Seeing such strange fruits, Wang Yueting pondered for a while, then looked at the ground with her heavenly eyes, and found a lot of glittering materials underground. She said to the warrior, "go and find our people. There is something underground."

"Well, I'm going." The samurai was overjoyed and went away in a flash.

Wang Yueting stood in the same place, offered a magic weapon, dug up in the open space, and soon dug more than ten meters underground, and saw that kind of crystal standing up like a bamboo shoot.

This is Du Yu.

Surprise under Wang Yueting immediately recognized, the original only XueGuo there to produce degree of jade, degree of jade energy is greater, let the warship fly faster. Qin Feining once went to XueGuo to make a big fight in order to buy Du Yu. He almost bought all these things and spent countless gold.

Wang Yueting stopped digging, uprooted the strange fruit trees growing in the valley and transplanted them into her own artifact space. These giant trees must absorb Du Yu's energy every year to produce such strange fruits.

The warriors rushed to help Wang Yueting dig. After a month, they transplanted the whole fruit tree into the artifact space, and then moved the whole Du Yu below into the artifact space. The top is still a magical fruit tree, so that these fruit trees can still grow in the artifact space.

The samurai's magic power is deep. They don't dig Duyu piece by piece. Instead, they uproot the Duyu rock layer which is about 10 kilometers around and 800 meters deep. More than 1500 samurai and two powerful beasts work together to move the whole Duyu into the artifact space.

It's a rock that weighs millions of tons. Wang Yueting saw for the first time that the samurai work together to produce a huge effect. She couldn't help but feel shocked. The power of a samurai is not terrible. If a lot of samurai are together, that power will turn over mountains and seas. Even nature can change.

After Duyu was dug out, the mountains on all sides vibrated and the rocks fell down. In a short time, the mountains overturned and the smoke filled the sky. I don't know how many creatures were destroyed by this disaster.

Unconsciously, three months later, Wang Yueting had to order: "return."

Everyone packed up their bags and set up camp one after another. They left the oxygen ball by bird boat. Before leaving, Wang Yueting saw several continents again, but she had no time to make a more detailed investigation. She had to write down the coordinates and wait for her to come here for a more detailed investigation later.

After more than 260 days of flight, Wang Yueting finally arrived at the star mother. The other two groups were not so lucky. There was no trace of life on the other two planets. One was completely composed of gas. Because it was too far away from the star, the gas on it was below the freezing point and condensed into solid. The monks took a lot of solid methane. These things are excellent fuels, but they are much used by people on earth, There's no use for the warriors.

The other is completely rock and sand. There is no water and no trace of life. Water is the source of life. Without water, nothing can happen.

But the samurai called these two planets Li Qiu and Mei Qiu, which made Wang Yueting laugh. It turns out that Samurai sometimes had a good sense of humor, and the ugly planet was called beautiful planet.

After completing the mission, the satellite mother was put into the storage space and returned to the ship in a small step.

"Why don't we go back the other way?" he said? It's no fun coming back. " He mainly wanted to avoid the potential killer neutron star.

"It's the starry sky," he said with a sneer. "All roads lead to Rome, but if you get lost in the starry sky, you'll never find your way home."

"Is that true?" Henry putt, who was not an astronomer, did not know much about the expertise.

Wang Yueting, who was in a good mood, said: "of course, it's true. We have finally found a green planet. Unfortunately, it's too far away. It takes five years to come here."

That night, a celebration banquet was held in the artifact space. Wang Yueting rarely raised her glass and said, "everyone, have a good drink today. It will take four years to return to the earth. The interstellar journey is a long process. I hope you will always remember this journey. We sacrificed a comrade in arms, but he saved us all, He is a worthy hero. What reason do we survive to refuse this most generous gift? Please

Some people are not even familiar with Li Sheng, but they firmly remember the name.

Li Sheng is also one of the few people who died but were not buried in Zhongnanshan mausoleum. His statue stands on the mausoleum square of Zhongnanshan to receive the worship of warriors.

"We tested the water in the oxygen sphere and concluded that the water on that planet did not come from the same place as the earth," said naker, who was half drunk

"What does that mean?" Wang Yueting doesn't quite understand these professional conclusions.

