Scientists who have had enough to eat and drink are in a much better mood and have put forward what they like to do one after another.

These people's intelligence quotients are undoubtedly very high, and their living habits are quite different. Some like swimming, some like skiing, some like flying kites, some like feeding dolphins, and some like parrots. When they come to the starry sky this time, they abandon their families, give up what they like, and have a backlog of emotions and lingering fear in their hearts, That's why we're not cooperating.

Except for a few other special requirements that Wang Yueting can't meet, most scientists have been satisfied. For example, some people like their own little dog. Can't wang Yueting make a little dog for them? Even if there is a dog, it's not the one the man raised. Pets have universality and particularity.

Take raising a dolphin as an example. In the eyes of the owner, it is not a dolphin, but a partner, friend, or even relative, which can not be replaced by other dolphins. This makes Wang Yueting unable to find the same pet for this person.

Wang Yueting tried her best to provide a place for these people to play. She rowed in the lake, sang loudly, and even delivered food to everyone.

In Wang Yueting's opinion, she is a kindergarten teacher who coaxes children. No, she is a nanny, a nanny who serves others. Her complacent sense of achievement when she walked into the starry sky was greatly reduced. Wang Yueting didn't know that everything she did was rewarded. This time she entered the starry sky, she was still young in the past, and she really matured.

As someone said, "thank your enemies, thank those who have hurt you, because they have tempered your mind, thank those who deceived you, because they have enhanced your wisdom, thank those who have slandered you, because they have sharpened your personality, thank those who have whipped you, because they have stimulated your fighting spirit, thank those who have abandoned you, because they have taught you independence, Thank the person who tripped you, because he strengthened your legs... "

Everyone has to face different people and environments. Although these scientists can't be Wang Yueting's enemies, they make Wang Yueting's mind mature. Three days later, the scientists became more and more stable and no longer afraid. Some people began to read the images in the sky.

After seeing this, Wang Yueting is finally relieved that she has not done other people's ideological work. This kind of thing is not easy to do. Who knows what other people think. We need to speculate slowly, observe carefully and think deeply.

Wang Yueting also has a lot to do, in addition to the development of routes, but also to establish a force to come out to prevent unexpected attacks in the starry sky. The route is not immutable. The idea that "as long as you follow the star navigation map, there will be no danger" is wrong.

The reason is very simple: "every planet in the sky is in motion. Sometimes it will occupy the channel. At this time, we have to decide where to go around, but we need to adjust where to go around."

And there are many unexpected visitors in the starry sky, that is, comets separated from the Oort cloud. The Oort cloud is too far away from the earth. The speed of light is 50000 years. This is a very large galaxy. Because of the dense star clusters, it looks like a cloud.

There are planets running out of the Oort cloud from time to time, which is the result of the planets being repulsed or collided during the motion of the Oort cloud. After the planets leaving the Oort cloud generally encounter the sun, the solid matter on the planet is vaporized by heat, producing a long tail, which is pushed out of the range of the sun due to the influence of the solar storm, So there will be images of comets running at the sight of the sun, which can be seen from the earth.

There is also a real phenomenon that can not be observed: "the comet does not escape, but changes its direction under the action of the sun, and its trajectory becomes unpredictable. It does not move along a regular route, sometimes it moves in an uncertain curve, or in a variety of curves."

In 1965, astronomers observed a comet, which disappeared a few days later. People thought that the comet had "evaporated", that is, it was broken. But in 1998, they saw the comet again. After it disappeared again, it was discovered again in 2001.

In the starry sky, such a comet is very dangerous. No one knows where it will appear next. If it only appears, what will happen if it comes to impact the planet?

Therefore, the starry sky is not very stable. Some planets have a big explosion at the end of their lives, and some have been hit by other planets and deviated from their orbits, becoming very dangerous planets. All these are beyond defense.

Small steps need to travel through these planets, and to avoid encountering the insurmountable barrier like Tianhe. River water alone is better. If it's a lethal gamma ray burst, it's hard to find black holes where even light is sucked in, and so on. These dangers will make all people disappear in a moment.

Gamma ray bursts can't be prevented in advance only a few seconds, and the natural strong light in the starry sky has the consequences of destroying everything.

