Under the mediation of Wang Yueting, Qin Feining agreed to meet the head of the Kali clan. After all, war compensation is a great wealth, and the details also need Qin Feining's help. Wang Yueting dare not make decisions without authorization.

When Rondo came to Binhai City, Qin Feining opened the door of the restricted level artifact and welcomed Rondo. It was a solemn meeting, showing enough respect for Rondo. In this regard, Qin Feining has always done a very good job, and the boundaries are clear.

He can show respect for Rondo, but he will not give in to his interests.

Rondo is wearing colorful clothes, which is the most popular clothing of the Kali people, and also the national clothing. Like Qin Feining, Rondo wanted to express his sincerity in etiquette so that he could take the initiative in negotiation.

When Rondo saw the warrior with golden armor, his murderous spirit and power gave him a bad premonition. Qin Feining was definitely not a good talker. Compared with the young Wang Yueting, Qin Feining was very experienced and knew other people's psychology well.

Rondo brought a convoy of more than 300 people, including 100 beautiful girls. These girls are all very young from their height and slim waist. Just walking in graceful posture makes people fantasize. They want to lift the veil to see if there is a beautiful face.

In the restricted level artifact, there is a beautiful palace, which is Qin Feining's temporary residence. Everything shows his wealth and power. It gives people a strong sense of oppression.

When Rondo came to the palace with a heavy heart, his first sentence was: "Your Majesty, when I see your palace, I know that you are the only richest person in the world. We Garris have no such wealth."

"Are you crying poverty with me?" After Wang Yueting's translation, Qin Feining made a very impolite reply.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No Rondo said quickly and respectfully.

Qin Feining laughed and said, "even if you Garris are very poor, the war compensation can't be reduced at all."

Rondo, with a sad look on his face, sighed deeply and said, "to tell you the truth, our Kali people are a nation full of disasters. A hundred years ago, they were robbed of their homes and wandered in the starry sky. They were homeless like stray dogs. They wanted to occupy a piece of land on the purple star and let my people live. They didn't expect a big war, It took two billion lives, and most of the wealth was wiped out in an instant. "

"We Gali have some wealth, which will be used for national rejuvenation in the future. If we lose these wealth, the Gali will not be far away from extermination. I'd rather die and apologize in front of his majesty than lose the old foundation of the Gali. But I can exchange it with his Majesty in another way instead of threatening his majesty with death."

After hearing these words, Qin Feining said with great interest: "Oh? What else can you do in exchange for war compensation? "

Rondo shook his head, frowned and said, "we are forced to leave our home because there is a huge magnetic field on our planet. Using this magnetic field, we can realize time crossing. That is to say, we can go back to the ancient times or enter the era of advanced civilization. Unexpectedly, this magnetic field was discovered by the LanNiu people. They want to use the magnetic field to realize time crossing, That's the battle for the planet. "

"Is there such a magnetic field?" Qin Feining closed his eyes and pondered for a while. Here, we can't rule out Rondo's idea of using Qin Feining's strength to fight against the LanNiu people, which is a typical idea of killing people with a knife.

"Yes, it's true that we can't go back to our own planet, but we are very happy to see your Majesty's people planting your flag on that planet."

"I'm afraid it's hard, isn't it? After all, we have no hatred with the LanNiu people, and my soldiers are not willing to fight for limited interests. It's the most taboo thing in the war to start without a name. Even if I make a mandatory order, I will lose my heart. "

Rondo laughed miserably and said, "in fact, we Garris really want to get married with your majesty. This time I'm here, I've brought a hundred beautiful women from the noble family of Garris. These beautiful women are people of high status and noble birth. Please have a look at them."

After that, Rondo called, and the girls who had been waiting outside came in. As they walked, they lifted the cloth to show their beautiful faces. They were really beautiful women with beautiful national colors.

A hundred beauties brought in bursts of fragrant wind and surrounded Qin Feining.

Jade ring jingle, jade sound crisp, warm fragrance nephrite, graceful, let Qin Feining dizzying.

Wang Yueting couldn't look down and thought, "longduo, longduo, your move is really dangerous. Once master gets angry, I can't stay out of the trouble. My teachers are all female tigers, and they are not vase people. There are beautiful girls in the sky. Master doesn't like the girls who spoil the story."