Naker explained: "according to the geological exploration of the earth, the water source on the earth comes from a comet impact. This evidence is in a 145 km diameter crater in western Mexico. In ancient times, the earth was a planet with frequent volcanoes. One day, a huge meteorite fell from the sky, which contained a lot of water, It is very likely that all of them are meteorites composed of water. A lot of water falls from the sky and smashes the earth into a big pit. Then water and volcanoes compete. It is a world full of rain and water and fire. Gradually, the earth has cooled down, and after countless years of evolution, the earth has today. "

"Astronomers have come to such a conclusion because after the analysis of the samples from comet meteorites, they have amazing similarities with the water on the earth. The water quality on the oxygen sphere is far different from that on the earth. Although it is suitable for drinking, it is different from the water on the earth. If we make a more detailed investigation of the oxygen sphere, we may be able to uncover the mystery of the universe, Figure out how stars are formed and how they work. "

"Is there such a powerful discovery?" Wang Yueting was very surprised.

"Of course, science can't be false." Naker sighed heavily and said, "unfortunately, I'm too old to do it again. Let my son and grandson inherit my will and make it clear."

To Wang Yueting's surprise, a round sun appeared in her other artifact space. This space is exactly the one where Duyu and magic fruit trees are placed. Wang Yueting remembers very clearly that master Qin Feining had a name called the emperor's Fairy ware, which contained the sun. Unfortunately, there was only one emperor's Fairy ware. Qin Feining kept it for his own use, where there were precious trees and herbs.

The appearance of the sun gave Wang Yueting a huge surprise, which means that she accidentally found a huge secret. She didn't know whether it was caused by Du Yu or the result of those magical fruit trees. It is very likely that Du Yu, who has the energy, has changed. She is unwilling to be lonely in the dark and deliberately creates this round of red sun.

Because the sun is good for people, Wang Yueting very generously moved all the monks and scientists to this space, but designated the place where fruit trees were planted in the depths of the artifact as a forbidden area, so that no one could get close to it.

Samurai don't think much about it, because samurai is to create magical human beings. As the leader of the team, Wang Yueting creates nothing unusual. It was the scientists who racked their brains to think about how Wang Yueting did all this. Some scientists remember that Wang Yueting disappeared mysteriously with her warriors for more than a month. Obviously, these super powerful warriors got more than them.

Day after day, the Observer reported: "a strange fleet has been found 300000 kilometers away."

Wang Yueting, who received the report, rushed to the cockpit to observe the fleet in the distance from Jixiang. Because of the distance, she could only see the vague shadow. The design with the carved animal head was definitely not her own.

Qin Feining, who has always kept a low profile, never likes to engrave the logo on the outside of the aircraft. Even if there is a logo, the name of such and such, such as Shenzhou and Yazhou, is written in Chinese characters.

Fleet walking in the interstellar channel, with Wang Yueting's small step was only 10 degrees angle, this angle means that the other side is familiar with the interstellar channel.

The warship of the mysterious fleet is huge, but its speed is not slow at all. According to the computer test, the speed of this fleet is 150000 kilometers per hour, which is even faster than the speed of Xiaobu. Wang Yueting can't help but wonder: "is the technology level of the other side higher than ours?"

Yin Fu is also very powerful, but does not understand science. In the vast starry sky, there are countless green planets and more advanced civilizations. More advanced technology is also expected.

But the other side's arrogant and domineering appearance gave Wang Yueting a bad premonition.

She hastily said: "our small step is a micro aircraft, which will not be found by the other party for the time being. Turn off the radio wave system immediately and observe it with auspicious omen for the time being."

"All right." Three operators immediately turned off the radio.

But the warship walking 300000 kilometers behind seems to have found the existence of Xiaobu, and fiercely aimed at this direction.

It's smaller than a grain of sand in the starry sky, just like a tiny dust.

The fleet behind comes to the place where the radio waves are turned off in a small step, and then the speed slows down. Wang Yueting, who is staring at all this, is even more shocked that the other party can capture the radio signals with the same accuracy, which shows that the other party's level of Science and technology is much higher than the earth does not know. This shows that the other side has been tracking the radio wave signal from the small step. It is very likely that the stronger signal from the mother satellite has been captured by the other side.

Later, the star mother withdrew, and Xiaobu also ran with all his strength. Until today, the other side's warship just caught up.

Then the mysterious warship released hundreds of small warships flying around. It seems that they are looking for the trace of Xiaobu. As soon as the figure flashed, a big man appeared.