Zhen Fei, who has been busy with military affairs all day, has to deal with a large number of miscellaneous matters. He is a layman in the military field and does not know military common sense at all. In order to quickly charge into the role, he read the memorials and asked his former Secretary Qin you to recite famous battles at all times and in all countries.

These battles all happened in the world. The battles of Yin mansion are few and far between. It's incredible that there have been only a few battles over the years, and there have been countless sectarian feuds. Every day, countless people are injured and killed in this continent.

There is no record of the killing of these people. Otherwise, the 200000 troops would not make a move of throwing moths into the fire. The monks in the Yin mansion prefer to fight by themselves, show off their heroes and show off their abilities. They are not good at coordinating operations, and they don't know anything about array, military capacity and discipline.

It can be said that the army of the Yin mansion is a kind of decoration. It has no military discipline, no training for a long time, no morale, and can't fight at all. In the eyes of the flying friars, the country and the monarch are no different from the family. They are free to roam around in various countries on the mainland of Yinfu, as if they are vagrant.

Looking back, it is also because the monarch let go too much and devolved power to the people. The so-called centralized system has become a waste. No one thought that the reason for seizing power led to today's situation.

Combined with the situation of Yin Fu mainland, Zhen Fei concluded that in this space where there are many capable people, people are used to lawlessness, and there must be many assassins. Therefore, we have strengthened our guard in this respect, and forbid single person to go out. Every time we need to go out, there are groups of people together, with artifact and intercom equipment, so that assassins can't start.

As the saying goes, the best is the best. Leng Xiao is not able to sit in a strange space. She is very curious about Shenniu mountain. When she comes, she uses blink boots and enters lijiu. The natural scenery here is not appreciated at all. Although the environment inside the artifact is beautiful and the scenery can be changed anytime and anywhere, it will not cause aesthetic fatigue. However, the scenery here always gives people a kind of artificial idea. It is not as easy as nature to be relaxed and comfortable after the transformation of heaven and earth. The most beautiful thing is natural beauty. All artificial beauty is false.

When she wants to go out, she is naturally accompanied by someone. Zhen Fei's guards are headed by Zhou Meng and Wang Laosi. They are all a combination of elite soldiers and strong generals. They accompany Leng Xiao in a silky bird skimming aircraft. Mercerized bird is a kind of white neck with brown gray, silver gray upper body, black tail with green purple metallic luster. There is an indistinct gray ring under the neck. The wing horn and the base of the primary feather are white, forming wing spots on the blackened wings. The chest is gray brown and the abdomen is white

This kind of bird lives in broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, orchard and farming area. It often moves in groups. When it migrates, it can form large groups, feed on plant fruits, seeds and insects, and build nests in caves.

Due to the beautiful shape of the mercerized bird, the aircraft is also very beautiful. The outer layer is coated with glittering metallic paint, which looks like a work of art.

Leng Xiao is too greedy for the natural scenery. In the past, she lived in a big city of reinforced concrete. People are like birds in a cage. Now she is riding in a silent flying artifact, freely shuttling through the most natural scenery. She is in a good mood and has left the residence about 300 Li unconsciously.

Zhou Meng was a man who killed from thousands of troops. He either killed people or was on guard against being killed by others every day. After hundreds of years of training, his alertness was not very high. Even when he was sleeping, he turned a blind eye.

He suddenly felt that the air around him had changed, and Zhou Meng glared at him and cried, "who is nearby? Come out, or you'll be dead. "

With his warning, the whole guard immediately came out of the scabbard, put out the formation, and looked around. White eyebrow is the only woman among the eight monsters in Haihe. Standing beside Leng Xiao, she said, "don't be afraid, madam. Maybe there are wild animals."

Soon hidden people can not bear loneliness, see lengxiao and others have found, simply stand up.

The air gradually became thin, and a figure appeared, followed by the next figure, and a figure appeared out of thin air. Everyone's armor was bright, his sword was shining, and his eyes were fixed on the guards above the silky bird, especially the beautiful Leng Xiao.

After counting, there are nearly 100 people on the other side, which can be regarded as a surprise attack force.

There are many people on the other side. Leng Xiao's guard has only ten people. Ling Yun, who is the most aggressive, doesn't come. She never leaves Zhen Fei's side, which everyone admires. Ling Yun is a qualified candidate to be a bodyguard and is very dedicated.

Zhou Meng and others were not afraid. He turned back and said, "I'll go out to meet them. You'll guard your wife."

Zhou Meng was a little miscalculated. The reason is very simple. These people developed a bloodthirsty personality in the special environment. They had to find a gap to make trouble in every battle. How could they let go of the enemy in vain when they came. As Zhou fiercely jumped down the silky bird, the people behind him also handed over the responsibility to Bai Mei one after another. There were only two women in the whole team, and all the men ran out to fight.

