In half a year, many strange things have happened all over the world, with frequent visions. Even the Vatican has heard that there will be holy angels coming, as if the era of God is coming.

Many changes have taken place in China in the past six months.

In the past six months, the Luo people have kept a lower profile than usual. The clan leader Luo Yan and the elder have told them to be as careful as possible when they work outside.

Similarly, Mr. Qiao, brothers Jiang and Ye Qing are more comfortable in business than they were at the beginning of the year. Especially in the fight for oil and water in the territory, they are basically willing to give way and can't talk about it. If they can't get along with each other, they will try their best to deal with it. They will never dare to tear their face with others unless they have to.

Chenhai Qiao's courtyard.

The night is deep, and the light in the study is still on.

Qiao Tianbo sits on the armchair, pinches his eyebrows, and then continues to work.

"Master, it's late. Go back to your room and sleep."

Mrs. Lin Huixin came in with some snacks and health tea and put them on the table.

"I'm not tired yet. Go to bed early."

Qiao Tianbo waved his hand perfunctorily, and his attention did not leave the case.

After taking two steps, Lin Huixin could not help looking back and sighed: "Sir, business matters can't be dealt with overnight. Health matters!"

Having been a husband and wife for half her life, Lin Huixin has never seen Mr. Qiao work so hard.

Especially after the Qiao family recruited a son-in-law to take advantage of the dragon. A while ago, everything the Qiao family did went smoothly. In business, as long as Mr. Qiao moved his finger, there would be a lot of people working for him. Whenever there was a conflict, the other party knew that Mr. Qiao was Luo Xianyu's father-in-law, and they would be obedient.

At that time, Joe was really relaxed and enjoyed himself.

Over the past six months, however, business has been getting worse and worse. Although Mr. Qiao doesn't talk about it, Lin Huixin knows that there must have been a lot of obstacles.

"Feather son no longer, how can I slack off as the head of my family?"

Qiao Tianbo put down his pen and looked at his wife.

"Our Qiao family is not a small family. The wealth accumulated by the old man in the past, and the fact that yu'er has made you rich every day for more than a year, is it not enough for us to spend in the future? To put it mildly, even if we Qiao's family won't do business from now on, we can't spend all our property in ten lives. What are you going to do with me? "

There's pressure in life. It's hard to avoid quarreling over trifles between husband and wife. This is the last three days. The old man has given her a bad look. Lin Huixin can't bear it.

"Women's view!"

Qiao Tianbo's forehead is full of blue tendons. He slaps the table. It seems that he wants to stand up and give his wife a big slap. Lin Huixin is scared.

"Dad, mom, you're fighting again, aren't you? Are you still up so late? "

At this time, Qiao Yumeng passes by in pink cartoon pajamas. The guard door is covered, and there is a quarrel between her parents. She pushes the door open, rubs her eyes and mumbles.

"Girl, you go to sleep first. It's none of your business here."

When the couple quarreled, they were caught by their little daughter. The old couple were not embarrassed and quickly prevaricated their daughter to leave.

"Oh, I'll go to bed first. My brother-in-law and sister are not at home. Don't make noise all day long." Qiao Yumeng is a kid. He takes the tone of a lesson to bury the old couple and leaves.

After Nizi left, the atmosphere in the study was dull for a long time.

Qiao Tianbo looks at Lin Huixin, who is still in shock. He slowly puts down his raised hand. After a long time, he closes his eyes and sighs:

"You don't understand the Qiao family's current situation. What we lack is not money or business, but security."

Hearing the speech, Lin Huixin also vaguely understood something, and said seriously: "you mean that when yu'er disappeared for half a year, our Qiao family has gone back to the past overnight, and it's precarious."

"To be exact, it's more difficult than before yu'er came in!" Qiao Tianbo closed his eyes and nodded.

"Of course, it's not Yuer's fault."

"In this world, no matter in business or in life, there is no good thing that only enjoys returns and does not take risks."

"With his boundless and powerful ability, yu'er once made this family stand on the top of the Chinese elite. At that time, few people dared to provoke us."

"But it can't be denied that yu'er's reputation is completely based on the ruthless strangling of his opponents, which virtually sets up countless enemies. We are family members on the same boat with yu'er. Since we enjoy the huge report and glory he brings to this family, we naturally have to bear the hostility of his enemies."

"In the past, as long as yu'er was alive, no matter where he was, we didn't have to pay attention to those clowns. But now the situation is different. Yu'er has been in Europe for more than half a year. So far, there is no news. Some enemies can't bear to show their fangs."

Finally, Joe sighed: "some things can't be settled by money. Do you know what I mean?"

"Master, you are right. I always feel that there is something missing in this family when yu'er is away. Now it seems that what is missing is the sense of security. In the past, as long as there was yu'er and the sky collapsed, we didn't have to panic!" Lin Huixin seemed to understand, and nodded her head gently.

"Just understand." Qiao Tianbo pondered.

"However, even master, do you believe that yu'er really died in the hands of some European gods?" Lin Huixin probably understood the truth, but she was still not reconciled, "to say the least, even if yu'er can't come back for the time being, the prestige and camp he built up before is not so easy to collapse. By the way, there is also the country. In the past six months, isn't the country very concerned about our safety?"

Listening to his wife's stingy words, Qiao Tianbo only has a bitter smile

"If I really believed that yu'er was dead, I would have collapsed. I would not be sitting here and working hard."

"It's too cold at high places. It's hard for this family to ride a Tiger now. If yu'er can't come back, it's just a matter of time. No matter how hard we try, it won't help."

"As for the prestige and dependents you mentioned before, as well as the care of the country, of course, these are the precious information that yu'er left us, but without yu'er, these things are like a pool of stagnant water, a golden mountain that can't get out. Sooner or later, we will be sitting on the mountain and eating nothing."

"In the past six months, you haven't noticed that there are fewer and fewer people who come to visit our Qiao family? To tell you the truth, some of the people who flattered and swore allegiance to yu'er have gone far away from us, and even turned against us. There are only two brothers, Jiang Kun and Jiang Biao. Manluo, Ye Qing and Wu Changqing are still struggling with us, but they have a hard time. I don't know how long they can last! "

"As for the country you said, it's really our biggest dependence at present. Before yu'er left, I don't know what method was used to persuade the country to protect us at all costs. Otherwise, you think this house can sleep like this? I've been patronized many times by those enemies and cold-blooded killers with excellent martial arts. "

"But even if it's a country, it can't protect us all our lives. The country has the overall view of the country, and it has more interests to weigh. As time goes on, yu'er's influence on the top will be gradually eroded."

"Again, we can't count on anyone else."