Qin Ying's discovery changed Zhen Fei's thinking.

If they are really two different races from the monks in Yin mansion, more and more people will soon find out that there are people from the world in Yin mansion, such as Guo Haidong, Xiao Li Zi, Xiao Ya, Huanhua princess, Xiao Jin and so on.

In the world, there are Xiao Hongyu, Ning Fengye and others. Later, there were old monsters such as foyazi and Honghong.

It's better to start first.

Zhen Fei considered his own strength. According to Princess Huanhua, there are only a few artifacts in the imperial palace of Qin state. At this time, Zhen Fei has more than 100 artifacts in his hand. In the recent World War I, he seized countless artifacts, including hundreds of which can be used, and more than 9000 broken and fragmentary artifacts. After these artifacts are repaired, they can still be put into use. Most of the artifacts of the whole Zhao state are in the hands of Zhen Fei.

This is the capital. Another capital is human. There are nearly 300000 monks in Zhongnanshan area who have become the slaves of Zhen Fei. There are more than 100000 elves who can command him. Zhen Fei is surrounded by many talented people. The most powerful one is the close guard Ling Yun, as well as the military adviser Shen Ying and his wife Leng Xiao. In the zodiac, there are more powerful generals.

Zhen Fei didn't want to occupy any part of the Yin mansion. He helped little fox to be the leader of Shenniu sect. He planned to leave everything here to little fox when he quit. He still went back to the world to be a carefree doctor.

But as the secret is discovered, Zhen Fei feels that things are far beyond expectation. He can't sit back and ignore it. If he can't start early, the future situation will become more complicated.

After careful consideration, Zhen Fei called a meeting of his cadres, including the leaders of the zodiac, Xiao fox, Shen Ying, Leng Xiao and so on.

Zhen Fei said with a heavy expression: "it's against Tian He to come here to discuss something. On October 8, that is, ten days ago, there was a tragedy. Nearly two million people were killed and injured. I feel deeply sad and restless. It's really against Tian He to kill so many people's names. I decided not to eat meat for a month to express my repentance, Sorry for the monks and soldiers who died in the war. "

We can't help looking at each other and listening to the following.

Zhen Fei continued: "so I decided to set October 8 as the suffering day. On October 8 of every year, I held a confession ceremony at the main peak of Zhongnan mountain, praying that there would be no more such killing. People should live in peace, not in killing and fear."

Shen Ying can't help but curl her mouth, thinking that Zhen Fei's pedantic strength has been violated again. What's the use of repenting? Can Zhen Fei's hands wash off the blood? There is a kind of conspiracy behind the hypocrisy.

Looking at the different expressions of everyone, Zhen Fei said: "secondly, let's sit here and wait. We are very passive. When the monks of Zhao have the ability to attack again, they won't give up attacking. Another attack is just killing more people and causing more bloodshed. Therefore, I decided to take the initiative instead of waiting."

This decision gives everyone a look on their faces. They all think it's quite sudden. The former Zhen Fei is the one who doesn't advocate taking the initiative. What changed his mind? Since Zhen Fei doesn't say, others don't know the reason for the change.

Zhen Fei said to Shen Ying, "in order to unify management and coordinate the handling of various affairs, I decided to let Shen Ying assume the post of minister of military affairs, mainly doing military information survey and statistics, making a correct assessment of the war, and coming up with effective solutions." Shen Ying was still allowed to serve as a military adviser in this decision, but it had an official name. As for the division of power, Zhen Fei didn't explain it. In Zhen Fei's heart, he still couldn't completely trust the monks in the Yin mansion. People of the two races said that they would turn their faces.

Zhen Fei continued: "the leader of the zodiac is officially appointed as the right general of the general's mansion, and the leader of the zodiac is the left general, who is mainly responsible for all military tasks." Zhen Fei means that you need to use left and right generals to fight. It's just a little more obscure.

From this day on, Zhen Fei gradually transformed from a doctor to a politician. He was very cautious in language, often ambiguous, and needed to be chewed carefully.

"I suggest Leng Xiao be the Minister of social affairs and Qin Sheng be the Minister of finance." Zhen Fei looked at it and everyone continued. Minister of social affairs and Minister of finance are the two most important positions. In the future, these two positions will have great power. This is the basic national policy formulated by Zhen Fei. Of course, this meeting is still in the process of observation and reflection. Zhen Fei didn't say everything from his heart.

At first glance, the Minister of the Ministry of social affairs is an empty shelf, which is useless, because the Yin government does not care about society. Monks are practicing behind closed doors. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. No one cares about society. Even the emperor has become an empty shelf. What's more, what's the Minister of social affairs?

