After the junior level selection, the selected people came to the interview hall.

Due to the presence of perilla, a noble and incomparable teacher, little white wolf dare not be too arrogant. It's very rare to sit upright. There are only three interviewees, one is perilla, one is little white wolf, and the last one is Qin he.

Qin he doesn't like to be in the limelight among Qin Feining's daughters. She chose to make pills very quietly. Later, he trained and led a large number of warriors in Zhongnan mountain. In fact, the monks of Yin mansion were good at alchemy. Later, Qin he became a manager and did not make pills himself.

Qin Feining attached great importance to the field of refining pills and gave Qin he great authority to meet his needs in terms of materials. The treatment of those warriors is also quite high. There are ten million alchemy warriors under Qin he's command. There are special people who are responsible for refining heaven level elixir and human level elixir.

Heaven level elixir is more secret, because high-level elixir needs to be refined for thousands of years. In these years, warriors can't leave the furnace for half a step. They can master the fire anytime and anywhere, and timely add the spirit grass of Heaven material and earth treasure. Alchemists are very hard. This kind of pill needs special person to be responsible for it.

Qin he is responsible for asking questions to the interviewers according to the words on a prepared piece of paper, such as: "why do you choose to practice magic, what do you plan to do with magic in the future? Do you like money and beauty? What do you know about Ye Xing? " And so on, these seemingly naive questions.

Things are not very smooth, even more than a dozen interviewers were denied by white wolf.

Qin he is very angry. She can't stand the smiley face of little white wolf. "Younger martial brother, why do you say those people are not qualified

"Cut, those people's mind is not right, the last interviewer is still guessing how big your chest is, don't you see him staring at your chest?"

This made Qin he almost furious, and he couldn't grasp anything. He didn't know whether the words of little white wolf were true or false. Immediately put on a magic weapon to avoid being peeped.

But perilla is in accordance with the custom of seclusion. As long as she puts on the clothes of armor all the time before outsiders, she never drops the chain. This kind of clothes can avoid other people's peeping, but it also covers up the curve of a woman's body. Perilla thinks that this kind of clothes is more suitable for her. After hearing this, he laughed and said, "little white wolf, you are so great."

"Thank you for your praise." Little white wolf was very proud.

The interviewer is not without success, little white wolf is to use mind reading to see if this person is consistent. If some interviewers know that there is such a magic, practice it in advance to be consistent, and the chance of passing is very large.

After all, people's hearts are changing sometimes. Take love as an example. At that time, everyone said that they were sincere. But how many people's love can last for decades? Even sincerity can not be retained for a lifetime. There are countless examples of people who are sincere face to face and forget why they are sincere when they turn around.

After ten days of interview, the three examiners were exhausted, only less than one thousand qualified candidates were selected. This is the rhythm of one in a thousand.

Later, the interviewer gradually figured out the rules, just a few toss and turn questions, to get it done.

On this day, after three people were qualified, the little white wolf also wondered: "are people now transsexual? From bad to good? "

So the next interviewer after Qin he asked, little white wolf was very reluctant to ask: "do you come to interview by taxi or by bus?"

This question is so new that the interviewee was stunned and said, "I came on foot."

This sentence is a lie. Little white wolf is so angry that someone dares to cheat him. Immediately roared: "roll, it is a taxi, dare to cheat me?"

This sentence exposed the power of little white wolf. After it was spread out, many people understood one thing: "since the other party is a super power person, it is reasonable to see through people's mind. Heaven and earth are smart. I don't tell lies, absolutely don't tell lies."

After the interview, there is no need to continue. So perilla command: "the number of people temporarily on these bar, there is no interview waiting for notice."

All those who come to the interview have gone through a lot of tests and twists and turns. They will get to the last level after passing five passes and cutting six. It is obviously unfair that the interview will be cancelled because of one sentence.

So the media began to attack perilla.

But the aristocratic purple perilla did not take the media's overwhelming criticism seriously. Later, the words of the media became fierce, and even there was abuse and rumors. Qiao Huizi couldn't stand it any more and said to zisu, "since you made the decision to cancel the interview, I'd better explain it to you, so that my husband won't be the target of public criticism."

Perilla is not angry in general, but Qiao Huizi's words angered her. Instead of venting on Qiao Huizi, perilla immediately held a press conference. Now there is a bit of confusion in the society. There is no trivial matter concerning Ye Xing. Even the birth of a child has attracted hundreds of millions of people's attention, not to mention the selection of mages?

