Mr. Duan is a resourceful guy. Since he knows that Qin Lang doesn't know that Xu Zhiyuan is calling, he might as well let this boastful young man take charge. As long as he can't get rid of it, Mr. Duan has another handle on his hand. When he comes back to talk about dishes with Xu Zhiyuan, he will count more.

Therefore, he is willing to see Qin Lang blow the leather with his own eyes!

Qin Lang and Xu Lanlan follow Mr. Duan and enter the villa.

It's exquisitely decorated and incomparably luxurious, with European style sofa, wall type LCD TV, a large chandelier hanging overhead, and countless crystal light bulbs dotted around.

Don't mention it. The old man is quite emotional.

Entering a bedroom, on a big bed, Duan, the fifth member of the Duan family, was being fed by a private nurse.

When he saw Qin Lang and Xu Lanlan coming in from the door, Duan Wojian's eyes widened, slapped congee, pointed at Xu Lanlan and Qin Lang, and yelled: "it's her, and he, they destroyed me! Dad, you're going to avenge me. Break them to pieces

Duan Wojian is really excited at this time. Last time he was in a bar, he wanted to use a strong one. As a result, Qin Lang killed him halfway. Not only did he not succeed in his trick, but also in Xu Lanlan's anger, he completely trampled on the things in his crotch!

If he could, he would like to eat their flesh and blood raw!

"Wo Jian, don't get excited. They're here. They can't leave. But this guy says he can cure you. Let him try

Mr. Duan frowned and said, "it's impossible to say you don't love your son, but you dare to touch Xu Zhiyuan's daughter. It's really bad luck for you!

Duan Wojian widened his eyes and roared: "Dad! You're getting old, aren't you? This guy has made me useless. Do you want him to cure me now? "

Duan Wolin glared at Qin Lang: "don't you go to treat my brother?"

He is different from Mr. Duan. Although he is also afraid of the Xu family, he is more angry, especially when he can't get revenge because of the Xu family. So he can only spread his anger on Qin Lang.

"It's OK for me to cure, but what's the reward?" Qin Lang rubbed his fingers.

Of course, it can be cured, but he is definitely not a good man. He will never give up if he doesn't make a dent in his family!

"My brother's disease is caused by you. Do you still want to collect money now?" Duan Wolin's tiger eyebrows glared, and his anger came immediately.

"Dad, kill this guy for me. I'll die. As long as I watch him killed, it's worth it!" Duan Wojian was on the bed and yelled at his father. He was so excited!

This father and son, is also no one, the son even in front of his father called himself Laozi, this generation

The one eyed dragon is watching with fear. He knows Qin Lang's terror. This guy can kick a person a few meters away with one foot. It's estimated that the strength on his leg is several hundred jin. Once he offends, it's a big disaster!

And he doesn't know that Xu Zhiyuan has called. In fact, the Duan family is not easy to move Xu Lanlan.

So he trotted over and whispered in Duan Waring's ear.

But Duan Wolin was on fire at this time. When he heard that the one eyed dragon dared to come up and murmur that Qin Lang was powerful, he immediately went mad. He slapped the one eyed dragon with his backhand, and then yelled to his bodyguard: "go, take this boy down. If you can't cure him, you can stay here. Don't want to leave!"

Mr. Duan has been watching coldly, and has not stopped Duan Wolin.

Because his Duan family is well-known in Pinghai. Although many things are hidden in the dark and not obvious in the light, it doesn't mean that his Duan family is a soft persimmon and can be manipulated by others!

So it's not bad to give this boy a little bit of pain first and give him a bad impression!

All the bodyguards of Duan's family have come up. They are all big, none of them is more than one meter eight, and their muscles are ferocious, like a big mouse.

"Oh, it's going to be hard?" Qin Lang turned his mouth and was not afraid. Instead, he pulled out a needle from his arms.

Then, Qin Lang quickly stepped forward and retreated quickly on the bodyguard.

All of a sudden, I saw the bodyguard's face suddenly changed from the strictness at the beginning. He burst into laughter, tears and snivels spurted out. What he was laughing at was leaning forward and turning back, covering his chest with pain.

"What's the matter?"

"What did this guy do? How can brother Xue burst out laughing? "


The rest of the bodyguards, looking at Qin Lang in horror, were frightened by his eccentricity.

"Give it to Lao Tzu and kill him. These are all tricks. You can kill him even if you are a large group of people! Ah... "

Duan Wojian is on the big bed. He is moving excitedly. He shouts and screams at the same time.His crotch had been trampled and tied with a special bandage. Originally, he had a good rest at home. Suddenly, Qin Lang came. How can you let him live in peace?

This is not, an excitement, leading to bandage touch wound, pain on his face cold sweat.

"Wo Jian, don't get excited." Seeing that his younger brother was so excited, Duan Wolin quickly stepped forward to comfort him. He pointed to Qin Lang and yelled, "if you don't go up again, you'll be finished!"

This group of bodyguards, looking at each other for a moment, could only rush towards Qin Lang.

Qin Lang laughs. He still confiscates the silver needle. Two more people rush up, rush forward quickly, change two acupoints, prick it, and then quickly return.

This time, strange things happened again. Different from Xue Ge before, one of them fell down and wailed, crying for pain here and there. The other was standing in the same place, motionless, as if his feet were nailed to the ground.

"Old man, you'd better ask your two sons to stop for a while. I've told you that I'm here for medical treatment. If I didn't want to, do you think I could be brought here with a disability? " Qin Lang wiped the silver needle and said to Mr. Duan with a smile on his face.

Now that his face has been torn, he is not prepared to be polite any more. Anyway, he is ready to blackmail today. As long as he gets the money, it's OK.

Mr. Duan's face has changed.

For so many years, who doesn't call him Duan Lao? The boy in front of him, in his early twenties, dare to call him an old man?!