After hesitating for a while, Bai Huang returned a message to Mu Qianlian, saying: "see you under the kapok tree of the school."

After the text message was sent successfully, Bai Huang quickly left the classroom.

The kapok tree is close to Mu Qianlian's campus. If he doesn't walk faster, it will make mu Qianlian wait for a long time.

No matter from which point of view, it's not good for girls to wait for a long time, especially if they admire Qianlian or take the initiative to find themselves.

Some time later, Baihuang crossed a school road and came to the open space near the kapok tree.

It was found that there were many people around, and their eyes were secretly looking in the same direction, that is, mu Qianlian under the kapok tree.

Although mu Qianlian and everyone are students of Wentian high school, the school is really large, so it is difficult to have the chance to meet, let alone mu Qianlian who hardly appears in the public area of the school.

While Baihuang trotted forward, mu Qianlian's eyes had fallen on Baihuang. Unexpectedly, Baihuang was unexpectedly fast.

"Didn't keep you waiting." Bai Huang asked.

Shaking his head a little, mu Qianlian expressed that he had just arrived and didn't wait too long.

Take out the colored pen, mu Qianlian wrote on the cardboard: "I'll call a car now and let the driver pick us up."

Hearing this, Bai Huang said quickly, "no, it's still early anyway. There's no need to hurry back. If you have leisure, I can take you to play."

Bai Huang's plan after school was to play. What was not in the plan was that mu Qianlian would find himself.

In that case, it seems that you can make a partner.

After hearing what Bai Huang said, mu Qianlian's beautiful eyes were stunned for a while. It seemed that he was thinking about something.

About two or three seconds later, mu Qianlian wrote on the cardboard: "do you take me to play, or do you want to play with me?"

“???” A series of question marks appeared on Bai Huang's face.

For no reason, mu Qianlian suddenly drove. This is not the car to the kindergarten. He wants to get off!

He seriously suspected that mu Qianlian was driving drunk, and there was enough evidence to arrest him!

Stunned, Bai Huang completely didn't expect mu Qianlian to say such words. Is this the iceberg goddess mu Qianlian he knew? How can he joke?

"Cough, well, I said, don't you think there's a problem with your expression?" Bai Huang asked tentatively.

"I don't think there's any problem!" Mu Qianlian wrote a response at the first time.

The heart silently uttered a sigh. Bai Huang guessed that mu Qianlian was probably driving unconsciously. He didn't realize what was wrong.

After all, mu Qianlian is really insensitive to such things.

"Make a decision and see if you want to come with me. I shouldn't go back so early." Bai Huang speaks directly.

After listening, mu Qianlian encouraged his lips with a small margin, and finally nodded slowly.

Although she hesitated, mu Qianlian decided to play with Bai Huang and wanted to try a different experience.

In the past, she went home directly after school, and then read books and watch TV. She hardly went out to play.

This time, be a free tour guide.

Later, mu Qianlian left under the kapok tree with Bai Huang. Since she didn't know where to go, she just followed Bai Huang.

Watching the goddess in her heart leave with other heterosexuals, everyone mentioned how much they envy. Why can't they be the people who are cared for by the goddess.

Just because they're passers-by?

God, it's so unfair!

At 6:30 pm, Bai Huang and mu Qianlian left the school by car. Bai Huang rented a shared motorcycle and drove mu Qianlian on the road. Both of them wore helmets.

Originally, out of consideration for mu Qianlian, Bai Huang actually planned to rent a shared car. As a result, mu Qianlian said to rent a small motorcycle.

As for the reason why mu Qianlian said so, it is because she has been practicing with Maserati since she was a child. Up to now, she has never ridden a small motorcycle.

To put it simply, I just feel very fresh.

To be honest, this kind of shared transportation is very good. You can drive anywhere, and you don't have to drive back to where you are. It's one of the products of the times.

In the fading evening, I hurried all the way. The night wind blowing on Baihuang and muqianlian was very comfortable.

It is worth noting that for safety reasons, mu Qianlian has subconsciously hugged Bai Huang's waist, and she is worried that she will fall.

Of course, there was no deeper meaning, and Bai Huang didn't think much about it. He knew the character of Mu Qianlian.

At a fork, Baihuang stopped his car. At present, it is the time when the traffic is prohibited by the red light.

At this time, a sports car stopped next to it. On the car was a very young man, the most obvious thing was that he was full of local tyrants.


Suddenly, the local tyrant man in the car shouted at Baihuang.

Don't look at Baihuang when you are waiting, that is to see that the local tyrant man directly raised a middle finger for himself, and then his thumb rushed down several times, revealing his contempt for Baihuang from beginning to end.

That means that although you're carrying a sister for nothing, you're just a loser driving a small motorcycle.

The local tyrant man's own car is a luxury car worth millions!

For the provocative actions of local tyrants, Bai Huang can only be regarded as a fool. It is everyone's responsibility to care for the mentally retarded and have love when going out.

At this time, mu Qianlian, who was sitting behind Baihuang, took off his helmet and took a breath in the red light.

When the local tyrant man saw mu Qianlian who took off his helmet, his eyes straight and almost didn't protrude.

The local tyrant man didn't expect such a beautiful woman sitting behind Bai Huang. He didn't know how many times more beautiful than the women he had seen before. He had lived in vain before.

"Beauty, why wronged yourself to take a motorcycle? Get in my car. I'm a million luxury car." The local tyrant preached complacently.

Hearing this, mu Qianlian immediately showed a look like a fool.

What? Are millions of cars called luxury cars these days? Are her Maserati, Rolls Royce and Bugatti Veyron even fighters in luxury cars?

Do you want to be so new?

Obviously, the local tyrant man saw the contempt directly from mu Qianlian's eyes, and it was still the kind of irresistible contempt, which inexplicably made him have a great sense of inferiority and could not be erased.

It seems that his proud status is like garbage in Mu Qianlian's eyes

At this time, the green light flashed. Bai Huang motioned mu Qianlian to put on his helmet again, and then walked away. Where can I take care of the local tyrant man and let him entertain himself.

More than ten minutes later, the motorcycle stopped. The place where Baihuang finally brought mu Qianlian was the seaside.

Wentian city is an offshore area, so it's very convenient to drive to the seaside soon.

After getting off the bus, mu Qianlian stared at the sea not far away, then poked Bai Huang's arm and wrote: "let's go to the bottom of the sea to find SpongeBob ˇ‸ˇ•。)。”