In order to fight successfully, Chang Chao decided to use the latest tungsten alloy powerful armor piercing bullet. This is a new type of bullet. It is made on the principle of shell separation. It has the characteristics of high accuracy, strong penetration and low ballistic extension. It can penetrate 3cm thick steel plate within 100 meters, and ordinary armored tanks can shoot through it with one shot. It is the killer of hard defense materials.

The cost of this kind of tungsten alloy armor piercing bullet is high. One bullet is 20 times of that of ordinary bullet. In the past, Zhen Fei's troops could not afford such bullets, which were as precious as gold bullets. But with the development of Yin Fu's resources, money was definitely not a problem.

In the human world, muzhiben studies these weapons that can kill monks all day long. Recently, a large number of tungsten alloy armor piercing bullets have been delivered, which is just in use.

Wu Yan takes Kong Li and Wang Laosi to the outside of the city, and they are stopped by the guard. Although the guard is very afraid of Wu Yan, she still insists: "Miss Wu Yan, what do you want?"

According to the rules, Wuyan said nothing and wrote a note: "I want to see my father."

The guard looked at the note, grinning, looking very headache, and said, "you wait, I'll go in and report to the leader, and ask the leader to show me."

The guard took the note written by Wuyan and went in. The ink mark just after going through the customs found the flaw immediately after seeing the note. Miss Wuyan has her own handwriting style. Her handwriting is very good and has a great atmosphere of experiencing vicissitudes.

Although the words written by the fake Miss Wuyan tried to imitate the font of Miss Wuyan, the charm of that kind of calligraphy still couldn't be imitated in a short time. For her daughter's familiar ink, we can see the flaw immediately. This is definitely not the words written by Miss Wuyan.

So the ink said, "do you see the words written by Miss Wuyan?"

The guard replied, "yes, I saw the note written by Miss Wuyan in front of me."

"That's strange." The ink called the spirit and said, "what's the change in the artifact recently?"

Qi Ling said unhappily: "there are some changes. I can't find the gamblers." It turns out that the monks in the Yin mansion sometimes concentrate on cultivation. Gambling is a rare form of entertainment. Gambling is not only a social means to relax their body and mind, but also an entertainment activity that can produce great excitement. Therefore, idle friars often gamble together. This Qi Ling is just a gambler. As long as he gambles, he can forget who he is.

"What about people?" Ink felt that things were not simple.

"All dead." Qi Ling is not happy to say.

"By whom?" Ink felt that a conspiracy was unfolding.

"Miss Wuyan is the one with you." It turns out that the spirit doesn't know the actions of Leng Xiao and others, but miss Wuyan's personality is strange, her mentality is violent, and it's very common to kill people and drink blood. Qi Ling also turns a blind eye to miss Wuyan's behavior. In Qi Ling's heart, the death of one or two million robbers is no big deal.

"Why don't you stop it? Besides, why don't you report it to me? " Ink is furious.

"I... I just focus on gambling, forget..." Qi Ling scratched his head and said.

"I beat you to death..." ink angrily scolded: "you are dereliction of duty, what do I want? Isn't that the one who can help me guard the artifact? You should have forgotten such an important thing. I'll beat you and beat you... "Ink took out a thorn whip and beat it down without thinking. The irascible ink made a big mistake this time.

The gatekeeper walked away quietly. The leader in his fury might trouble him.

Miss Wuyan, who is still waiting, can't speak when she sees the guard coming back. She has to wink at Wang Laosi with her eyes. Wang Laosi snorted, pretended to be very unhappy and said, "Hey, does the leader let Miss Wuyan in to visit dad?"

"Also say, Miss Wuyan's murder is known by the leader, and is scolding Qi Ling." The guard didn't know that all the robbers were killed except this city. He thought Miss Wuyan needed living blood just like before.

Wang Laosi immediately knew that the matter had been exposed, but it was strange that the ink had not taken action for such a long time. Was there any conspiracy brewing? There are only two ways in front of Mr. Wang. One is to leave the most dangerous artifact quickly, and the other is to act quickly and kill the ink first.

He said to miss Wuyan, "hurry up." After that, Wang Laosi takes out his gun (the gun is not hidden in the storage space, so it can be used). Wang Laosi raised his gun and fired a shot at the guard. This shot was a signal that the battle began.

Miss Wuyan quickly released the large group of people hiding in the storage space. None of the monks could use the magic, but one shot in the hand was more lethal than the monks.

Chang Chao and others said: "hurry to seize the favorable terrain, launch an all-round attack, and kill anyone you meet."

He personally rushed in with a team of people and horses. After more than one million warriors came out, the whole city was full of gunfire.

