Find a high mountain, the mercerized bird is only two or three hundred meters above the ground, then fly up the hillside, hover more than ten circles on the top of the highest mountain and land down. When we walked down, we saw that there were only exposed rocks on the top of the mountain, lying in the sky in all directions. The hillside was very steep, and occasionally one or two roars came from the bottom of the mountain.

Further away, there are dense forests. It's still a cold winter. The leaves are all fallen and the snow is almost visible.

Pires looked at the surroundings and was about to speak. Suddenly, he felt the wind was blowing, and a dark shadow came down from the air. He did not care to watch carefully, fired a shot at the shadow, with a squeaky scream, full of five meters long wings of a big bird straight down the mountain.

Then came the sound of fluttering wings around, and Pires saw that there were hundreds of big birds hundreds of meters above.

"Hurry back." Wang Yueting yelled. Then, these fellow men returned to the mercerized birds.

Inside the aircraft, Perez, who was a little bit shocked, gave you a brief explanation of the use of pistols, which was nothing more than taking care of the insurance and not causing accidents.

Soon, everyone understood the principle of the gun. Then, Wang Yueting opened the cabin door of the aircraft, and a shadow rushed forward immediately. After a clear gunshot, the shadow was shot, and the huge wings stirred up more fiercely.

Then there were several shots, and the huge bird died.

After we learned how to use guns, we killed the birds and jumped off the aircraft. Then the muzzle is up, ready to shoot. But the clouds in the sky are dim, and the giant birds have disappeared.

Looking down the mountain, the first bird killed by Peres has disappeared. There are only a few drops of blood, and pieces of bird feathers hanging on the branches. We can't help but feel shocked: "this bird is actually a carnivore."

Pires said with a smile: "if it wasn't for carnivores, they would not attack humans. Herbivores are often afraid of humans. Only carnivores are more fierce. Generally speaking, carnivores are at the top of predators."

Look at the giant bird that was killed. It seems to be smaller. It is a young bird. Pires said thoughtfully, "this may be the offspring of the big adult bird. I don't know whether it's her father or her mother who died. Maybe she wants to avenge her family."

Wang Yueting couldn't bear it and said, "it seems that the animals here are also affectionate and righteous."

Yao Chunlin, Qin Xun's disciple, said, "elder martial sister, Ye Xing is useless. Why don't you give the mountain a name and the poor bird a name?"

"Let's have a rest here, and the giant bird will return to heaven. It's called Qishan." Wang Yueting used a magic weapon to engrave the two characters "Qishan" on the side of the largest Boulder, and then painted them with the blood of the young bird. The bright red characters are awe inspiring.

Wang Yueting also said: "birds fall, like leaves fall generally sad, it is called deciduous birds."

Although some people have different opinions, they still have no objection, because the name "deciduous bird" has nothing to do with Raptor. Wang Yueting's heart is still a little gentle, and she lacks the spirit of fighting bravely.

The mercerized bird starts slowly. As we haven't learned how to fly across the sky, we just skim over the treetops. After flying for an hour, it's nearly 200 li away from Qishan. A large group of herbivores appear on the plain below. Wang Yueting controls the aircraft to land. The commander shot and killed more than 20 animals as big as calves. They were divided into two parts, one for each person. In actual combat, many people's shooting skills improved very quickly, from failure to one hit.

Pires is the most natural and unrestrained. He didn't fire a shot. He asked his classmates to practice his marksmanship. His marksmanship had already had a foundation, so he didn't need to practice any more.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows. The mages, who are happily harvesting their prey, turn their heads and look around. It's not good. They see a beast, four meters long and covered with scales, hurtling forward like flying. They can already see that it's shining like a light bulb.

The mages were so surprised that it was too late to return to the aircraft. The beast was so fast that it rushed up in a twinkling of an eye. Pires called out hastily, "shoot."

With the shouts, he squatted down, with guns in his hands, Bang Bang... The gunfire rang out.

The bullet fell on the beast's body, showing stars and sparks. The beast was not afraid of the armor piercing bullet. And the beast pounced down from the mid air, spitting out the pungent bloody gas. Just when everyone felt terrible, Wang Yueting suddenly jumped up, the muzzle in her hand was only half a meter away from the beast, and all the bullets full of clips were shot into the beast's mouth.

Bang, Wang Yueting's body collides with the beast in mid air. In an emergency, Wang Yueting throws away her pistol, grabs the beast's mane with both hands, and a swallow returns to its nest, turns over and rides on the beast's neck.

