The worried little white wolf got the news about the fox wolf and went to the outside of the villas all the time. It's still late at night. The street lights are very bright. Five security guards patrol back and forth, and at least ten cameras are aimed at each intersection.

Moreover, these security guards are armed with guns and live ammunition. They are like facing the enemy. They are full of spirit and are not slack at all.

This is really a fortress like place, suitable for hiding traces.

A security guard saw the little white wolf, and immediately looked over and carefully observed the little white wolf's every move. A teenager appeared in the middle of the night, which was unusual. He was either a tramp or a thief.

Little white wolf walked slowly through the gate and opened his eyes to observe the villas. According to the description of the bartender, he found the big man who lived here, but he searched all over the man's home and there was no fox wolf.

Where is the fox wolf hiding?

Little white wolf did not act rashly. He was sitting lazily on the road relying on the railings on the side of the road. The water level in the river dropped. Now it's time for the tide to ebb. Because Venice is a city that depends on the water level to pass, even at low tide, the city also maintains a certain water level. An extremely strong dike is built around the coast, which can prevent the loss of sea water at low tide. Even if there is a general tsunami, the dike can also prevent the tide from attacking the city and protect Venice from loss.

Until dawn, when the big man gets up and leaves the villa, little white wolf instructs Paul to continue to follow the big man. Little white wolf finds a hotel nearby and stays down. He wants to sleep. Little white wolf has to sleep for at least 15 hours every day, otherwise he will be listless.

After following the great man for two days, Paul found out that the great man had an underwater villa in Venice. This underwater villa is made of high technology. It is built 30 meters deep underwater. You can see the beautiful underwater scenery through the window.

Big people don't often go to underwater villas, and Paul can't tell if the fox wolf is hiding in them.

After receiving the news, the little white wolf came to the outside of the underwater villa and scanned it with the sky eye. He found that the fox wolf, whose appearance had changed a little, was hiding here. The fox wolf was a killer. He was proficient in makeup technology and could hide from ordinary people, but could not hide from the perspective of the sky eye.

If it wasn't for the fox wolf who entered the bar without makeup, so far, the little white wolf still couldn't find the trace of the fox wolf.

Fox wolf with a large suitcase, is about to leave the underwater villa.

Paul saw the little white wolf for a long time, urged: "master, don't you catch him?"

Waving his hand, the little white wolf said, "take it easy. This fox wolf is more mysterious. What does he want to do?"

"You go in, arrest him and interrogate him."

"A killer's willpower is very strong. Do you think he has no firm position like you? If he would rather die than surrender, wouldn't it be a waste of water? "

Paul turned his eyes and twitched his lips. He worked hard for little white wolf, but little white wolf thought that he was a wallflower.

Little white wolf had no time to pay attention to what Paul thought. He saw the fox wolf dragging a huge suitcase up from a passage and into a boat parked on the shore. I didn't hesitate to start the boat. In the roar of the motor, the boat started slowly, pushed away the waves, dragged long waves, and disappeared in the field of vision.

Little white wolf catches Paul and throws him into the storage space. With a move in his mind, he follows the boat and catches up. The fox wolf's route was similar to Paul's escape. He left the urban area with dense ditches and forks by boat, and then drove along the highway.

But fox wolf behind no police tracking, go very leisurely free and easy. Little white wolf's tracking technology uses blink. After blocking people's sight with buildings, it suddenly moves to the front of the fox wolf. After waiting for the fox wolf's car to roar past, it comes out from behind billboards and roadside houses and continues to track.

What makes little white wolf feel depressed is that the fox has been driving away without stopping. Thinking of the huge suitcase he is carrying, little white wolf guesses that the fox will not return to Venice, which is the rhythm of planning to continue to abscond.

Xiao Bai Lang's blinking speed is too fast, but he has to wait for the fox wolf to drive once every three miles and five miles, which makes him very impatient. He sacrifices the car from the storage space and lets Paul drive. Xiao Bai Lang lies in the co driver's seat and sleeps.

Paul drives the car helplessly. His driving skills are first-class. Before, Paul was a member of the car club and once won the place in the Venice car race. If he didn't like gambling, he would not go to rob the bank with his friends if he didn't lose and gamble again and again. As a result, he was trapped deeper and deeper and was controlled by little white wolf. His life was precarious.

