The project under the cave is so huge that Zhen feiwan never thought of it.

The desert here only has sandy soil at the depth of more than 100 meters on the surface, and hard rock at the depth of more than 100 meters. Because the volume of rock is too large, there are huge spaces between many rocks, forming huge caves. These spaces are full of fresh water, which indicates that the desert surface is dry. In fact, the water level below is very deep, and the laboratory uses water, It's in the underground part.

Zhen Fei calculated secretly: "at first, it was probably not a laboratory, but a military facility. Later, it was used by banchun company. Otherwise, banchun company would not be able to extend so long in the desert far away from Japan. This project needs at least 10 billion US dollars to develop to such a level. It's really a big deal. The magnificent project is shocking. "

There are two armed guards at every intersection to maintain safety. This laboratory has not been found for a long time, but two guards disappeared 15 hours ago, which aroused alarm. Two teams of ten people were sent out to look for people for a day, but no one was found. Only a few shiny shells and warheads corresponding to the shells were found in the desert.

After checking the scene, military experts repeatedly shook their heads and said: "this is impossible. The effective range of an automatic rifle is 1200 meters. If the bullet does not hit the target, it will appear more than 1000 meters away from the cartridge case. If it hits the target, the bullet will not remain so complete. The bullet flying at high speed will collide with the target and cause damage."

There was only a distance of more than 30 meters between the shell case and the warhead, so the military experts were very confused.

The whole laboratory was on alert and the early warning system was raised to the highest level.

Even so, the top guard can't resist the shadowless and traceless Zhen Fei and others. The four mages went all over the lab as if they were in the middle of nowhere. Then Zhen Fei uses the tracking symbol to give instructions to everyone: "Xiao Bai Lang picks up the people and all the things from the first to the third floor, Shen Yuanyuan picks up the people and things from the fourth and fifth floor, sun Xiaoli picks up the sixth and seventh floor, Pei Xinyue picks up all the things from the eighth and ninth floor, and I'll pick up all the things from the tenth floor and the sea passage, Leave the lab immediately and fill the bottom and the main wall with a lot of explosives. Everything here will be destroyed. "

After a command, all hands together, who see belong to the laboratory, immediately grab into the storage space. The most difficult ones are Xiao Bai Lang and Zhen Fei. They all encounter huge equipment, such as tanks and helicopters.

The laboratory on the bottom floor is very important. There are top-level advanced experimental equipment in it. These equipment are what Zhen Fei lacks at present. Pharmaceutical factories can use these equipment for experiments. Zhen Fei moves these equipment completely. Because the storage space is too small, he temporarily puts them in the Dragon chariot with large space.

After all the people started, the whole laboratory became chaotic. The guards shot on the magic weapon of the mage and did no harm to the mage. The guards also got flustered and were all disarmed and loaded into the storage space. Little white wolf found the fox wolf on the first floor and caught the stunned fox wolf.

Zhen Fei's speed is faster, and his body is flying in mid air. When he gets to the bottom of the sea, his body is like a ghost, bullying the submarine and loading the submarine with a displacement of 50000 tons into the Dragon chariot. Because the submarine is too heavy, Zhen Fei can't move at all. He first puts the Dragon chariot in front of the submarine, then quickly comes to the back of the submarine and pushes it hard, Push the submarine into the Dragon chariot, and this completes the whole process.

A total of two submarines were parked at the exit. After that, they used the teleport boots and teleported back to the exit of the desert cave. When Xiao Bai Lang saw Zhen Fei, he seemed to have caught the straw and said, "master, someone started the explosive device. Let's leave quickly."

With that, little white wolf rushed into the Dragon chariot to hide, followed by Shen Yuanyuan and others. Zhen Fei's heart reads a move and leaves the scene in a hurry. Then he hears a dull loud noise behind him. The explosive has been detonated.

After a while, Zhen Fei thought and returned to the scene, only to find that the mountain disappeared, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and strands of fresh water gushed out from below. The power of the desert is enormous, far from being replaced by human power. Raoshi is such a huge project. After the explosion, it was still submerged by sand grains, and only endless yellow sand can be seen.

A few days later, a sandstorm rolled in, and there was no trace of the laboratory.

After returning to Haoting, Zhen Fei takes the storage space of his disciples in his hand, and then puts the experimental equipment into the artifact of the pharmaceutical factory, and then pushes large equipment such as submarines out of the Dragon chariot, and puts them on the back of a mountain in the depth of Haoting. These things are not available for the time being, and the sailors inside are driven out and can't be released immediately, Temporarily in the prison of dragon chariot.

