Zhen Fei is very concerned about the situation of the battlefield. Lengxiao keeps in touch with the headquarters of Zhongnanshan by radio, and tells Zhen Fei about her arrangement by radio. Because the monks in the Yin mansion didn't know the radio station, and they didn't have any equipment, they used plain code telegrams to communicate with each other. They only needed a telegraph operator who was proficient in Morse code to translate the radio waves into words.

If it is a cipher telegram, it can be more complicated and needs professionals to translate.

After learning that Leng Xiao had taken his men to the battlefield, Zhen Fei was finally relieved. He turned to his secretary Qin you and said, "you should write down this lesson, so that the officers of each division must keep in touch with the headquarters with at least five radio stations under any circumstances, and report the location and changes of the battlefield at any time. As a commander, They don't lead people to fight in person. They are brave. They only know how to fight, but they don't know how to use strategy and tactics. What's the use of killing? The most important thing is to maintain our own living strength, and then defeat the enemy. With the sharp weapons our troops are equipped with, friars are not rivals at all. "

Zhou Meng and others were excited when they were killing. Suddenly someone called, "immortal weapon, it's immortal weapon. Oh, my God, we'll knock down five of our aircrafts at once."

"What's your name? Calm down, shoot down the immortal weapon with the rocket gun. How dare you bully me? Don't you have any immortal weapon Zhou was furious.

With his order, the samurai took out the Rockets, even the ten Samurai also held out the helicopter that could not be started, and the helicopter's head was facing the enemy. If people in the world saw this scene, they would laugh. The helicopter is not so useful.

A friar jumped into the helicopter, and then, according to Professor Chang Chao's method, used the automatic aiming system to aim at the immortal weapon, which was in the shape of a giant crane. In an instant, more than ten aircrafts of his own side had been knocked down, and the warriors inside were killed or injured.

"Whoosh", the missile with a long tail, spitting out a tongue of fire, in a twinkling of an eye hit on the immortal weapon, with the launch of the missile, dozens of shoulder type rockets also hit on the immortal weapon.

The distance was too close. The radius of the missile explosion was 500 meters, and the shock wave was 2000 meters. Zhou Meng and others only felt a huge force coming down from the sky. The aircraft around him were pushed away by this force. Then they were dizzy, and the aircraft went straight away.

Within a radius of two thousand meters of the missile explosion, all the aircraft dropped, and all the aircraft 500 meters around the Xianqi were destroyed, whether they were monks' or warriors' aircraft.

The artifact was wobbly, as if drunk, and then fell down.

Zhou suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the warriors around him. They all fainted. He felt that his brain was ringing and the little stars were flying in front of him.

"What the hell is going on?" Zhou fiercely scolded, he jumped off the aircraft, can't help but stay, the crane shaped immortal is not far away.

"Your grandmother's..." Zhou Meng couldn't care that he had been hurt by concussion. He held his head hard, walked over with a big stride, jumped on the crane, and put all the people who fainted because of the big explosion into his restricted level artifact space. Then he locked these people in a big house, and finally put the artifact away.

Later, wake up your warriors. Two of them died due to serious injuries. Their injuries were smashed to the head by the rebounding shoulder launcher. The launcher has been completely scrapped. The weapon protection of the launcher has been broken open, and then the person was killed. You can see how powerful the rebound was just now.

When the samurai returned to normal, they were still dizzy. There were medical staff on the aircraft. They quickly injected them with tekeding to relieve the pain. People felt much better. They scattered around, woke up the samurai on their own side, jumped on the friars' aircraft, and shot the friars' head with a pistol at close range.

After resting for a few minutes, Zhou Meng sacrificed a new aircraft, cleaned the ground battlefield, and then called the warriors to enter the aircraft to fight again.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield has completely changed. Just now, it was still a fierce battle of flying machines all over the sky. In a twinkling of an eye, it was a clear sky and all around was silent. Everyone didn't know where to go.

Zhou Meng told the samurai to contact their comrades by radio. Then he learned that they had been killing towards the border between Zhao and Yan, biting the Friar's tail.

"Why are they running so fast? Not at all Zhou scolded fiercely, and then said, "let's not go to join in the fun. Let's clean up the battlefield on the spot. Let's not rush to pick up the spoils first, but treat and bandage the injured people, so as to reduce the number of dead people."

Zhou Meng's attitude was good. He loved soldiers like sons and saved people first.

There were less than one thousand warriors around him, and the battlefield was more than two thousand miles. The warriors rode on the aircraft, divided their respective fields, and began to shout their own people, mainly calling out: "brothers of the 11th group army, are you still alive?"