Only Qin Sheng, the Minister of finance, seems to have some content. After all, he is in charge of money. Money can make the devil push the mill.

Leng Xiao is also very surprised. Is this decision Zhen Fei's idea after his forehead is hot, or is it his impromptu official? I didn't say hello in advance. Leng Xiao doesn't like it. She thinks her husband is the former husband. No matter what minister she is, she helps him wholeheartedly and stands firmly on her husband's side.

At the end of the meeting, Zhen Fei said, "I want to close the door of gathering wind. Right general Zhou Meng will take action with me. This sect wanted me in the past and had a long-standing feud with me. Moreover, jufengmen spared no effort to send people to attack us in several battles of attacking Zhongnanshan. "

For this reason, we think it's reasonable, but we don't think it's just a small gathering gate.

But after leaving the conference room, Zhen Fei issued 11 orders one after another, sending all the twelve zodiac brigade out to carry out military tasks.

Zhen Fei uses the blinking boots to get out of the Mountain Gate of jufengmen.

This is a steep mountain, about 4000 meters long. There is a snow capped mountain on the top of the highest peak. The whole mountain area is about 80000 square kilometers, with countless hills, valleys and cliffs. There are trees and animals in the surrounding mountains. The only place where the general altar of jufengmen is located is a bare hill. There is no grass. There is a sense of awe.

First, he released more than 27000 people, including Zhou Meng and others, from the Qinglong chariot, drove more than ten aircraft and began to climb the mountain. What makes Zhen Fei feel strange is that he didn't see a monk along the way.

Nuota's jufengmen shouldn't be such a desolate scene. Zhen Fei still remembers the arrogant attitude of the people in jufengmen in slaughtering Fengye villa. It seems that jufengmen is quite influential in the territory of Zhao, and is a typical representative of the power group.

Zhen Fei and others drive straight into the heart of jufengmen. They didn't see the resistance they thought they would encounter at all.

After entering the gate of the general arena, I still didn't see a figure. Zhen Fei waved his hand and said: "everyone spread out and look carefully. Don't miss every crack in the wall. Be sure to find the whereabouts of the rest of the people in the wind gathering gate. Today is the day to pick the evil wind gathering gate."

As for the crime of jufengmen, Zhen Fei didn't say it clearly. The most serious crime is to arrest Zhen Fei, let alone other crimes.

After carefully searching all the places of jufengmen, we finally find three storage spaces and eight artifact, which are presented in front of Zhen Fei.

Zhen Fei frowned and said to Zhou Meng, "force the people out. Do you want me to invite them out one by one?"

He didn't know what magic he used to force more than 30000 people out of the space. To Zhen Fei's surprise, these people were all old people, children and women. He widened his eyes and said, "what about young and strong men? Are they all dead? "

An old man with a solemn face and a sensual chin arched his hand and said, "all the men who gathered at the wind gate have died in the battle. Please let the rest of the old Confucian women and children down."

Touching his chin, Zhen Fei said, "well, do you know who I am?"

"You are Zhen Fei. I have seen your portrait." The old man said calmly.

"Ha ha... You are not so confused. You have such a good memory, and you know me. How do you want to spend the rest of your life?" Zhen Fei's heart softened suddenly. It seems that killing these people is not a heroic act.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched two times quickly. Gong Sheng said, "please let your hair fall."

"You come with me, and the rest of you stay where you are." Zhen Fei issued two instructions.

The old man followed behind Zhen Fei. Ling Yun was about to follow him. Zhen Fei said without looking back, "Ling Yun, please stay."

Climbing along the steps, there was a steep mountain road with no foothold on it. The two of them walked to the highest peak in the sky, surrounded by white snow. The eternal black ice was blue. Zhen Fei offered a mink coat to keep warm and feel more comfortable. After thinking about it, he offered a fur coat to the old man behind him, "Put on your clothes," he said

Although the monk's body is strong and doesn't care about the heat and cold, too low temperature will take away the heat from the body mercilessly, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

The old man took the fur coat and put it on silently. At the same time, he felt a message from Zhen Fei: Zhen Fei didn't mean any harm to them, at least not to the point of killing everyone. This is what the elderly are most worried about. His family members are all below, including his wife, daughter-in-law, daughter and grandchildren.

Zhen Fei's figure is tall and straight. From every inch of his posture, we can see that kind of indomitable willpower. Especially now, in his heart, there is a taste of creating an eternal precedent. Although there are many difficulties, he must persist and create an ideal situation that the ancients did not create. This is a very grand blueprint. Zhen Fei wants to gain a firm foothold in Yin Fu and realize his lofty ideal.

This is a landmark change.

Let's start with the wind gate.