He Lu is thirty-seven years old. He is magnificent and has a strong physique that can withstand the cold in the wild. He was born with a purple face, short beard like halberd, temples connected with lips, and long hair spread over his shoulders. His eyes are deep and full of light. He has an indescribable momentum to deter all living beings. At this time, he is focusing on the peak of lion mountain with his murderous eyes, Brilliant and brilliant, it seems to have foreseen that the Terran soldiers will be swept by the wind and will collapse under his invincible army.

When Zhen Fei's aircraft flew out of a cliff with only two feet square, he saw the ambitious Helu face to face.

Zhen Fei raised his hand and said, "Hello, Daoyou, what are you doing here?"

"Who are you?" He Lu asked in surprise. He is very curious about Zhen Fei, who flies the aircraft.

"My name is Zhen Fei. I'm the owner here. May I have your name, please?" Zhen Fei said very politely. Since qianzhangling is a place without a master, he has already occupied it, and the hegemony has already begun, there is absolutely no reason to give up.

He Lu said in surprise, "is qianzhangling inhabited?"

"Of course, don't you doubt that I'm lying?" Zhen Fei pretends to be angry. Looking at Helu's appearance, he should be a hero.

He Lu sighed. It seemed that he was a little late. He said to Zhen Fei sincerely, "I'm from he family. Are you from Zhen family?"

"What are you doing here, brother he?" Zhen Fei avoids the other side's interrogation, but asks back.

Although he didn't get a positive answer from Zhen Fei, the preconceived he Lu has regarded him as a member of the Zhen family who has been fighting with the lion clan for the longest time, so he said, "I thought this place was empty. I want to make a career here. Since brother Zhen is here, I'd better leave."

"Brother he, go all the way." Zhen Fei bows his hand to say goodbye with great respect.

While talking to Helu, Zhenfei controls the aircraft to land. After Helu leaves, he sees a black flower behind a huge stone. There are white flowers, pink flowers and red flowers in the world, but there are no black flowers.

This is because black is easy to absorb heat and damage flowers, so even if there are black flowers, the blooming time will not be too long. In the face of the cruel nature, plants with black flowers are doomed not to reproduce too much. Only the most suitable place for them can find one or two.

Zhen Fei looks at the black nameless flower in surprise. He can see that the black flower is fading away, leaving only a bare stamen. The black petals are scattered around and absorbed by the soil in a twinkling of an eye.

After seeing all this, Zhen Fei was even more surprised. The petals fell on the ground and were absorbed by the soil only after they were dried and rotten. What kind of material is this black flower made of? It could be absorbed by the soil so quickly. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe there were such magical plants in the world.

If you look carefully, the plant in full bloom with black flowers has a main stem with blue skin, which is more than two feet high. It is woody and wild, and its leaves are bluish white. Its appearance is not good-looking, so it is easy to be ignored. When Zhen Fei's eye looked at the root of the plant, he vaguely saw a naked boy in the root part of the plant.

Zhen Fei surprised for a while, heart drama shock, subconsciously called: "stop it quickly."

Ling Yun, who received the order, came up with a lunge, and the light in his hand flashed, fixing the plant with mana.

Then, Zhen Fei sees the little boy struggling under the root system.

He waved his hand and said, "don't hurt the child."

Ling Yun's men lighten the pressure a little, and then the child opens his eyebrows and looks at Zhen Fei angrily.

In front of a flower, there is a little boy in a belly pocket. Zhen Fei said: "don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. My name is Zhen Fei. Are you a flower demon?"

"I'm a tree demon, OK?" The little boy said angrily as if he had been looked down upon.

"Well, well, you're a tree demon." Zhen Fei chuckled. It seemed that the child was very simple and said, "what tree are you?"

"My name is not old tree. I will never grow old." Said the little boy, straightening his back.

Zhen Fei suddenly remembered a sentence in the chapter of Medicine: "there is a kind of tree that is not old in the world. It blooms in three hundred years, its color is dark, and it falls to the ground between ten breath." There is also a prescription in the back. After the petals of this kind of flower are mixed with other Tiancai Dibao, the pill can prolong the life of a hundred years.

So Zhen Fei understood that in order to prevent the petals from being picked, the tree demon absorbed the petals himself, and the flowers bloomed and fell, so that the tree could live forever. Zhen Fei is very envious. Although the treasures in the world are not attractive to him, the immortal tree is a treasure between heaven and earth. It's fate to meet this kind of strange tree today.

Zhen Fei said, "OK, no old tree, I've heard of you. Do you still have petals in your hand? Can you give me some? I'll exchange it for you with other natural materials and local treasures. "

"I don't want your talent." The old tree looks at Zhen Fei on guard.