Qin Feining was so quiet that he allowed these noble girls to dance under the steps. He even enjoyed the dance. Looking at it, Qin Feining's mood also changed. He found that these girls' dances were very beautiful, and many difficult movements had the shadow of flying.

In front of beautiful things, people all have feelings. The more superb art, the more common. Qin Feining himself is a person who bravely climbs to the top of art. No one can surpass his medical skills, no one can match his military strength, his wealth is enough to buy ten planets, and his power is earth shaking.

All these conditions determined that Qin Feining was a man who studied beauty very much.

When these girls were sweating and unable to do what they wanted, Qin Feining waved and said, "stop for a while."

Because Qin Feining didn't make the final decision, the girls looked at longduo one by one in fear. Before they came, they knew that they would be given away as gifts. However, it was a sacrifice for the existence of the Kali people. The girls were also prepared. Now, they can't move Qin Feining's heart. Of course, they feel very desperate. If they go back like this, the Kali people will complain that they are useless, Not even a man can handle it.

Longduo can't understand what Qin Feining thinks. If the beauty and magnetic field can't make Qin Feining moved, he has to make war compensation with all the wealth of the Kali people. As for the future of the Kali people, he can only take one step at a time. A nation without a future is miserable. Everyone is willing to be slaughtered for fish.

After biting his teeth, Rondo said humbly, "Your Majesty King..."

Qin Feining waved his hand to interrupt longduo's crying plea and said, "I'm very satisfied with your performance. Let's leave these girls and tell Wang Yueting the location of your planet. I'm tired and want to have a rest."

"Thank you, your majesty." Rondo's face was full of tears. In this way, the wealth of the Kali people could be saved, and his efforts were not in vain. It is the result that Rondo has been looking forward to that he can get the greatest benefit with a small sacrifice.

Rondo hobbled away, as if ten years old.

Looking at longduo's back, Qin Feining only sighs secretly. He is not inspired by the color, but has been hooked off by a hundred beauties. However, he was shocked by the current situation of the Kali people. If his claim led to the extinction of the Kali people, then he was really a sinner for all ages.

Qin Feining always pursues the standard of being a man. He has never thought of killing everything.

Qin Feining pointed to one of the girls in a nine color dress and said, "come with me. The rest of the people will invite Wang Yueting to settle down for a while. Let them have a good rest and treat them with the etiquette of a VIP."

"Yes, master." Wang Yueting is very happy. It seems that things have turned for the better. As for whether Qin Feining is very lustful, Wang Yueting has no time to think about it for a moment, and she doesn't dare to think about it deeply.

The nine color girl's face was full of surprises, shyness, and a little bit of fear. That kind of I feel pity for the expression of any man will see the heart. Women who are weak and helpless are more likely to inspire men's magnificent and strong character. Male itself is a very domineering existence, and it is also a man's nature to care for women.

Qin Feining came to the study and made a cup of tea for the nine color girl. He gently put it on the table and said, "drink water." He uses the authentic Galli language. God knows when he learned the Galli language. When he negotiated with Rondo just now, he relied on Wang Yueting to translate.

"It's better for me, your majesty." Nine color girl quickly took the teapot and said.

"You are my guest. It's my least courtesy to treat you. Please don't deprive me of my rights." Qin Feining said very gentlemanly.

"I... I didn't mean that." The nine color girl blushed and said.

"OK, I know what you mean. Let me serve you. You are a woman. In my country, it is natural for women to be treated favorably. Women are the greatest and bear the burden of blood continuity."

"You... You're after me?" Nine color girl bravely looked up at Qin Feining said.

With a smile, Qin Feining said, "first of all, what are your advantages? I'm definitely not looking for a vase woman. Do you think I'll be short of beautiful women? "

"I... I didn't mean that."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be a vase woman. In fact, I'm very hardworking. I've been helping my family to earn money since I was seven years old."

"Aren't you a noble? How can you earn money by working? " Qin Feining said with a smile.

"It's not like that. When I was 13 years old, I was elected to the royal palace. I recognized longduo patriarch as a daughter and received higher education. In the future, I would marry someone with strength. This is a means of longduo patriarch."

Feeling cheated by longduo, Qin Feining frowned and asked, "so you 100 girls are all people with the same fate as you?"

"Almost." Nine color girl thinks that's wrong, but she doesn't want to cheat Qin Feining. Only by confessing everything can we win forgiveness.