are fishing for fish and shrimp on the sea every day. In modern times, they are crazy about marine resources. The animosity of the sea people to human beings is no longer a day or two.

Many mysterious accidents happened on the sea, such as the sinking of a ship and the disappearance of a plane, and then there was no trace. Many scientists speculated that the missing ship and plane had entered the waters of the devil's Delta and encountered the chaos of time and space. In fact, it was not so complicated. It was just an act of revenge on human beings by the sea people hidden in the deep sea.

"Dear guests, the shop is full today. It's not convenient to receive you. Please go to another shop."

The shopkeeper of this wine shop, a funny looking seal spirit, rushed out to see off the guests. He was afraid that the arrival of this group of human beings would arouse the antipathy of the wine drinkers of Zhonghai nationality in the wine shop, and they would collide and smash their own shop.

As soon as he spoke, there was a shout at the door.

"Presumptuous, young master you is a distinguished guest of his Highness the third prince. How dare you be rude?"

With the sound of reprimand, a conch general rushed in with two groups of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"General Luo, listen to Lao Jiu's explanation. Lao Jiu didn't know that these human beings were the guests of his Highness the third prince in advance. Otherwise, give me a hundred courage and I won't dare to drive them out."

The seal master was scared and explained in a hurry.

And the sea nationality wine guest around, is also the facial expression a change, quickly took back the hostile look in the eyes.

Sitting behind the table, Mr. GUI narrowed his eyes and whispered with a smile: "it seems that the arrival of the great age has become irresistible. Even the forces on the land have begun to contact with the powerful Haizu."

He refers to the powerful people who control the Dragon Palace.

Among them, AOPi, the third eldest son, is a great figure.

This sea moon city is the territory of the third prince.

Moreover, because it is close to the fortress that confronts the Hai people in the western border, the strategic position is particularly important. Therefore, the third prince has a lot of weight in Sihai Dragon King.

"Ha ha, today's Hai people still don't change their bad habits of being hostile to human beings."

"I think they are totally stuck thousands of years ago, without any progress at all."

"Yeah, it's so out of date."

Around Lengyue and Qingyun, the disciples of Emei in Kunlun are very proud to see that a group of Hai people are submissive.

"The times will change. In the near future, the upper world will have to keep in frequent contact with the lower world. Self isolation can only be eliminated and the initiative will be launched to achieve great success."

Qingyun stroked his hair and laughed.

"In the past, the two masters were too conservative to follow Luo Xianyu's path. If they had listened to our ancestors' suggestions and established an alliance with various forces, they would not have let a scattered Luo Xianyu ride on their heads."

Leng Yue snorts. She is burying two fallen Zhangjiao, yuxuzi and Suxin.

In fact, for a long time, Kunlun and Emei have been divided into conservative and radical groups.

The Conservatives advocated keeping the duty of a monk, cutting off the world and not getting involved in the struggle of the secular world.

The radical advocates to expand the influence of Xianmen in the secular world, so that the control of Xianmen can spread all over the world and benefit from it.

The last time I extradited a group of worldly figures to seek immortality on the mountain, it was actually a farce of compromise between the Conservatives and the radicals.

However, the radical party was not satisfied with this, and later because of Luo Yu's involvement, the plan went bankrupt.

After Luo Yu came to power in Kunlun and Emei, the radical disciples split from the school with the slogan of defending the school to the death.

Now, people like Qingyun and Lengyue feel that their original choice is very wise.

Because they feel that they can be masters wherever they go now, and they have a full sense of existence, which is much more comfortable than living in the feather seat of Luoxian.

You son swept two people one eye, although don't say what on the mouth, the eye deep place, but flash a silk disdain.

These exiles of Kunlun Emei think that they are very important, but they are just chess pieces in the eyes of the national master and the great prince. They are valuable at present, so they attach great importance to them. When they are used up, if they don't know how to restrain, they can be thrown away like a piece of waste paper at any time, or even uprooted!

Luo Yu sat there, looking at all this coldly.

"Brother, it seems to be our enemy." Long Luo gathered to Luo Yu's ear and said something in a low voice.

"Well, I see it. Don't worry about it. Let's see what they want to do." Luo Yu nodded gently.

This young master you should be the old part of xiaomengmeng, a member of the national teacher.

Young master you and a group of Kunlun Emei pantaomen came to the bottom of the sea to get in touch with the Dragon Palace. It's definitely not for sightseeing.

Luo Yu decided to respond to changes with constancy.