If Wang Sheng comes back, the other party will certainly act according to the previous method, so he can get more benefits.

Now, he can only think about it. He doesn't know when Wang Sheng will bring down his small company.

But now? He can't. He can only wait a little longer.

Before, in order to wait for a little hope, have been waiting for so long, naturally not bad.

Wang Yuan didn't know what he thought. Otherwise, it should also be silent.

Because the story of red coral spread very widely this time, even other people who didn't go to jiangkun city to participate in the auction heard about the future development.

Liu Jiu, in particular, is very concerned about this matter. After all, he is the biggest customer in the hot spring. He will naturally pay attention to the matter that Ren Wudu is going to attend as a small person.

He thought that there were many kinds of endings, but he never thought that the red coral had been stolen, and then the relevant news came out.

Red coral has been bought by a secret character. The red coral business is really full of twists and turns.

But it's also a good thing for him to have some fun in his peaceful life recently.

Recently, his hot spring eggs are also good. Many people come here every day, so he is very happy.

Just at this time, Zhong Hui contacted him again. He thought that the other party had done something wrong, but he didn't expect that it was about his friend Zhao Zhe.

Liu Jiu doesn't know much about Zhao Zhe. He and Zhong Hui are friends, but they are not. At most, they have two sides.

The first time we met, when he looked at each other, he really felt that each other was a little warm and moist, and the second time it was the same.

But I don't know what's going on. He always feels that there is a feeling that he can't explain clearly, as if some things are not like what he shows.

Liu Jiu can't tell exactly what's going on. Anyway, it's not his friend, and he doesn't need to care too much.

As for Zhong Hui, Liu Jiu thinks that they are friends. Even if Zhao zhe has a problem, he should not do anything to Zhong Hui, so he is relieved,

I didn't expect that in order to achieve the goal, the other party was really cruel enough to do anything.

"What's in such a hurry? You can tell me if you have something to do."

Liu Jiu is now in his hot spring office, where he has another room. He has been living here for a long time and has a good life.

He has already lived a very comfortable life, so when he heard that the clock on the other side of the phone was in a hurry, even with a little cry voice, he naturally had some doubts.

It's impossible for him to listen to Zhong Hui cry, but the other side has the intention to develop in that direction.

Liu Jiu is afraid that the other party can't say things clearly, or forget something, so naturally, he slowly calms down.

Maybe his voice had some steady power, so Zhong Hui really calmed down and made clear what he wanted to say.

"Zhao Zhe is gone. The person who took him away also left one of his fingers. If you want to save people, you have to use the treasure map. But where do I get the treasure map? I haven't heard of it. Where can I find it? The other party should not be looking for the wrong person, but that person finally left behind is such a sentence, if not found, it is estimated that there is no way to save people, what do you say I should do? "

Speaking of this, Zhong Hui is worried again. In addition to Liu Jiu, Zhao Zhe is his most important friend in his life.

The other side has helped him a lot, and he also hopes to help him, but he didn't expect that once it happened, it would be a big deal.

Who took Zhao zhe away?

Don't let him know who that person is, otherwise, he won't let him go.

It's a pity that now he doesn't know who that person is. He can only think of a way to deal with this kind of thing.

When a man has reached the enemy, he has no way to save him. He can only act according to what the other party says.

But why is it not something else? Why is it a treasure map?

It's a miracle that this kind of thing that should disappear now still exists and some people want to get it.

Liu Jiu was also surprised to hear that. He did not expect that at this time, there would still be people interested in this kind of thing. Of course, he doesn't think that there is such a thing in the world, but those people should not make trouble without reason.

Otherwise, how can you take Zhao zhe away and leave a finger?

But also specifically told the clock back to handle this matter, it must be for a reason.

So he sat down with each other and seriously asked Zhong to think about whether he had encountered anything related to the treasure map in his life.

It must be who he contacted, that's why that person would do it. Otherwise, there's no need to take Zhao Zhe to coerce Zhong Hui.

There is no other reason for the other party to do so except to threaten Zhao Zhe.

That's why Liu Jiucai was so sure. When he heard that, Zhong Hui thought about it very seriously, but he didn't think of anything.

But then I really thought of a thing. About ten years ago, he was drunk once. In a pub, he seemed to have talked about the treasure map.

"Do you really have a treasure map?"

Listen to him say so, Liu Jiu can't believe, originally his friend is a rich man, really didn't see it.

The other party even told him now, thinking about Liu Jiu is not very happy.

He doesn't have to know his friend's secret very well.

But this is, other people know, he does not know, which is a bit unreasonable.

When Zhong Hui heard what he said, he knew it was a misunderstanding. Where did he get the treasure map?

At that time, he was just joking, and he could say anything when he was drunk.

"At that time, when our friends were together, they said that they didn't know the secret, and the one who told the biggest secret could get a baby. At that time, I was stimulated twice and wanted to win the first place, so I made up a story that my ancestors had a treasure map left behind! "

If we don't think about it carefully, Zhong Hui won't remember it, because in his mind, it can't be regarded as the information related to the treasure map.

It's a fake news. He made it up himself, and he didn't remember what he said after drinking.

If it wasn't for deliberate thinking, I really couldn't think of it!

After listening to this, Liu Jiu naturally understood it. In this way, he could make sense of it.