Even the two big brothers and uncles, who dominate half of the entertainment industry in China, are reluctant to give up. Lin Miaoyi, a little fan, is completely dead.

On the other side.

After Edward gave the order, two tall bodyguards had gone to Luoyu.

"Sir, please leave."

Then, two tall bodyguards, one on the left and one on the right, stood on both sides of Luoyu. Obviously, they were not simply expelled. They had the meaning that if they didn't agree with each other, they would put Luoyu out.

Edward had a smile on his face.

Yes, with the influence of the Dracula family in the global entertainment market, he can bear it first. After tonight, he can use the energy of his father, the Grand Duke of Dracula, to completely ban this man all over the world and let him get out of the entertainment circle.

But he can't wait.

Now we need to give Luo Yu some color to see.

"Do it for yourself."

"You deserve it!"

Prince and Princess Andrew, Melita and Mary have begun to gloat.

They don't like the unruly Orientals, and they hate the barbarians.

However, when all the guests thought that Luo Yu was going to be driven out of the palace, Luo Yu seemed not to hear the expulsion order from Edward and the bodyguard. He lifted the glass again, sipped a little and said with appreciation:

"This wine is really good."

The crowd was speechless.

It's too late. This guy's still obsessed with wine.

Haven't you ever drunk this top grape wine before? If you want to be driven out, you can drink one more mouthful.


Edward snorted and winked at the two tall guards.

Right away.

"Sir, since you don't cooperate, you're offending."

Two tall bodyguards, bow left and right, hold Luo Yu's shoulder firmly, then reach out to help Luo Yu's waist, want to wrestle like, dry land pull onion, will Luo Yu swing up, carry on the shoulder, in the most humiliating way, directly throw out.

Many guests shook their heads and felt that Luo Yu didn't need to be tough. These two palace guards were not good at it. They were probably the powerful men cultivated by the court secretly and could carry the cauldron.

If you look at Luo Yu again, the face of the Oriental is not thin, but it really looks thin in front of the two big Western men with big arms and round waists.

But the next second.

What surprised Luo Yu's guests happened.

Two bodyguards who can carry the tripod and easily lift the stone statue struggle with Luo Yu for a long time. Luo Yu doesn't move, but they show their teeth and sweat.

The two Hercules looked at each other, a little confused.

They practice both inside and outside, and can easily lift 500 kilos.

But now, this young man, like a big Buddha standing here, is as heavy as Mount Tai. They can't even carry the corner of their clothes.

The next moment.


Luo Yu's body suddenly sent out a circle of shock waves, the naked eye can see the air ripples.

Two Hercules, directly faltering backward, and then, a somersault fell to the ground.

"Ha ha!"

The hall was filled with laughter. Many guests took two Hercules as clowns.

"I think you're asking for it." Mu Qingcheng spat lightly beside her. From this moment on, she doesn't care. She loves me.

"Ha ha, you are a warrior of the East

Prince Andrew laughed and saw that two palace strongmen were teased by Luo Yu. Although he was surprised, he was more excited.

It turns out that this man is not a weak chicken.

"Your Highness, don't step in. He's rude enough to knock down my bodyguard. He's pissed me off."

Edward came over with a gloomy face, ready to call more bodyguards in to clean up.

"No, since I'm a warrior, I'm the first young knight and swordsman in Europe. If I fight with him, I won't bully him."

Andrew rubbed his hands. He couldn't bear it for a long time.

Although Edward said that he would deal with it, he obviously didn't mean to stop Prince Andrew. Instead, he loved to hear about it.

Edward is happy to involve the Danish royal family. With his shrewdness, he has guessed that Luo Yu should be more than an actor if he can establish friendship with Princess Alice, Prince betas and Ambassador Rodman.

Edward thinks that everything is under control, and Prince Andrew, in order to show his power in public, also grinds his fist and comes to Luoyu.

"You are a guest. I can give you three moves first."

Prince Andrew was smiling in front of Luo Yu, holding his hands and chest, waiting for Luo Yu to attack him first, and then he would attack later and make a big hit.

"No three moves, one is enough."

Luo Yu gives a cold glance, and his backhand is like a fan of a fly.

Then, everyone saw that Prince Andrew, who was tall, powerful and rugged, was directly fanned out by the strong wind.


His royal highness, like a shell, smashed directly out of the window and rowed through the pool, garden and square of the palace

And at the scene——

It was quiet.

Everyone stares at Luo Yu and swallows saliva.

Lin Miaoyi also swallowed his saliva, and then cried out: "Wow, what kind of magic skill does the male God practice? It will clear the Danish prince with one move!"

The crowd was speechless.

Indeed, Prince Andrew completely disappeared in everyone's sight, and there was no scream outside. It should be... Flying far away.

In fact, by this time, the prince had fallen several blocks away, and it happened to fall into a garbage can.

The presence of European knights, warriors, as well as those who hide the master, one by one appalled.

And the guards, who had just been called in by Edward, were equally stunned.

"What just happened?"

"It's impossible!"

"The man who was photographed is the first young knight and swordsman in Europe, his Royal Highness Prince Andrew, who is incomparable in power."

Immediately, there was an uproar among the aristocratic wives, masters, ladies and gentlemen.

Many people stare at each other in disbelief.

"What happened?"

At this time, those European talents were having a meeting in the back hall. Little Princess Alice was bored, so she took an excuse to run away. Then she heard the news and ran over for the first time.

As soon as the little princess came out and saw the scene, she knew that it must be some annoying guy who was making trouble for brother Luo.

She ran over angrily, with her hands akimbo, and yelled at Edward, "what did you do to brother Luo?"

Edward shrugged his shoulders and said, "Princess highness, this gentleman suspected to have stolen the precious jewelry of his Majesty's highness. I asked him to assist in the investigation. He refused to cooperate and hurt our guard. Just now, in front of everyone's face, he flew the royal highness of Prince Wang."

Hearing the words, the little princess's thoughts seemed to deviate, and her eyes lit up immediately. She said excitedly, "brother Luo really beat Andrew up!"

When she came back from Hong Kong Island, she thought about brother Luo and the first young knight in Europe, who is more powerful.

Now that question has been answered.

Her brother Luo won!

Edward looked at the little princess excitedly and looked intoxicated. Her eyes were instantly clouded to the extreme: "Princess highness, please listen to the key points. This man has seriously offended the glory and dignity of our royal family!"

His voice has just dropped——

"Your Majesty is here!"

With a loud announcement from the court bodyguards, a woman in a gorgeous dress and a crystal crown, surrounded by many ministers, bodyguards and maids, walked slowly through an open door into the main hall.