The fox wolf in front of him went further and further, crossed the Alps, crossed the Strait, and arrived in Europe. He drove all day and night, which made Paul tired. He looked at the sleeping little white wolf, and Paul wanted to leave the little white wolf in the car. But he didn't dare.

Just when Paul was daydreaming, little white wolf felt a sense, stretched a long stretch, opened his sleepy eyes and said, "is this fox still running away? I really admire his energy. " After that, the little white wolf tied a trail sign, flicked his finger, hit the trail sign on the fox wolf's car, and said to Paul, "stop and have a rest."

"What about fox wolves?" Paul knew that little white wolf was determined to win the fox. How could he give up so easily after chasing thousands of miles?

"It's OK. He can't escape from me." Little white wolf said scornfully with his lips curled.

Paul didn't know how little white wolf changed his way of tracking. He was also very sleepy. He stopped his car by the side of the road, took out his dry food, ate and drank enough, put down his seat and went to sleep. After a long sleep, the little white wolf became energetic. He stepped out of the car, moved his hands and feet, turned on the phone and looked at the GPS positioning system. Only then did he find that he was in Morocco, Africa.

Little white wolf is very puzzled, a flash into the Dragon chariot, first went in to see the elder martial sister Shao min, can't help but be startled, two days ago, like two lively red warrior, but now like frost eggplant, become drooping.

Little white wolf pointed to Shaomin and said in horror, "elder martial sister, what have you done to them?"

"Nothing, just sleeping with them a few times." Shao min's eyes turned and her eyes moved. She said charmingly, "younger martial brother, do you want to enjoy it? I'm sure it will make you comfortable like an immortal."

He immediately stepped back. Little white wolf shook his head like a rattle and said, "elder martial sister, please spare me. I want to live a little longer. I don't want to die on the way."

"Cluck cluck..." Shao Min said complacently, "if I teach you a kind of magic, you can practice it with me. If you get happiness, you can also practice magic."

"This kind of devious magic is forbidden by master. If you don't obey me, I'll put you in the prison of Jiuyou old monster and let you practice with that old monster."

Shaomin was frightened by the little white wolf, flattered and said: "younger martial brother, these two men are useless, you give me another two men."

"Take it easy and let Shifu know. I'll be implicated too." Little white wolf had to warn again.

"You are so wordy." Shao Min said angrily.

Helpless to shake his head, white wolf and Shaomin find two strong young men. Then little white wolf finds out the Duke in red and is still in prison. The imprisoned Duke in red has terrible mana, and even Zhen Fei is not sure of winning.

The Duke in red was very dismissive of the little white wolf. He choked his neck and closed his eyes slightly. With a little thought, the walls of the prison slowly closed to the inside, and the space around the Duke in red became smaller and smaller. After a while, the body of the Duke in red would be squeezed together.

This process is not very fast. It gives the Duke in red a full space to imagine. He looks at the wall getting closer and closer in horror. When the wall touches his corner, the Duke in red feels that he will suffocate and die. "Stop, stop..." he cried in horror

Heart read a move, the wall stopped down, little white wolf looked very interesting, said: "if you stay in such a small room, I think it must be very interesting."

"No, I don't want to stay in such a narrow kennel." Continued the Duke in red.

"Hum." With a heavy face, the little white wolf said angrily, "what's a kennel? It's a good place for geomantic omen. It's only after you come that you become a kennel. You're an old dog who doesn't know how to repent."

Duke in red and others don't know that the child is the little white dog in the past, because little white wolf doesn't tell others that he is a dog. Zhen Fei and others know it, but they respect little white wolf and won't talk about it to others. The Duke in red accidentally offended little white wolf's taboo.

"Yes, I'm an old dog." The Duke in red did not dare to be stubborn any more. He closed his eyes in pain and said.

Seeing that the powerful enemy finally gave in, little white wolf felt very comfortable. He said with a smile, "Duke in red, why don't I find you a beautiful woman?"

The Duke in red's eyes brightened, then shook his head firmly and said, "thank you. I think it's good. I hope you don't disturb my silence in the future."

"It's shameless. You're not qualified to make such unreasonable demands on me." Little white wolf's face changed, and said fiercely, "how to decide your fate is not your has the final say, this is my site."

"Then you let me out and let's fight fairly. If you win, I'll do whatever you want." Said the Duke in red, determined to die.