"Isn't that good? I'll exchange it with you reasonably, and you can drive the price. " Zhen Fei is ready to be slaughtered once.

"You look like a good man." Not old tree said: "my name is black flag, if you can protect my hundred years of peace, a year I will give you a petal, never break my promise."

"This can be done. You can stay in my storage space and make sure no one dares to hurt you." Zhen Fei promised to protect a small tree demon according to his ability.

The black flag is very happy, the palm turns, in his snow-white tender palm heart appeared a black petal. Zhen Fei took it. The black flag said, "Hey, what should I call you?"

"Just call me Dr. Zhen." Zhen Fei's heart is full of joy. It's the best way to exchange interests like this. If black flag wants to leave wholeheartedly, kind Zhen Fei can't stop him. He's not a robber.

"Well, Dr. Zhen, you have to keep your promise." The tree demon black flag said uneasily.

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of you. If you need anything, just tell me. My ability is more powerful than you think." Zhen Fei immediately made a commitment to dispel the suspicion of the black flag.

After the black flag enters the storage space, it enters the artifact and lives in peace.

The young tree that was exposed on the ground was thrown aside, and the black flag was ignored. After a bloom, the plant was thrown away like a smelly skin.

Black flag as like as two peas, he could lose his shape. Zhen Fei could not bear to throw it away. He carefully observed the surrounding temperature and the alternate environment of yin and Yang, and built a similar environment in his artifact space, and transplanted the old tree.

Although this is not a tree demon, the plants left by the tree demon are also hard to find.

After that, Zhen Fei searched nearby. All the plants he didn't know were picked and planted, and made a specimen backup. Since Youjian is a space full of poisons, as a doctor, there is no reason to miss the opportunity to make a good investigation of the plants here and do an in-depth study.

There are more poisonous plants than in the world, but not any plants are poisonous at will, especially the plants with high toxicity are rare.

Zhen Fei, who came from traditional Chinese medicine, still has a little research on plants. As long as he sniffs and tastes them with his mouth, he knows whether they are poisonous or not according to his sensory experience.

Accompanied by Ling Yun, Zhen Fei concentrates on searching for plants that he has never seen before in a dangerous place. Unconsciously, the sky darkens, and the day goes by like this.

In the evening, instead of going back to the camp, Zhen Fei ate some food in the mountains and said to Ling Yun, "you stay here. I'll go into the artifact and make an arrangement for the specimens excavated during the day."

"Well, general, go ahead. I have nothing to do here." Ling Yun agreed.

Zhen Fei enters the artifact and classifies the poisonous plants. Some of the plants with high toxicity were further tested in the test tank.

On this day, Zhen Fei only picked and planted hundreds of plants. He felt that he had gained a lot.

It was not until midnight that everything was arranged.

Zhen Fei greets Ling Yun to come in and have a rest. He is outside to watch the night.

Because there is no time to rest during the day, in the evening, Zhen Fei is sleepy and hears a whimper of flute. Zhen Fei woke up with a start. He was very surprised. He didn't expect that there was such an elegant person playing Jade Flute in the no man's land of Qianzhang mountain. Such a person must be a wonderful person.

Among Zhen Fei's wives, Qiao Huizi and Leng Xiao are both proficient in music. Qiao Huizi can play and sing, but Leng Xiao is a family member. He is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. When Zhen Fei and his wives are together, they seldom linger in bed. Instead, they talk about some artistic things. Coupled with his talent, he is also proficient in music.

Zhen Fei put away the artifact and went along with the sound of the flute. After crossing a mountain, the sound of the flute became more and more clear. Zhen Fei, who was flying across the sky, fell from the sky. With the eye of heaven, he could see that on a huge stone not far away, a woman with floating clothes stood on her back. This is an elf turned from a lion. It does not belong to human beings, Maybe it's the lion elves that evolved later.

Worried about disturbing the elves of the lion clan, Zhen Fei stopped at a distance. After a piece of music was finished, he arched his hand and said in a loud voice: "this Taoist friend invited me to play again in the middle of the night, but what's difficult in my heart?"

After a long time, the woman said, "Hey, hey... Human friars, you are here at last. This space doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the lions. Do you know that?"

"I'm sorry if I offend you by borrowing the precious land to cultivate and recuperate." Zhen Fei is very polite.

"Borrow?" The lion Elves were very dissatisfied and said: "without my consent, borrowing is an offence. Moreover, you have destroyed the protection of the shrine. It's even more a crime. This is not an apology."

Zhen Fei didn't expect that the destruction of the shield had been known, and was ashamed to say, "well, I'll trade two artifact for everything in qianzhangling, OK?"