The ink has knocked the instrument out. According to the truth, the spirit is not a man or a God, it is a dead living man, vitality is linked with the artifact, artifact is there, spirit is there, artifact perishes, spirit perishes with it.

The spirit of artifact is the spokesman and soul of artifact in space.

But the ink was too hard, and it knocked its spirit to death. It was unconscious and unable to move. The whole artifact was in a state of being unable to command. If Qi Ling doesn't faint, he can clean up lengxiao and others with Qi Ling alone, because this is the territory of artifact, and any outsider should obey the control of Qi Ling.

After hearing the deafening gunfire, ink felt that the seriousness of the situation was unexpected. He released three immortal weapons, one is a winged tiger, the other is an aggressive immortal weapon with fist shape, and the other is a boot. The boot is 100 times better and faster than Zhen Fei's blink boots. It is very beautiful with a crescent shaped metal hook in front. And nature has the function of stealth, which also has a larger space than the artifact.

Leng Xiao also has three pieces of fairy ware in her hand, namely red dragonfly, thunder sword and bald carving. Because she can't open the storage space in the artifact, she takes them out ahead of time and puts them beside her. With the battle started, lengxiao in order to speed up the end of the battle, also released the immortal.

The three immortal tools in ink are really brave. All the warriors they meet are killed in one blow, and the tiger's big mouth will blow out a strong flame, and all the warriors they meet will be burned instantly.

No one dares to fight with Xianqi, and the desperate warriors make way.

The red dragonfly came in high spirited. After encountering the rampant winged tiger, without saying a word, the Red Dragonfly went forward and launched a fierce battle. The decisive battle between the immortal and the immortal was amazing. Within ten miles, the sand flew away, the houses collapsed, the giant trees uprooted, the wind howled, and the world changed color.

Ink saw that the attacker had an immortal weapon in his hand, and when he didn't know an immortal weapon, he knew that it was more serious than he had imagined. He could not help regretting that he had knocked out the spirit. If the spirit was well now, the situation would turn around immediately.

Lengxiao with people also follow to rush in, after seeing the ink, although do not know the bandit leader, but from the kind of one side of the overlord's momentum to see extraordinary people. She commanded the warriors around her and cried, "beat down the man in the golden armor for me."

"Yes." The warriors agreed in unison, then fired with sniper rifles that fired at distant targets. But the ink is wearing the defense armor of the artifact. The armor piercing and ejection on the artifact is just a bullet, not even a spark.

After seeing this scene, Leng Xiao took a breath of cold air, gritted his teeth and said: "with heavy weapons, we must kill him."

After the ink was attacked, although he was unharmed, the impact of the bullet made him unable to move forward. Instead, he went back and forth. The friars who protected him were either dead or wounded after being shot. The friars sacrificed magic weapons and artifact to attack the warriors.

For a time, the whole city was full of killing, and people on both sides were constantly injured and killed. Bai Sijin and others rushed to rescue them. They started battlefield rescue in a relatively safe place near the city, and bandaged the injured people. For the time being, they didn't care about the wounded soldiers of the enemy.

With Leng Xiao's order, three single combat shoulder mounted missiles fly out with their usual tail tongue, and the two missiles in front of them are hidden by ink. The third missile hit the front chest of the ink mark. After a loud bang, there was a shockwave within 30 meters of the explosion, which stunned more than 10 robbers. The front chest of the ink mark was blasted out by the missile, and his self-defense artifact was broken and scattered around.

Several undead warriors rushed up and shot at close range. Although they were armed with long-range weapons, they still like to fight in close combat. They prefer shooting at close range rather than hiding behind obstacles.

Ink instant body hundreds of bullets, the front of the warrior's barrel slightly red, within a minute shot out a whole clip.

The ink with round eyes suddenly fell down. A quick-sighted warrior came forward and grabbed the storage space of the ink. Then he turned around and gave it to lengxiao for reward. With the death of ink, the battle has basically come to an end.

Wuyan released all the warriors from the space, a total of more than 1.5 million people. There are only more than 200000 people in the ink city. Of course, their combat effectiveness is very high. But they are far behind in terms of numbers and weapons.

In addition to the defense armor with artifact in ink, there are more than ten people whose defense armor is artifact. These people died miserably like ink. They were all smashed to death by individual heavy weapons.

When the spirits of the three immortals saw the death of ink, their morale was frustrated and they were unwilling to continue fighting. They wanted to flee. When lengxiao saw it, he yelled, "stop them for me. No one is allowed to run away."

With her orders, more than 10000 sniper rifles aimed at three immortal weapons and fired together, and hundreds of heavy weapons for individual combat also began to launch missiles.