The mages scattered quickly, and the beast fell to the ground, smashing the grass into a half meter deep pit.

Close to a look, the beast has no gas, two eyes are still unwilling to stare round. All the people breathed a sigh of relief. After careful examination, they found that Pires' bullet could not go into the beast's body, but the beast's scales were as hard as copper and iron. After the bullet penetrated the scales, its strength was reduced by more than half. The bullet embedded in the beast's flesh was only three or four centimeters deep, and could not cause fatal damage to the beast.

However, Wang Yueting's guns were shot at close range, and they were shot from the weakest mouth, which caused fatal injury to the beast. From the beast's palate through the brain. Yao Chunlin and others were overjoyed and said that the beast weighed 3000 Jin, a ton and a half.

Wang Yueting was not shaken, and her feat was accomplished without hesitation. Afterwards, I felt that it was too risky, and a sense of pride rose from the bottom of my heart. I can be a hero myself.

The mages carried the dead beast into the aircraft. After inspection, they found that the beast's body surface was stronger than gold and iron, copper head and iron bone, which was very fierce. Hua Yi, a fellow of the same family, said, "if there were such beasts on the earth, human beings would not be able to rule the earth."

His words are reasonable. Only in ancient times did giant beasts appear on the earth. At that time, it was known as the "dinosaur age". According to the inference of scientists, the dinosaur age was destroyed by an irresistible natural disaster. Maybe it was because dinosaurs were so overbearing that they were always at the top of predators that human beings were not born.

Then, the aircraft came to a large lake and fell down. The lake was surrounded by high mountains. This time, Wang Yueting learned a lesson, did not leave the aircraft soon, observed for a long time, confirmed that there was no danger before calling the people down.

Pires had a little military experience and said: "let's separate four people and guard them in four directions. This is called warning. When there is danger, we immediately fire a warning gun. We don't have to go too far. The distance of 50 meters is enough."

Wang Yueting heart move, said: "Peres, you do the team's vice captain."

Pires said, without any hesitation, "do you agree?"

He still hasn't completely come out of the democratic society. Wang Yueting said angrily, "if I let you do it, you are duty bound. You don't have to ask other people's opinions." Although the words were overbearing, they were gradually accepted by their peers and learned to obey.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Pires happily accepted and said, "well, I'll take the promotion of my aunt." This product has the ambition of being an official, but it is quite sincere.

When we don't know much about the future and everything is unknown, we need to be arbitrary. If we are too democratic, there are 18 different opinions on even one direction of progress. If we follow the social philosophy on earth, the pace of developing the starry sky will certainly be delayed.

Governance team and governance society are almost the same kind of management, just a small collective and a large collective. In the period of iron rule, if democracy is implemented, it is an ideological mistake. When society is in a stable period, democracy is still needed.

Although Qin Feining's current state is powerful, it is very unstable. No one can say a good thing about the future. There are too many unknowns. In Qin Feining's heart, there are too many things to worry about. The most important thing is the weakness of the earth people.

If there is no earth man's burden, he is quite at ease living in the hell.

Even if we don't live on these planets, it's not impossible to find a new green planet in the sky, and then lead his people to live together. A few years or more later, a new human will be born.

But Qin Feining always regarded the earth as his real home. He said that the fate of Jews during World War II was an example. Now that he is walking hard, future generations will be able to get more happiness.

After the four directions alert, the people's uneasy heart is settled down. It's really terrible to be attacked by beasts.

Wang Yueting stood beside the clear water of the lake and said, "which one of you has a way to store the water?"

It is common sense that we must reserve a large amount of fresh water to enter the arid areas. Although we have aircraft in our hands, we can't fly out all the time to get water, can we? What's more, we need more fresh water when we take a bath and wash.

A mage said: "elder martial sister, let's try to see if the lake water is still drinkable, and then decide the problem of water storage."

This is very reasonable, someone looked at the lake, said: "so clean water, still need to try it?"

"Wang laixu is right. I don't know how to test whether I can drink it?" Wang Yueting raised new questions.

"Let me have a try." Hao Wen, who had made mistakes, volunteered.

Wang Yueting waved her hand and said: "Hao Wen, there is no need to have pressure in your heart. That matter has passed. If you still have a sense of guilt in your heart, it will be very bad for you in the future. We are a collective, so we should unite. We are all mortals, and no one can avoid making mistakes."

"Elder martial sister, I don't feel guilty. There's no better way at present. It's important for us to hurry. I think there are fish in the water. There won't be any problem." Hao Wen's tone was firm.