After swimming out of the king's ship, Zhen Fei sacrificed a large net and began to salvage the fish here, and then sent the fish into the storage space. More than ten tons of fish were caught in just one hour.

Then, Zhen Fei and Ling Yun return to the king ship.

Zhen Fei is not greedy and wants to eat the fish here. Instead, he puts the fish he catches into the river of Xianqi space for stocking. He wants to observe the normal life of these fish for research purposes.

Along the way, Zhen Fei saw three planets with human civilization, at least billions of kilometers long Tianhe, and how many such planets have been raised. This shows that there are a large number of human beings in Tianhe. The so-called human beings are the creatures with the symbol of civilization. They know how to think, can make tools, occupy the top position of predators, have advanced equipment and so on.

But Zhen Fei didn't see these people's ships, that is, the means of transportation in the waters, which made him feel relieved, because that is to say, the civilization of the Shui people is still not strong enough. They don't live beyond their own planet.

As the planet gathers a large number of fish creatures, the top predators have no worries about food and clothing, life and enterprising thinking.

In fact, war is also one of the lubricants to accelerate the evolution of civilization. After each war, a lot of science has made great progress.

On the eighty eighth day, Zhen Fei finally saw the edge of the Tianhe river. They cheered and rushed out of the range of the Tianhe river. It's two months later than coming from the fairway. In other words, crossing the Tianhe river is a waste of time, but Zhen Fei thinks that such a waste is worth it.

Tianhe, let him experience a baptism of education, let him re recognize the world.

Tao Li and others have been waiting at the intersection of the double cross. After Zhen Fei and others came here, they found Tao Li and others' warships by radar. Their warships are still old-fashioned heavy armor warships, slow in speed, heavy in weight, and their anti Strike ability is not good enough.

After seeing Zhen Fei, Tao Li threw himself into Zhen Fei's arms and burst into tears: "general, I thought I would never see you in my life."

The laughing and crying Zhen Fei patted Tao Li on the shoulder and said, "Why are you so frustrated? The big man is still crying. Haven't we seen him? Don't cry, everyone is looking at you. "

Tao Li laughed.

Suddenly, Zhen Fei found that Tao Li's temples had white hair. Can't help stroking his temples, said: "hard you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you."

"General, I haven't done a good job. I haven't found the earth yet." Tao Li was also ashamed.

"It's not your fault. Let's work together and have a look at my new warship, OK?" Zhen Fei changed the topic and pointed to the king ship.

Looking at the glittering King warship, Tao Li took a breath and said, "I've seen this kind of warship for a long time. I can't believe it's you. I can't imagine that the general has changed his guns now."

"Pop." Zhen Fei patted Tao Li on the top of his head and said, "what's a shot in the arm? This is scientific progress, OK? In fact, all this is due to the two girls, sun Yingji and Qiao Bushi. Without their efforts, there would be no royal ship at all. "

"General, how did you come to the starry sky?" Tao Li asked a key question.

"Don't mention it." Zhen Fei waved his hand and said, "it's too embarrassing to be driven out by others."

"Who is it?" Tao Li clenched his fist and said, "I'm going to kill you."

"Kill what?" Zhen Fei hugged Tao Li and said, "let's go back together in the future. Now the most important task is to go home." Mingfan next to him is also very excited. They don't plan to go back alive when they travel in the starry sky. Unexpectedly, Zhen Fei catches up later. In the long starry sky, it is also fate to find comrades in arms.

After that, the homesickness in Zhen Fei's heart can no longer be restrained. He looks at the starry sky regardless of southeast and northwest, and falls into pain. I don't know if my mother is OK? Is Xiaoxiao still waiting for him. There are Qiao Huizi, who is full of laughter, and lengxiao, who is full of spirit.

And their children, they should be taller, right?

On the way back, Zhen Fei didn't take the Tianhe Road again. Instead, he went back to the carrier according to the route marked on the star navigation map.

This proves that the navigation map has been precisely designed, and predecessors have paid great efforts and sacrifices to make it. Although the navigation map still has defects, Zhenfei has supplemented them one by one. Every planet he saw along the way has been marked and named. This is his name. History will firmly remember these names, as well as Zhen Fei's name. His journey is difficult and also very great. In front of human beings on earth, he is a pioneer, opening up a precedent in history and creating the greatest cause.

In Zhen Fei's heart, he is satisfied and has a great sense of achievement.

