However, Qin Lang shook his head and corrected: "you are wrong. It is not the old man who has become bad, but the bad man who has become old. You see, the couple have a lot of problems with their quality. Nine times out of ten, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Now their dog bites the dog's hair, so I can save it. "

Beauty immediately nodded, a hook mouth, feel much better.

At this time, Feige came over and apologized to Qin Lang, "Shifu, this time I'm not good at discipline, and I've offended you again."

Qin Lang is not a person who doesn't know right or wrong. He raised his hand and said, "it's nothing to do with you, but you look like you're well-known on the road. Leave a phone number. If you need it in the future, I'll call you."

"All right." Red Mao reported his mobile phone number, happy.

In this way, if he has a chance to see you again in the future, he will have a greater chance to learn from his teacher. Wouldn't it be nice to learn one or two skills at that time?

Looking at Feige bowing to Qin Lang, all the passers-by responded respectfully. It turned out that it was true that Feige wanted to worship this young man as a teacher!

They were shocked in their hearts. They didn't expect that such a young man should have so much courage!

"Thank you very much, brother. I should have invited you to dinner, but now I'm in a hurry to work in tenghai group, so I can't invite you, or you can leave a phone call, and I'll invite you next time." At this time, the beauty looks at Qin Lang with an apologetic face.

But Qin Lang is a face of ignorant force. What? Rush to tenghai group to report?

Isn't that his company? I'm really in a hurry. I can ride a windmill all the way, and I don't look like an ordinary employee with the temperament of beautiful women. If I follow them together, I'm likely to be able to muddle in.

"No, I'm just going to tenghai. By the way, or you can take me." Qin Lang said quickly.

"What a coincidence? Well, you can take my car, big brother Beauty quickly agreed.

"All right. But my name is Qin lang. I don't want to be yelled by my elder brother. I'm old. " Qin Lang said with a smile and asked, "what about you?"

"My name is promise." The beauty introduced her name, then covered her mouth and snickered.

Qin Lang was stunned and asked, "promise, what are you laughing at?"

"Qin Lang lover? I'm afraid you've taken advantage of a lot of little girls by calling that name, haven't you Promise half jokingly.

"Ha ha, that's not true. I can tell you that my goal is to be a lover of all the best beauties in the world. Oh, that's the best beauties like you!" Qin Lang laughed.

He didn't take Qin Lang's words seriously. After laughing for a while, he opened the door and let Qin Lang get on.

On the way, they talked very well. Qin Lang also knew that he had promised to be the executive director of tenghai. He had just been there for a day or two.

Executive director? This name is so loud that Qin Lang suddenly feels that he has reached half of his task.

As a result, he began to complain to tenghai on the way, saying that he used to be an employee of tenghai, but he was treated unfairly in tenghai. After going to tenghai several times, tenghai was listed as a blacklist person, so he hoped to promise to help.

Promise a fire, now in her impression, Qin Lang that is the best person in the world, unexpectedly tenghai will treat such a person unfairly? How hateful!

"Is tenghai such a company? Then I won't go! " He said suddenly.

"No, in fact, I just had a holiday with someone in tenghai at that time. That person is no longer in tenghai now, but I want to re-enter tenghai, but tenghai didn't agree, which made me a little unhappy. But tenghai is a good company, otherwise I would not want to go back to tenghai. " Qin Lang quickly advised him to talk nonsense by the way.

"Oh, how can I help you?" Asked the promise.

"You help me into the company, and then send it to the door of the group president's office. I'll go in and talk to their president Yun Qianxue. OK? Here, you see, what I bring here is a gift for president Yun. I hope she can change her mind. " Qin Lang said with a smile, and by the way, he raised the bag in his hand.

"No problem!" Promise immediately promise, did not see what was in the bag.


Qin Lang smiles and clenches his fist. It's done!

Before long, the car stopped in front of the gate of tenghai building. The big glass on the ground was shining in the sun and towering into the clouds. In front of the door was a large glass revolving door. More importantly, there were two familiar security guards standing here.

The two security guards have seen Qin Lang's photos for a long time, and the president has also given an order to prevent fire, theft and Qin Lang!

As soon as they saw Qin Lang, they immediately reached out to stop him.

"This is my friend." Promise frowned and showed the name plate of the executive director.

"But he..."

The security guard wanted to say something else, but the promise was ignored. He took Qin Lang's hand, twisted his waist and walked in towards the revolving door.

All the way up the elevator. When he was in the director's office for promise, promise turned around and released Qin Lang's hand. His pretty face turned red, "take off your clothes?"Qin Lang's reflex shrunk, "so fast? I'm not ready yet... "

"What Promise stamped his feet shamefully, "your clothes are dirty. It's not good to see the president like this. That's why I asked you to take off your clothes. I have a tenghai overalls here. You should be able to wear them."

She has an awkward smile on her face. Is this guy so straight headed? What are you thinking about.

"Dirty?" Qin Lang was stunned and looked down at his clothes. Then he found that the original brand-new clothes had been soiled in the corner of his clothes. It was really not good-looking.

"Oh, that's it. Make it clear. I thought you were going to tell me that." Qin Lang laughs and takes off his coat. Inside is a brand-new vest, black pure cotton, clinging to his body to set off the streamlined muscles.

Especially in the chest, slightly raised chest muscle appears to be very strong, has a great impact on women.

At this time, he was bringing his work clothes to Qin lang. when he saw Qin Lang's standard and perfect figure, he lost his mind for a moment.

"Cough Don't look at me like that again. It's going to go off. " Qin Lang coughed a warning.

"Why are you so poor?" Promise suddenly blushed, in his chest hard hammer, put the clothes into Qin Lang's hands, also ran out of the office.

"This woman is really a pure spirit!" Qin Lang said to himself, his eyes full of smiles.