But he could see whether it was valuable or not. Unlike painting and calligraphy, it was difficult for him.

So he likes it very much. He has a crush on it.

He offered a lot of money for people to look for. Of course, the price would not exceed the ring itself. Otherwise, it would be meaningless. The local tyrant still knows that.

But even so, some people are willing to take over the task, but success or failure is another matter.

The people who took the task to go to that room before were not those who didn't come out, but they all found something wrong and immediately withdrew.

So I didn't see clearly what kind of situation it was.

He can only describe what they found.

Yu Fa gave Xu Yong the pictures made by those people, hoping to give him a reference.

Because before he did the task, he called song Lai and then went to do his own business.

Song Lai didn't expect that the other party would directly do the task as soon as he went out, and he didn't care about other things at all, which really surprised him.

Don't worry about it, but the other party's task is coming, I heard that the difficulty is not light. Xu Yong wants to do the task, and he has no choice but to let him go.

As for whether the other party will be targeted, he is not sure now, because the other party is not under his nose. How can he know this?

This meeting, he can only two anxious walk back and forth.

Apart from this, he has no other choice.

Song Xiaofan also knows about the task. He didn't expect that Xu Yong would even do it under such circumstances. It seems that he is not afraid of anything.

However, he was also very curious about the content of the task he was doing, and whether he could succeed in the future.

In his spare time, he went to Zhao to talk about it.

Of course, I've heard about that. Although he didn't go out much, he was very clear about it.

Especially about the mission.

Of course, if he wasn't in bad health now, he might want to have a try, but if he encounters something he can't solve, he will withdraw in time and won't stay in it.

Because, for him, it's not good at all.

"Xu Yong has been at home for a long time. He wants to do something to take over the task. When he is in danger, he should also withdraw at the first time. I think he should come out in two days! "

Song Xiaofan doesn't care about it. He just wants to know what happened to Zhao!

In this regard, Zhao Lai really did not find out anything, because it seems that everyone has not done this thing, but it may be that it is too deep to find out for a while.

However, antique necklaces have not been in circulation in the market, which he is very sure of.

That is to say, the necklace hasn't been sold. If it hasn't been sold, he can't follow this matter to investigate it.

"That's too bad. If the man steals it, it's not for sale at all, but for his own collection. Isn't it that I can't find out all the time? "

Naturally, he didn't want to disappoint song Xiaofan, but when he heard that, he had to nod his head. That's what he meant.

Some highly skilled people just let people not see his flaws. In this way, they can hide people.

Maybe when they find it, the other party is no longer there, which is also possible.

For a moment and a half, he couldn't figure out who such a powerful person was.

Even before those seniors do things, they may be found by others, this thing also left him some flaws.

So he didn't find out.

The key is that if a person can't climb on a rotten wall without relying on the rope, it's really powerful.

He didn't find anyone like that.

Zhao Lai used to be himself in this industry, and some people had heard of him even if they didn't directly confront him.

They know a lot about this industry.

But now they don't have many things at all. He didn't know there were many things left. For a moment, he felt that he was a frog in the bottom of the well.

He was very emotional about this.

In the future, he will never be as rampant as before. Maybe a powerful person will come forward and teach him a lesson. At that time, he will regret that it is too late.

Song Xiaofan does not know, this thing gives Zhao a good warning, he thinks the state has been very good, can have a good thing.

Even if the other party doesn't engage in this business, he can do other things. Anyway, he has a good memory and can learn anything quickly. That's enough.

"If you can't find out this matter, I suggest you give up and don't waste your time on it."

Some people's tasks are not easy to take over. If they can't find out and still don't give up, it may be a waste of time. The key is that this matter was sent out by Fu Jun, the nephew of Puteng, which can't be ignored.

Song Xiaofan also thought about it, but now the other party is very anxious, he can study it again.

After a while, he will tell Puteng that it's not too late. The key is that he can help.

Just before, when he couldn't even find out some clues, he should give up this matter.

There was no need to show off in this respect, but at that time, song Xiaofan was just following because he was curious.

The key is also as like as two peas.

Of course, he just suggested that since Song Xiaofan was ready in his heart, he would not say more.

Soon it's time to change the dressing. At this time, Zhao Lai doesn't need others to help him change it. He can change it himself.

In another half a month, he won't need to recover. At that time, he will have to take revenge. I just don't know if song Lai can stand it for half a month to see if there will be other actions during this period.

"Even if he does it, it's impossible to hurt you. Of course, if he takes the initiative to attack, I won't let him go and just catch him at one stroke. Until then, there will be no chance for you to do it!"

At that time, Zhao Lai was just able to torture people.

But I'm afraid other things are not so good.

Zhao Lai didn't feel bad about it.