Sun Yingji's inner satisfaction is very similar to that of Zhen Fei. This time, sun Yingji led more than 10000 warriors into the habitat of the beast, and captured nearly 100000 beasts. Some of these beasts are familiar to Zhen Fei, such as lion dragon, unicorn, dragon and Phoenix.

In addition, there are more animals that he has never seen or heard of.

More than 1000 warriors died in this hunt.

More than 5000 people were injured.

It turns out that these beasts are very powerful. They not only need more than a thousand warriors to encircle and suppress one beast at the same time, but also kill warriors.

After more than 100000 times of encirclement and killing, sun Yingji and others finally captured these beasts. But they themselves suffered.

In a rage, Zhen Fei called sun Yingji and said harshly, "Sun Yingji, I regard you as my wife and my love. Is that how you use my love for you? Under your leadership, there have been more than 1000 deaths. Don't you know? We only have more than 20000 guards. Even if one person dies, it's an incalculable loss for us. "

"So what? I led them well, but they also volunteered. Who can blame them when they die? " Sun Yingji is very stubborn and refuses to admit that it is his own fault.

In a rage, Zhen Fei points at Sun Yingji and scolds, "you have ruined more than 1000 warriors' lives. Are you still unwilling to admit it? The fact is in front of you. Do you need me to wake you up? "

What Zhen Fei said must be a kind of domestic violence.

Up to now, Zhen Fei has not hit his wife, which does not mean that he does not have the idea of domestic violence, nor does it mean that he will not carry out domestic violence.

At this time, perilla, Zhao Yayun, Qi's three sisters came to persuade one another, and perilla forced Sun Yingji away from the same anger. Zhao Yayun stops Zhen Fei in the rage.

Then, Zhao Yayun advised: "you are always a gentleman. How can you become so violent all of a sudden?"

"You won't know. She broke my last line." Zhen Fei is still angry.

"Sun Yingji is not to blame for this. As you know, those warriors also want to catch the beast, and everyone knows that there is a great risk in catching the beast. We can't save the dead among them, but the injured people have no regrets. If you don't believe me, go to comfort the injured people, they are still very excited." Zhao Yayun quickly enlightens her husband.

"Crazy, crazy." Zhen Fei couldn't understand the monks' thoughts. In Zhen Fei's opinion, the divine beast is just an animal. No matter how powerful the animal is, it's useless. It's far less practical and reliable than the elves.

After a small storm, Zhen Fei did not pursue the responsibility of this matter. Although sun Yingji caused a big disaster, her talent is still outstanding. Zhen Fei loves her talent and also feels sorry for his wife. After all, they are husband and wife. If they lose their temper under the bed, they will make up when they go to bed.

The captured beast can't be used all at once. It needs to be induced and tamed. Taming the beast is a whole set of experience, which comes from the ancient teachings of the world of monks. The captured beast needs to starve for several months to make the recalcitrant beast exhausted and dying. It can't hurt human beings. Then it needs to be fed with a small amount of food. At the beginning, it needs to be fed by a special person to let the beast accept the gift of human beings. At the last stage, it is to teach some monks' basic magic skills to let the beast practice. The purpose of this practice is to let the beast communicate with human beings, Understand the kindness and kindness of the master.

In this way, the beast will gradually forget the terrible memory left when it was killed. Finally, we need to use a whip to make the beast understand the pain and correct mistakes.

After being tamed, the beast only obeys the master's words. Because the training is one-to-one, the beast is very loyal to the master and will not rebel in his whole life. Then, the bad habits of the beast are forced to give up, making the behavior of the beast noble and elegant. Just like a gentleman, he is a powerful beast in battle.

Only through complex training can the beast help human beings. It's not like what Zhen Fei thought in his heart: "he's covered with lice and fleas. He's very unsanitary and moody. He often does unexpected things."

In fact, after being tamed, the beast is still very lovely. It has no barriers to communicate with people. With the increase of feelings, it is like relatives. As a result, the warriors spared no effort to capture the beast. To be able to get a beast is not only a powerful helper, but also an emotional exchange, which is equal to adding a family member. Although the process is extremely difficult, it is worth trying.

After a few days, sun Yingji seemed as if nothing had happened. She is so heartless, in the heart all unhappy, after a period of adjustment completely forget. Sun Yingji finds Zhen Fei, slaps him on the shoulder and says with a smile, "husband, let's go and pick a beast."

"Still remember the beast?" Zhen Fei a face black line ground says.