Just after Zhang he's one year old birthday, a picture from the camera of energy small step caught Tan Wendi's attention.

This picture is not much different from the pictures taken a few days ago. From a small step, any star is so far away.

Thousands of such photos are taken every day, and there is a special person to audit them, but there is a very humble white spot on this photo, just like a stain on the negative.

The censors ignored this white spot smaller than a firefly, but Tan Wendi, who was full of energy, was very confused. She took the photo to the cockpit of energy Minuet, and then examined it carefully with the auspiciousness on the minuet.

Although in terms of time, after a day's time, the energy can fly more than 2 million kilometers in small steps, but the auspicious image that can expand to 100000 times still finds the unobtrusive luminous point.

What Tan Wendi saw was a light spot no bigger than a soybean grain. It was not the light of a fire or the light of a star, but a reflection like a meteorite. For almost two years, energy trot has been flying in the boundless starry sky, but nothing has been found. This small reflector makes Tan Wendi very interested.

She said to the pilot, "turn around at once and follow our way for five hours."

Five hours later, Tan Wendi observed with auspicious again, and finally found the reflector in the dark starry sky. Due to the distance, the reflector under auspicious lens became as big as people. Then Tan Wendi ordered energy to change the angle of flight in small steps. An hour later, she saw two lines that were not very straight.

After thinking for a while, Tan Wendi pointed to the reflector in the distant starry sky and said, "let's go there and have a look."

After eight hours of flying, the energy step finally came near the reflector. It was very clear from the auspicious lens that it was a human corpse. This corpse is wearing armor, which is a high-level magic weapon. It will emit a faint halo.

It's incredible for Tan Wendi to find a corpse in the vast starry sky. When he is on the earth, everyone will feel that the heaven and earth are so big. When he comes to the starry sky, he knows that it's ridiculous to use "big" to describe the real starry sky. It's a vast space, not the "big" that any one's power can realize, But with the power of the whole human beings to measure the "mighty" which can not reach the edge of the starry sky.

Even if we do endless straight-line interstellar travel from now on, after countless generations of relay continuation, it is impossible to go out of the solar system and then into the Milky way, and these two galaxies are just two of the countless galaxies in the starry sky.

In such a large space, a person's body is too insignificant, to find the body depends on luck and subtle observation. Even a month's delay is very worthwhile.

The corpse was frozen as hard as rock in the cold starry sky, and no bacteria survived in the starry sky. The corpse became a specimen better preserved than a fossil.

One hundred kilometers away from the corpse, from the energy step, the corpse was as big as a giant. It could clearly see the face of the corpse. The corpse did not fall down. In fact, from another angle, it was lying still.

From the energy step, the corpse stands straight in the boundless starry sky.

This is a standard as like as two peas in the Yin Dynasty. The present costume in the Yin House is exactly the same as the body in front of us. "The shiny helmet, the armor from head to toe, to every decorative rivet and pin, is the general pattern of the cold weapons era."

Tan Wendi almost cried out: "is the Yin mansion nearby?" She immediately realized that it was impossible, not to mention that there was no planet nearby, even if there was a planet, it was not necessarily the one in hell, and how the corpse got into the sky was still an unsolved mystery.

Take photos to identify them. Every warrior in the Yin mansion has a record on file. This record is in Tan Wendi's computer library. It's copied from master Qin Feining. The information is still classified as a first-class secret.

After the computer comparison, the corpse overlaps with the warrior named Lu huru in the computer. After checking Lu huru's information, it turns out that he is one of the warriors who followed Tao Li and Ming fan to enter the starry sky from the Yin mansion.

Tan Wendi's mood immediately excited, so that Tao Li, Ming fan's star road once passed here, but why leave Lu huru's body here? According to the rules, all the warriors who died outside should be transported back to Zhongnanshan of the Yin mansion for unified burial. It is obviously extremely irresponsible to leave the body of their companions. People like Li Sheng are an exception, because his body can't be found.

What happened to Tao Li, Ming fan and others?

Why did you leave your comrades' bodies behind?

Tan Wendi immediately ordered: "Guan Shanyue, Zhao MI, Zhang Wu, Wang Changyang, you four, each with 100 people, follow Lu huru's face. Let's keep in touch every day."

"Yes." Tan Wendi's four disciples said together.