Half a year has passed, and the order of artifact space has been very good. Many people forget that they are in the starry sky, drinking tea and chatting, fishing and hunting every day, and living a carefree life. Even Wang Yueting was relieved and began to have time to think about when she would find a green planet. To make a great discovery.

But there are not many green stars in the sky. If you really want to find them, it seems that there is no green star in the sky.

On this day, the pilot on Xiaobu suddenly sent an alarm: "our aircraft is under the action of gravity, and is deviating from the course."

Wang Yueting, who was very surprised, immediately opened the space map to check. It's true that they are still on the route and should be very stable. Instead, the nearest planet around needs to fly for a year to arrive. It should be a vacuum.

Thinking of the vacuum zone, Wang Yueting's heart is tense. She thinks of a passage Qin Feining once said to her: "the most dangerous thing in the starry sky is the black hole. A huge black hole can absorb any matter, even light, so we can't see the black hole. When we see it, even the line of sight is sucked away, and we can't find the existence of the black hole."

If even the line of sight will be sucked into the black hole, the radar wave will not bounce back, and the radar will not find the existence of the black hole. There are no planets around here. Are they sucked in by black holes?

Wang Yueting's heart is very anxious, immediately came to the narrow cockpit, said: "we must get rid of the attraction, we can't be led by unknown forces."

"We tried several times, and also applied mana to Du Yu. The energy in Du Yu reached the highest level, but Xiaobu still couldn't get out of danger and was still pulled by that force."

Wang Yueting's heart is very anxious, reproach a way: "why not correct at the beginning come over?"

The driver was very aggrieved to say: "that kind of power is too big, just like being tied by a rope, can't get rid of."

Wang Yueting fainted, in this way, they would be sucked into the black hole, even the body would not stay. She said to the driver in a hurry, "even if there is only one in ten thousand hopes, we have to make the last effort."

With a bitter smile, the driver said, "everyone knows this. Do I really want to die?"

Even in order to survive, we will make all kinds of efforts.

Turning her head, Wang Yueting asked impatiently, "do you find something that makes Xiaobu change the track?"

The two observers looked very ugly and said, "we've been working very hard. We haven't found any planets, even meteorites with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers."

"Could it be a black hole?" Wang Yueting's voice trembled.

The three people in the cockpit looked at each other and said in one voice, "no? Is our luck so bad? "

Depressed Wang Yueting said: "this time I come out, my master won't give me a calculation. It's a big loss. Damn it, it's really bad luck. You'd better observe it carefully and see if there is a solution." In a hurry, even Wang Yueting, who has always been elegant, can't help saying rude words.

When she returned to the artifact space, she wanted to raise the alarm. Suddenly, she thought that everyone's mood had just calmed down. If she knew that Xiaobu was out of control, maybe she would be in a mess first. She said to one of the waiters in a hurry, "call the astronomers to the conference room immediately for an emergency meeting."

"Yes, Miss Wang." The waiter saw that Wang Yueting's face was not right and didn't dare to say anything more.

There were forty or fifty astronomers in artifact space. After looking for it for a long time, the waiter came back and said, "Miss Wang, they've all gone boating and chanting poems."

"At the moment of life and death, do they still have leisure to sing poems against each other?" Wang Yueting burst into a rage, suddenly thought that the danger is sudden, these days people are used to leisurely, lost vigilance is also should.

She sat down dispirited, waved her hand and said, "go and call Li Sheng."

Li Sheng is a military officer selected by Wang Yueting, also known as the highest military officer, who is specially responsible for military operations.

Li Sheng, who came out of Zhongnan mountain of Yin mansion, is also the man with the deepest magic power. Now he can only rely on these warriors. Those scientists are really not reassuring.

After entering the starry sky, the warriors are still very quiet, because they are not surprised by everything in the artifact space. They are not as fussy as scientists. They are curious about everything they see. Is this in the starry sky? Many people even suspect that it is an experiment conducted by the government to observe people's performance in the hypothetical starry sky. They need to have fun in time. When they return to the society, they can boast in front of their relatives and friends in the future: "I thought I was in the starry sky, but I was not afraid, and I ate well and slept happily."

This state of mind almost everyone has some.