Yan Ruyu these people are sent to the ground by Luo Yu, those everybody Lord, surrounded in succession come up.

"Mr. water, what happened during your trip?"

"Why are you with Luo Xianyu?"

"And what happened to those immortal masters in Kunlun and Emei?"

There are too many questions in everyone's mind.

Shuiyiyun sighed and sold the pass: "it's hard to say a word. I can't disclose it for the time being, so as not to damage the great event of the Lord!"

On the way back, Luo Yu once told them not to make a public announcement about the two immortal mountains of Kunlun and Emei.

"Are you Luo Xianyu?"

On the totem battlefield, Yi looks up and down at Luo Yu.

Although he provoked this man every day, he didn't really see himself until today.

Yi's understanding of Luo Yu is more about the video materials provided by the island authorities, including the confrontation between Luo Yu and ten major forces, as well as the pictures of heavy naval damage at sea.

From the video, it is easy to see that this person is very powerful and has extraordinary means.

Today, however, Luo Yu feels like he has changed a person, or no longer has the breath of mortals, full of fairy rhyme, just like a god standing in front of him.

Luo Yu glared at the Japanese swordsman.

In his eye of God, there is a huge shadow of dark snake behind Yi.

Luo Yu is no stranger to this monster.

The last time he went to the island, he realized that Xu Fu, the hidden God, was just a puppet.

Xu Fu's power, including the elixir of immortality, comes from a demon.

Moreover, it seems that the existence of the three artifacts among the people of the island is just for the purpose of suppressing the spirit.

At the moment, Luo Yu doesn't want to pursue these from Yi.

He just wanted to ask Yi a word.

"Did you kill Ye Qing?"

Luo Yu's question is simple and straightforward.

This is the only thing he can't let go of before he goes to Kunlun fairyland.

Ye Qing is not only a cooperative relationship with himself, but also a friend. However, in the mutiny of Jiang Kun's people, Ye Qing was killed by the strong bribed by the hostile forces.

Luo Yu once said in Yeqing's grave that none of these people can run away.

"That's right. It's tired sword. It took off the merchant's head!"

Yi clenches Wuji sword with both hands and stares at Luo Yu as if facing a big enemy.

"That's enough."

Luo Yu's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Yi is the first to attack.

"Pull out the knife and chop!"

"Cut off the current!"


"Wuji sword Qi!"

His figure perfectly matches with the sword in his hand. He shows off a series of Kendo moves. Every move exhausts the essence of Wuji kendo. It's overwhelming!

Moreover, Yi secretly wakes up the dark magic from his demon master. The power of each move is several times stronger than that of all the way.

It can be said that Yi didn't keep his hand at all.

Because he knows very well what it means to become an immortal.

Seeing this scene, the hundreds of thousands of tourists present, as well as the Chinese people watching the live broadcast, were worried.

"Who is this strong man?"

"Why did he stay there for a long time and let Yi seize the opportunity?"

"That's it. Another halberd."

"Let Yi smoothly perform the continuous moves of Wuji kendo. He has no chance."

Chinese people are all in a hurry.

Yi is the strongest obstacle in the Chinese totem war.

So, the Chinese watched a lot of Yi's decisive battle videos in private.

Although I don't like this Japanese swordsman, the Chinese basically admit that Yi's strength is terrible, especially that of Wuji kendo. Once he is sacrificed, it's like the start of a killing machine. Every move is a killing move, and every move makes the opponent almost suffocate.

In the stands, the two Shenzi who just lost the battle have come back in a mess.

Two people see this scene, the same sniff.

"Luo Xianyu is too big. He doesn't understand the essence of his opponent at all. If he wants to defeat Wuji Kendo, his only chance is to block Yi's continuous moves. It's better to make Yi unable to even draw his sword!"

Ji Lingfeng sneers. According to his tone, although he is defeated, he has seen through the strength and weakness of Yi.

"Luo Xianyu lived four months ago. The current world situation and the situation in China have long been different."

Ji Changxin is also a mockery.

Before the start of the war, they were also confident that they could fight.

