On the sea, a distance of tens of nautical miles is a few minutes flight time for a missile.

Soon, dozens of missiles with plumes appeared in Luo Yu's view.

At this moment, Luo Yu opened his eyes.

In the pupil of his eye, he spurted out countless Li mang. Those Li mang turned into flying swords, formed a sword net and killed them.

Although the incoming missiles are highly maneuverable, they judge the fence as an obstacle and quickly make maneuvering evasion actions when facing the fence, but the flying swords of Luoyu are more flexible.

What is flexible is not a single flying sword, but a whole sword net.

It seems that the whole sword net is dancing in the air, changing its shape at will.

Under the control of Luo Yu's mind, the sword net first opened a hole in the middle to let the missiles fly past, while the scattered flying swords retreated, forming a huge funnel.

When dozens of missiles entered the huge funnel-shaped sword net, Luo Yu quickly retracted the net.

Boom boom!

The missiles wrapped in the sword net can no longer escape. As the sword net shrinks, they all explode in the air.

"The immortal master's skill is so amazing!"

Seeing that Luo Yu used this kind of immortal swordsmanship to shake the missiles under today's technology, Liang Wei could not help clapping his hands on the big screen.

"Oriental flying sword, can you still play like this?"

At the same time, it also shocked those masters of CAI and MI6.

"Damn it! The first attack didn't work, all the missiles didn't hit the target! "

In the communication channel of the fleet, the commander is reporting the situation to Hatoyama taro angrily.

"Keep firing!" Hatoyama's cold command.

Then, the second wave of missiles, launched from the ship, roared away.

This time, the fleet used hundreds of missiles, and in order to prevent being caught in luoxianyu urn in one direction just now, it simply launched from the combination of warships on multiple battle positions in the surrounding sea area.

A few minutes later, Luo Yu saw the missiles roaring from all directions.

This time, every direction has a goal, and Luo Yu can't deal with it with the trick he just used.

So, Luo Yu simply landed on the surface of the water, a step at the foot, dozens of water column, spewing up.

These pillars of water are not meant to defend against missiles. Luo Yu's eyebrows spray out wisps of golden light and fall on the pillars of water. In the twinkling of an eye, those pillars of water around him form a statue of a water man, carved out of the same mold as himself.

"Come on, let me see how many tricks there are in your technological weapons!"

Luo Yu flew up, and dozens of water men separated and rushed up with him.

The pure separation of Yuanshen is a spirit body, which cannot be captured by radar, so Luo Yu simply controls a water man with every Yuanshen.

This is exactly the magic effect of Yuanshen coming out of the body!

"Report, sir, there are dozens of radar reflection points in the target area. The volume and size are exactly the same as the target we are going to attack. The missile radar has been confused and can't confirm the real target!"

In the cabin of the fleet, the person in charge of controlling the missile was sweating, looking at the dense light spots on the radar screen, and immediately reported it.

"Since radar guidance fails, turn on infrared tracking." The fleet commander responded calmly.

As we all know, in addition to radar wave, the guidance mode of missile also includes infrared guidance, that is, using the thermal temperature difference between the target and the surrounding environment to lock the target.

Although the appearance of the water people differentiated by Luo Yu's Yuanshen is exactly the same as that of him, the fatal defect is that the sea water is cold, which immediately distinguishes them from Luo Yu.

"Can that embarrass me?"

Luo Yu is funny. All the people who really become immortals are elm headed. Can't they turn their brains around?

Luo Yu relaxed, released a trace of vitality with the force of Yuanshen, and blessed every water, which instantly produced the infrared characteristics like human body.

At the same time, Luo Yu's body exerts Taoist Dharma, directly making his body temperature below freezing point.

In this way, the incoming missiles mistook the water man for him, and they all missed.

The intelligence agencies of major countries are in an uproar.

"The missiles have no effect on Luo Xianyu!"

A high-ranking CIA official held his head and yelled, which is undoubtedly bad news for all parties that have listed Luo Yu on the danger list!

"The missile can't hit the target, what to do?"

Two successive waves of missile long-range attacks failed, and the warships of the great maritime fleet were in a hurry.

Even the front-line commander was a little helpless. He thought that he could completely suppress luoxianyu by relying on the over the horizon attack under the background of today's science and technology. As a result, hundreds of expensive missiles were wasted.

At the command center of the Ministry of defense, Hatoyama taro pondered and clenched his teeth: "send out a ship borne helicopter, stick it up and visually aim at the attack. The air force will soon arrive. Hold on a little longer!"

After receiving orders from Hatoyama taro, dozens of Shipborne helicopters took off from destroyers and frigates with missiles.

At the same time, submarines in the deep sea are quietly approaching, looking for opportunities to attack Luoyu with torpedoes or submarine launched missiles.

However, soon a southeast frigate cruising on the water dozens of miles away caught a high-speed moving target by radar and was flying this way.

At first, the people on the ship thought it was a missile, and they were in a cold sweat, but then through various data analysis, they found that it was not a missile, but a person.

A man flying with a sword!

The captain suddenly thought of something and his face changed dramatically.

"Report to commander, Luo Xianyu is flying towards our ship, the speed is close to Mach 4, the estimated time of arrival is 3 minutes, request reinforcements, request reinforcements!"

The captain panicked in the battle channel for help.

The commanders were all fooled. In this situation, Luo Xianyu even dared to fight back, and ran directly to a 1000 ton frigate.

What does he want to do?

"Matsuzaka, tactical evasion, prepare for fire interception, support forces arrive immediately!" The commander can only rely on experience to respond, "all the helicopters taking off, change their course to support the" Matsuzaka "frigate. In addition, immediately update the location parameters of luoxianyu to the air force headquarters!"

In fact, the commander understood that Luo Yu was now chasing Matsuzaka at Mach 4, and the latter could not escape. In addition, the support force could not arrive within three minutes.

Now the only thing that makes them feel relieved is that Matsuzaka has a powerful air interception system. To say the least, even if Matsuzaka's interception firepower fails, how can a thousand ton warship be destroyed by manpower?

He has ordered that Matsuzaka lock all the watertight doors on the ship, and don't let Luoyu sneak into the cabin to kill, waiting for support.

However, the fear that Luo Yu would attack the cabin and kill the crew was superfluous.

Luo Yu doesn't have the skill.

Soon, the unit in charge of UAV air reconnaissance screamed in horror on the channel: "Matsuzaka has been hit by strong fire. The ship has been divided into two parts and is sinking into the sea! Repeat! The Matsuzaka is over! "