Basil face sitting on the stage, the following is a long gun short gun reporters.

A reporter asked, "excuse me, Mrs. perilla, why did you cancel the interview? A lot of interviewers come from thousands of miles away. They give up their jobs and spend money, but they are blocked by your words. Do you think this is fair? "

Perilla staring at the reporter's face, said: "then you say, what do I need to do to be fair?"

"Keep interviewing, of course." The reporter replied.

"However, the interviewer took advantage of my kindness and the opportunity that Ye Xing needed talents to cheat us. Do you think this is fair? I tell you, I'm the chief examiner of recruiting talents, and all the procedures are made by me. If I say stop, that's stop. If you don't agree, fight with me. "

After saying that, perilla rushed to the press group, shouting: "come on, who dare not fight is grandson."

Qiao Huizi looked bad and quickly pulled the Perilla back.

In the end, the press conference turned into a farce, and many media continued to laugh at the fact that perilla had no gentlemanly demeanor at all and had the same quality as ruffians. But the storm of the interview is finally over. For this reason, the evaluation of the upper class society to Qin Feining is: "as an intellectual doctor, his wives are as fierce as tigers, but they are lucky, rich and powerful. It's really amazing."

Qin Feining's plan has not been fully realized. There are too many right and wrong on earth. It's not as clean as the friars. There is only one principle in the world of monks: "the strong is the king". This principle represents the aspirations of many people, and also explains many rules.

There are too many rules on earth, too few capable people, and most people are following suit. The conflict between absolute democracy and absolute power is inevitable. Qin Feining has the final say since he took charge of the military power. He had the final say, and he was the one who had been reused and his wife and his family. This method works well in Yinfu and Youjian, but it's absolutely not easy to return to the earth. A person in charge of the highest power, his relatives can not hold any positions in government agencies, otherwise there will be "one person gets the road, the dog rises to heaven" suspicion.

Someone commented on Qin Feining: "it's still too bookish to understand the needs of people's hearts. Don't think that with the idea of saving mankind, everyone will be grateful to you. Seeing that you are so overbearing, everyone thinks that the future must be a tyrant, and everyone wants to replace it."

Facing the difficulty of selecting talents, Qin Feining was hit hard and kept on sighing and saying to Qiao Huizi: "tell me, Huizi. Since we knew each other, I have never hurt others. I always think more about others and less about myself. Why do so many people still don't understand me? It's just that they don't support me. It's unbearable to cheat me with my tolerance. If I didn't stand in front of them, would they be so free? "

"You can't expect everyone to have the same idea as you. Secondly, everyone has a desire. How many people will work for a salary of only 3000 yuan a month sooner or later when you don't worry about food and clothing? They also need to see the boss's face, endure the strife brought by colleagues, social injustice, food insecurity? It's not that you haven't experienced it, it's that you forget it now. If you are still in the same status and state as others, can you have the heart to marry eight wives? I'm tired to death when I go to work every day, I'm noisy to death when I go home from work, I'm sweating when I lie in bed at night, and I'm still working hard, and I have children crying for food. All this is not happiness, but suffering. You, don't be in the middle of fortune. "

If you think about it carefully, Qiao Huizi is right. Qin Feining paid a lot for human beings, but he also got enough rewards. Every time he fought, he got a large number of captives and spoils. With the support of these strategic materials, his career became stronger and stronger like a snowball.

Looking back, it's just a joke to yearn for unconditional support from people on earth.

Due to the problem of human ability, the earth people have been in the shortage of materials for thousands of years, without food, clothing, social security and security. With the progress of science, the living standard has just been improved a little bit, but more than half of the people are still in a tense rush for food and clothing. This living environment allows them to struggle for their future children and grandchildren and go through fire and water for the future of the earth. It can't be realized at all.

Therefore, deception and dishonesty between people on earth need to last for a long time. Now it's good to be able to support themselves and work hard to improve their living conditions with their own hands. Qin Feining hopes to get all people's unconditional support, which is an extravagant hope.

Don't complain that the present people are too realistic, but the reality is too cruel. Money is the driving force of society and everyone. How many of the people who shout for ideals, for doctrines, for religions and for beliefs are sincere?