But after I had a fight with him, I knew how terrible Yi's Wuji Kendo was.

However, as soon as their words came to an end, Yi's sword moves in the battle were all in front of Luo Yu and almost finished.

There are five moves.

Thirty five!

You know, there are only seven moves in Yi's complete set of Wuji kendo.

Along the way, no matter facing any strong enemy, Yi never showed his complete Wuji kendo.

Most of the strong are defeated between the two.

A few people, such as the two Shenzi, forced Yi to use the fourth move "Wuji Jianqi", but they couldn't carry it.

Only Daji had just passed the Wuji sword Qi and forced Yi to sacrifice his most powerful killing move, Tianlei Po!

Moreover, Daji still relies on ling'er to help secretly.

Even so, after Yi woke up to the dark magic, Daji did not fight this move.

However, everyone saw that in the face of the invincible Wuji Kendo in the past, Luo Yu didn't fight back, but each type was easy to flash by.

His body shape, like wind, like fog, like clouds, erratic.

"The sage!"


Although tens of thousands of tourists are still fighting for Yi in the island tourist area, the noise is obviously not as high as before. Many islanders are in a cold sweat for Yi.

"The thunder breaks!"

After five moves, Yi didn't even touch the corner of his opponent's clothes. He was so anxious that he almost exhausted all his strength at the moment when he sacrificed to Tianlei Po.

Just now, when he broke the sky thunder, he suffered a big loss in front of sudaji, so this time, at the moment of the move, Yi completely gave his mind to the devil's mind to take over, so as to avoid repeating the mistake.

However, Luo Yu doesn't plan to take advantage of this short-term flaw to plot against him and let him sacrifice Tianlei incisively and vividly.


A bunch of sword shadow and thunder light hit the ground.

One second before, the air engine was still firmly locked on Luoyu, but the next second, Luoyu still calmly flashed by.

"Damn it

Yi is angry. Without any hesitation, he uses the last two moves of Wuji kendo.

"Crack the air

"Kendo is limitless!"

Visible to the naked eye, at the moment when Yi offered the sixth move, the sword light swept by Wuji sword in his hand cut the air on the battlefield into several pieces of vacuum.

Then, the most powerful and the most powerful moves were sacrificed, and the whole battlefield was submerged by countless sword shadows, as if it had become a Jedi in the sword field.

All the tourists are stunned. Can anyone really resist this kind of Wuji Kendo?

However, the next second, Luo Yu, who clearly had nowhere to live, was covered with golden clouds on the battlefield. Under the golden body, all the sword shadows swept by him turned into nothingness.

"How could that be?"

Yi's Wuji Kendo is exhausted. He's exhausted. He's half kneeling on his back with a Oriental sword. His hair is full of hair and his eyes are full of incredible blood.

This is the first time in his life that he has fully displayed Wuji kendo.

I thought I could win.

But it didn't hurt the opponent.

"Your Kendo is not worth mentioning at all."

Luo Yu's eyes are full of disdain. He firmly believes that I am invincible. Luo Yu not only takes off his head, but also destroys his invincible belief to avenge Ye Qing.

"No, it's impossible. Oh, tired sword is invincible. It's invincible!"

Yi is like a mad devil roaring.

The next second, Luo Yu himself, even pulled out a very thin grass.

"What's that?"

"What does Luo Xianyu want to do?"

All the people in the audience were shocked. They didn't understand why Luo Yu was carrying a piece of grass on his body. Moreover, he took it out in such an important and tense decisive battle.

"That... That's my cousin's grave grass." Ye Xuanning's excited incoherence.

When he happened to meet Luo Yu in the cemetery, he saw that after he had worshipped his cousin, he broke off a humble thatch from his cousin's grave.

In the past, she thought that Luo Yu wanted to keep a memorial in memory of Ye Qing, but now it seems that it is not.

"Now, I will replace the sword with the grass beard on the grave of my old friend and take your head for him."

The next moment, Luo Yu's fingertips with the grass whiskers, bland cut out.

In an instant, there was a terrible scene on the battlefield, like the sword shining from the grass whisker, which was enough to destroy the sky and the earth!