"Who is this fisherman?"

"It seems to be more respected by huangquan than the six great offerings!"

"Didn't you hear that? This man is the master of huangquan."

The old fisherman's appearance surprised the tea house owners.

The four ghosts died miserably, and the six worshippers were hard to defeat Luo Xianyu. Originally, everyone thought that if the Ming Temple wanted to fight again, it would either attack with all its strength, attack the few with all its strength, and kill Luo Xianyu with countless strong men, or it would only invite the legendary Ming emperor to fight in person.

But we didn't expect that in addition to the God of the underworld, there was an extremely terrible existence on top of the six offerings.

"Master Zeng, do you know this man?"

The bigwigs looked at Mr. Zeng one after another, wanting to know his background.

"I can't see it for the moment, but it's very similar to the one in the legend."

This time, even the well-informed Mr. Zeng, whose eyes and ears are all over the world, hesitated.

On the street, the gray eyes of the corpse chaser under the hat swept all the people present.

"As a God, the man of great fortune disobeyed heaven and was expelled from the kingdom of God. It's a pity, three ladies. What a pity!" When he saw the three Yunxiao sisters, he made such a exclamation.

The faces of the three Yunxiao sisters changed slightly.

Others recognize them as the three Xiao in the era of Fengshen, which is all speculation, but this person, who is so determined, seems to know all the secrets of heaven.

Luo Yu has already seen the origin of the other party.

This is a corpse chaser. He has practiced the way of the dead. He can talk to the dead, control the dead, and even travel between yin and Yang.

And the other side is also looking at Luo Yu calmly.

"I have been going back and forth between yin and Yang for hundreds of years. Through the spirit of tens of millions of dead people, I almost know all the secrets of this world, but I can't see where you come from! How strange

As soon as the corpse driver opened his mouth, he let everyone breathe cold.

what? This man can travel between yin and Yang.

What's more, he learned all the secrets of the world from the mouths of the dead through the spirit?

It's creepy, it's terrible!

"I know who he is."

Mr. Zeng's face changed suddenly at this moment.

Mr. Zeng showed deep awe in his eyes, and pondered to the elders here:

"This person should be the only living dead person in the world who can move freely. He is known as the" Yin Yang ferry "corpse chaser."

"Corpse chaser!"

Hearing this taboo, some senior people here are all horrified.

"It is said that the existence of the corpse chaser is a strange number in the world. The corpse chaser can freely travel between yin and Yang, control the dead and communicate with the dead. Therefore, the corpse chaser knows almost any secret in the world, including those unsolved cases that are permanently sealed because the insiders keep their mouths shut and would rather die than talk about them."

Although white jade scholar is not very old, he knows a lot about it. His face is dignified and tells this.

This kind of thing sounds very strange, strange and terrible!

You know, in order to keep a secret, some people would rather die than tell the truth.

Therefore, some secrets have become permanent cases.

But there is an existence in the world that can bring back the truth of the dead from the road of the yellow spring.

This man is the corpse chaser.

Because it is said that the corpse chaser is proficient in a "spirit reading skill". As long as you let him touch the corpse, all the secrets before his life will come to the mind of the corpse chaser.

"I heard from my ancestors that he was the only strange man in the world who didn't dare to offend, wanted to kill and couldn't kill in the time when corpse chasers were active."

Water easy cloud is sucking the silk cool air, sighs a way.

"I'm ashamed to say that I'm adored by you, and I'm regarded as a folk Bai Xiaosheng by you. But in fact, many of my secrets were bought by my ancestors from the corpse chaser in those years."

Master Zeng admitted one thing in public, and the implication is that compared with the corpse chaser, his "baixiaosheng" is just a vain name. The corpse chaser is really omniscient and omniscient in this world.

At the same time, master Zeng also communicated with the elders about the secret deeds of the corpse chasers.

In the age of undeveloped information, many big families had dealt with corpse chasers and loved and hated them.

Those big families will invite the corpse chaser to find out the truth if there is a pending case at home.

But at the same time, some secrets they don't want to be known by the world will also be revealed to their enemies by the corpse chaser.

So for a long time, many people did not dare to bury the dead, but tried their best to hide the body where no one could find it, or cremate it.

But it doesn't seem to work.

No matter how secret the dead are buried, they can be found as long as they want, because they are said to have a terrible sense of smell for the dead.

Moreover, even if cremated to ashes, as long as the corpse chaser finds the ashes, he can also be psychic. Even when the corpse chaser walks in the wilderness, he can see all the secrets buried in the heart of the deceased in the soil under his feet.

"This kind of psychic skill is really terrible, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with chasing the corpse, does it?"

Bao Dahai couldn't help interrupting and asked a lot of people's doubts.

"That's the second gift of the corpse chaser."

Mr. Zeng Congzhong said:

"According to legend, the corpse chaser has the body of the living dead. He can walk on both sides of life and death, yin and Yang."

"The corpse chasers are not like those who practice in seclusion, hiding behind closed doors. As long as they have time, they will shuttle between yin and Yang, take some souls who can't find their way back, or who are lost for various reasons, and send them to the Yin Cao. Therefore, the Yin world relies on him and gives him many skills, and even allows the corpse chasers to read the book of life and death, Look at a person's past and present life in the mirror of past life, and go to pick up treasure in the huangquan River under the Naihe bridge. "

After hearing these words, the big guys were speechless at last.

According to master Zeng and his insiders, this corpse chaser can communicate with the dead, know all the secrets of the world, deal with Yin and Ming, and have insight into other people's past and present lives.

So, no matter what you are, he can see your origin at a glance.

However, such a powerful corpse chaser has now encountered a difficult problem.

The corpse chaser claimed that he could not see the origin of Luo Xianyu, which could not help but cast a more mysterious color on the background of Luo Xianyu.

However, the next sentence of the corpse chaser is full of banter on Luo Yu.

"You are not in the six samsara of nearly five hundred years. You must have been a powerful saint. Unfortunately, you have degenerated into an earthly immortal. And I'm afraid you can't escape tonight. Have you ever regretted your willfulness?"