There are injured not dead people will agree, there are other regiment warriors will also agree to call their own people to treat.

Leng Xiao summed up the shortcomings of the last battle in Liangcheng. She stretched the front very long, all the way to the territory of Yan. She was not as rigid as Zhen Fei. She refused to cross the border. Instead, she laid two lines of defense in a distance of 1000 Li. Her women's army had a total of 50 divisions, plus two special combat divisions with 100000 troops, which were 52 divisions in total. She completely disrupted the division's establishment, and there were 400 brigades with brigades as combat units.

The 400 brigades each sent three companies to fly 800 miles away for inspection. When they found that a small group of friars had been annihilated on the spot and the number of friars was huge, they quickly withdrew from the battlefield. Each company had a telegram to keep in touch with the headquarters at any time. Reinforcements will arrive in half an hour.

After Leng Xiao and his staff commanders repeatedly studied the operation plan, they thought it was the most reasonable and mature operation plan. After reporting it to Zhen Fei, Zhen Fei also greatly appreciated it. He just told Leng Xiao: "release the immortal weapon in your hand. The immortal weapon is fast, powerful and easy to use. Now that you have advanced weapons, you should make good use of it." Zhen Fei is mainly worried about lengxiao's safety.

Just after Leng Xiao finished the arrangement, someone reported: "headquarters, we found a plane that doesn't belong to our army. It's not very fast. It's coming from the West. There are only three. The number of enemies is unknown."

A telegram is not a telephone. It is a few seconds slower than a telephone in the process of transmitting and receiving radio waves.

Leng Xiao ordered: "first avoid each other's aircraft, let them go, you pay attention to concealment." The three aircrafts are not in Leng Xiao's eyes.

But reports came one after another, and the operator was in a hurry. Leng Xiao orders the female soldiers of the first line of defense to meet him. The soldiers of the second line of defense gather up the defense line and follow the soldiers of the first line of defense. According to the report, the scope of the monks' escape is still under the shadow of the women's army.

The friars in the netherworld looked down upon the nuns first, followed by the elf friars. In fact, they are all wrong. The female friars are no inferior to the male friars in fighting.

Ten aircrafts of the women's Legion directly hit the friars' aircrafts like flying arrows. In a flash of lightning, the two aircrafts met in midair, sparks splashed, and the female soldier with a pistol fired at the friar at close range.

The friars of the state of Yan were in a mess. They had seen each other's aircraft for a long time, and they were trying to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the other side was so desperate that they collided with the aircraft. The sharp eyed monk found that it was a female soldier, and still laughed at the fact that there was no one in Zhongnanshan. Even the women went to the battlefield.

In the chaos, the aircraft collided with each other, and the people's feet swayed. The killing had begun. These friars are not stupid, they are all intelligent people, but they are not well prepared for the war. They have been in the process of revenge, and they have never experienced a real battle. That's why I've suffered a lot.

Although most of the female soldiers of the women's Legion have never been on the battlefield, there are live videos of several battles. They usually see too much, and they have not eaten pork, but they see pigs running. They have some preparation in their hearts.

After impact, do not care about the rickety aircraft, but the first to destroy the enemy.

This pioneering form of combat is extremely infectious, and soon learned by the women's legion. Their aircrafts all follow the same pattern. First, they smash into each other's aircrafts, intercept them, and then start to kill.

Because the women's army is prepared, the angle of impact is to avoid the front, take their own front impact on the side of the other side, resulting in the result of the other side's aircraft rollover. The friars were quick to jump out of the aircraft, but they couldn't escape the gunfire in the hands of the female soldiers. In an instant, they were hit by close range pistols, and dozens of female soldiers hit one person.

Later, this way of fighting was continued as a traditional way by the women's army. It's called a "suicide charge.".

In order to reduce her own losses, Leng Xiao modified the aircraft of the women's legion, strengthening the thickness of the front end of the aircraft and reducing the thickness of the tail. In this way, the head of the aircraft tilts slightly when flying, which is called "proud women's lips". In Zhen Fei's corps, the aircraft of the women's legion is unique and easy to identify.

When Zhou Meng and Wang Laosi's warriors catch up, the female soldiers of the women's army are already cleaning the battlefield.

When they were in Mogu mountain, they often met each other. Some of them knew each other. The warriors called out, "sister, let's help you."

"I don't need to. Stay where it's cool. This is our defense area. You can withdraw."

"And the monks?"

"It's all here." Said the woman soldier, pointing to the messy battlefield on the ground.

The warriors couldn't help but take a breath of air. They saw that the friars died one by one. None of them had a single bullet in their body. They were all shot at least a dozen times. They lacked arms, legs and heads. They were all in a mess.