Leng Xiao is also a skillful mage. He is not afraid in his heart. He stands on the top and looks at the people fighting below. She is also a person who deals with human body and scalpel every day. Although she killed her flesh and blood, Leng Xiao didn't even frown.

Zhou Meng's skill is really brilliant. Just after taking over, he chopped off the head of the opponent. This made the assassins take the lead. They were shocked and did not dare to get close to Zhou Meng easily. They only surrounded him and released their magic weapons to attack him far away.

The weapon in Zhou Meng's hand is also a high-level magic weapon, which is not an artifact. What he fought for was his rich experience in fighting, his fierce eyes and calm heart.

When the others saw that Zhou Meng had established his first martial arts, they were not willing to be outdone. They cried out "kill --", and the magic weapons in their hands were bright and powerful. They fought with the enemy to satisfy their bloodthirsty preference.

White eyebrow, who was watching the battle intently, suddenly felt the impact of the fluctuation of magic power. She opened her eyes and said, "sneaky little man, come out for me."

In front of him, a man in a gorgeous robe, pale as if he were a devil from hell, appeared. With a wave of his hand, he beat the white eyebrow and staggered back three steps.

Bai Mei and Leng Xiao were surprised. They were the only two on the silky bird. The rest of them were fighting 500 meters away and had no time to come back. Leng Xiao offered his weapon, which was a short blade like Emei's thorn. He protected his chest and yelled: "the general name of the comer."

"Hey, hey, hey... Blue faced night crow." The white faced man looked at lengxiao color and said.

"Madam, go to Zhou Meng. I'll hold him down." The white eyebrow rushed up and killed the blue faced night crow.

Can't think more, Leng Xiao's body meal, rapid Yukong and line, left the mercerized bird, a head into the dense forest. Lengxiao chooses the wrong direction to escape, but also has difficulties. Facing the green faced night crow, Zhou Meng and others need to pass by the green faced night crow. Facing such a terrible enemy, lengxiao is not sure to find a safe way from the green faced night crow.

She simply does not go to Zhou Meng and others, as long as the first out of danger. Shenniu mountain is not far away from the base camp, as long as a call from the walkie talkie, Zhen Fei can arrive in an instant.

Leng Xiao's idea is good. Her mind is only in a flash, but the green faced night crow is prepared to let her escape. One hand fights with Bai Mei, and the other hand waves repeatedly. Several white lights attack Leng Xiao.

After the white light came near, lengxiao's heavenly eye could see clearly that it was a blade the size of a leaf. It's the legendary willow leaf Throwing Knife. Among the characters in the novelists, only Li xunhuan is the most successful in using this kind of Throwing Knife.

In front of this person is not Li xunhuan, but the blue faced night crow. The flying knife rips the air and makes a sharp whistle, stabbing Leng Xiao in an instant. The defense weapon on the outside of her body immediately opens to protect lengxiao. The hairpin on her head is also a defense weapon. She flies up to resist a flying knife. Rao is like this. Another flying knife stabs lengxiao's Willow waist.

The defensive armour blocked the attack and removed part of the attack power. The flying knife went through the armour and split the walkie talkie into two parts with a "Ding". Two obstacles blocked most of the power. The flying knife cut a small three inch hole under Leng Xiao's rib, and the blood immediately flowed out.

Once back, Leng Xiao uses pulse cutting technique to seal the meridians and stop the bleeding. In a moment, a black shiny pistol appears in her hand. It's a browning pistol from the world. It's a six shot clip. It's small, but it's loaded with high explosive armour piercing bullets.

Leng Xiao didn't think about it, pulled the trigger, "bang" a loud bang, smoke from the muzzle of the gun, with the light of fire, bullets instantly came to the green faced night crow.

The green faced night crow had never seen such a weapon. He sneered and didn't care. But the speed of the bullet was only 0.3 seconds, far faster than the speed of the human brain“ Bang, the bullet flew close to Bai Mei's thigh, because the injured Leng Xiao's shooting position was relatively low. From the angle of view, he was shooting from low to high.

The bullet hit the green faced night crow in the chest, which was not over. There was a second explosion. With the sound of "bang", the most powerful side of the armor piercing bullet appeared. It burst the green faced night crow's armor, revealing the fine flesh inside his body. The small bullet swished and then penetrated into it. This is the power of the high explosive armor piercing bullet, Even a tank has to go through a hole to deal with the sophisticated weapons of hard defense.

Green faced night crow's body is really not covered. After being shot, he is surprised. He can't imagine how lengxiao, who has shallow magic power, can kill him. After shaking, green faced night crow's body doesn't fall or retreat, and continues to attack Baimei.