As for those innocent people who were arrested, they were all released after screening. In order to avoid exposure, Zhenfei took them to Melbourne, a city far away from Australia, and then called the police to accept them. The Australian government will repatriate them according to their origin.

The most difficult things to deal with are the people and animals who have been experimented with. After the genes of these animals have been changed, they have become four different things. Zhen Fei has to kill them all and burn them clean with Sanwei real fire. Some people are regarded as experimental objects, and they are transformed without reason. They only have a strong body like steel, and their thinking is deprived, There are also people with a human head, the body is on all fours, there are people with a long tail.

For these people, Zhen Fei really can't bear to kill them, so he has to ask Takeda Xiaoya to check the information left by the laboratory. According to the above instructions, he injects a kind of medicine into the bodies of these mutant people, and asks the blind man to guard and lead these people and stay in the Dragon chariot. And these people's physical quality is very poor, the body cell division speed is very fast, life will not be very long.

The laboratory has left a lot of information for each experiment, from the physical fitness of the subjects to the sensitivity to the environment. Moreover, the number of people who failed to die in the experiment has reached more than 20000 in the past 30 years. This figure is very terrible, which shocked Zhen Fei. He did not expect banchun company to be so vicious, They are a group of demons in the guise of curing diseases and saving people, secretly committing crimes against humanity.

It took Zhen Fei and Takeda Xiaoya three months to finish sorting out these materials. Every time they sorted out the materials, Zhen Fei hated banchun company one more time, so he gave Xiao Bai Lang another task, asking him to destroy banchun company completely. This kind of company doesn't deserve to stay in the world.

Zhen Fei found that the people who were imprisoned in the Dragon chariot had a strange disease. They had a layer of white fur on their body surface, just like monkeys. After repeated tests, Zhen Fei found that it was a skin disease. After growing fluff, people's skin becomes thin and very brittle. As long as you gently tear the skin from the body, it's like exposing a layer of wrapping paper.

Due to the long time can not see the sun, the lack of direct ultraviolet radiation, inside the talent will have such a change.

It's impossible to let the people in the Dragon chariot out. Considering that Shao min's crime is not big, Zhen Fei let Shao min out and said to her, "Shao min, I've broken the rules, which are punishments of three knives and six holes. As for you killing blind Tong and instigating fellow Luo Yitian to commit evil, these are your crimes. My mind is broad and I'm ready to release you, But you must have a reasonable explanation to your classmates. What do you say? "

Shao min trembled all over, knelt down to Zhen Fei and said, "master, I've been harmed by Jiuyou old monster all my life. If it wasn't for him, I'd live like many ordinary people. No matter what kind of suffering I've experienced, it's doomed. Since master, you're ready to let me go, I'd like to commit suicide."

After raising his hand, Zhen Fei stopped him and said, "you don't have to pay for the crime with one life, just give an account to your classmates. In this way, I'll point out your Dantian and know the sea. You can't practice any more in your life, and you can't tell anyone the secret of the mage. What's the punishment?"

After weeping for a long time, Shao min nodded and said, "it's all up to master's arrangement. I understand master's difficulty. In the future, I'll change my mind and be a new man. I will never tell the secret of master."

Zhen Fei doesn't hesitate to give a direction. Shao min's waist shrinks into a ball. The Dantian sea under her belly is broken by Zhen Fei. All the mana is short of storage and gradually dissipates. This is a very domineering punishment. After breaking the Dantian sea, Shao min can't cultivate a mage all his life. His behavior is no different from that of an ordinary person. After Shao min can still get married and have children, and live the life of a normal couple with a man.

When other disciples saw that Shaomin's fate was so miserable, they all looked at Shaomin with indifferent eyes. This is her deserved punishment. If Fang Yuanyuan was here, she might have killed Shaomin. Xiao Bai Lang doesn't have a bad feeling for Shao min. he comes forward to help the former elder martial sister up, but Shao min pushes him away, struggles to kowtow to Zhen Fei, and says, "master, thank you for not killing me."

Nodding sentimentally, Zhen Fei said to Wen Xiaoge: "if possible, let Shaomin find a job in the hospital, so as not to be on the street. We don't care about opening her a salary."

Wenxiao pigeon said: "OK, master, I will arrange this."