In order to find Tao Li and others, Tan Wendi temporarily gave up her plan to continue exploring the starry sky and changed her route. She thought it was very worthwhile to do so. In that year, master Qin Feining also delayed the route of searching for the earth.

With enough food for five years, Guan Shanyue and others left the group and disappeared in the starry sky.

Tan Wendi sacrificed his huge star mother and stayed in the same place.

Even in the vacuum, the warriors are not doing nothing. They appear in the vacuum in batches every day to collect dark matter. There are more dark matter in the vacuum than on the earth and the leaf star. Due to the particularity of dark matter, the human eye can not find the existence of dark matter, and can only rely on magic to collect it.

Zhang Suo and others moved Lu huru's body to the laboratory. They checked the body with the eye of heaven and found that the storage space and other magic weapons carried by Lu huru had been taken away, leaving only a set of high-level magic weapons to wear. Lu huru had no fatal wounds on his whole body, but his internal organs failed in many places.

After the inspection, Tan Wendi said to Zhang Suo, "what do you think of this?"

Zhang Suo, frowning, said: "it's obvious that Tao Li and others deliberately left this. Although there is no written explanation, a warrior can't leave his own storage space. Even if he is killed by the enemy in the battle, he must have his own wealth on him. Since the high-level magic weapon exposed outside has not been taken away, It means that they were arranged by their companions. "

"Do you mean that Tao Li deliberately left his comrades in arms?" Tan Wendi shook his head and didn't agree with her husband.

"Don't you think so?" Zhang Suo smile, said: "you don't believe me, but also let Guan Shanyue along Lu huru's face to search, what's your logic?"

"I sent people to search. That's instinctive intuition. I didn't do it after I got the evidence. Your analysis has some truth, but there is no evidence." Tan Wendi said analytically.

"It's just an empty shell corpse. What evidence do you need? Lu huru can be found because of luck. We have missed Lu huru's body. You found the suspicious place, so you look back. This shows that Tao Li may have dropped Lu huru on purpose, but Tao Li is also afraid of leaving evidence, so he took all the things from Lu huru. If it wasn't for us, who would know Lu huru? It's just a mystery. "

Zhang Suo's words are very reasonable, but Tan Wendi thinks that it's inconceivable that Tao Li left Lu huru here. There is an evil idea.

What if Lu huru's body is not found? Does that not leave Lu huru permanently in the starry sky? Even if the coordinates are left, it is very difficult to wait for the body to be retrieved later.

To determine the coordinates in the starry sky, we need to calculate the distance between the surrounding stars and planets, and these stars and planets are moving all the time. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve accurate coordinate memory.

Any coordinates need to have reference objects, such as the location coordinates of Shanghai stock market, which are near the East China Sea and Zhoushan Islands. Marked by latitude and longitude, it is a vast space near 121 degrees east longitude and 31 degrees north latitude.

This is the place on the earth where the earth is divided into pieces by a conventional method, and then it is positioned.

In the starry sky, such coordinates as east longitude and north latitude cannot be used. To determine any route and any coordinate, we can only use the distance between this point and the nearby stars and planets to calculate, and the locking of stars and planets can only use the planets whose trajectories have been determined. If the trajectories cannot be determined, it is tantamount to searching for swords, and the river is flowing, No one believes that the exact location of the Lost Sword can be found by carving a mark on the lost boat.

Therefore, no matter how to locate, in fact, there is a very big error in determining the position. After every minute, subtle changes are taking place in this position, not to mention sailing in the starry sky for several years or decades? After many years, the position of the coordinates must not be found.

Leaving a corpse to show the way, it's a funny thing to do. Tan Wendi, who is familiar with the knowledge of the starry sky, is sure that Tao Li and others must have stayed here. She doubts whether Tao Li and others have had an accident.

In the year after Qin Feining returned to the earth from seclusion, he sent Tao Li and others out to find the way from the starry sky to the earth. At that time, there was no small step. Since Tao Li and others left, fourteen years later, Tao Li and others did not return to Yin Fu. What worries Qin Feining everyday is that their scientific and technological progress is changing with each passing day. Since the birth of Xiaobu, they have updated the second generation with faster speed and excellent performance. Now that they find clues from Tao Li and others here, it's time to let them go home.