The expanded artifact space has a length of 50 kilometers, which is enough to create mountains and rivers, as well as forests and lakes. Although it is not as big as the space of Grand Court, it is more than 2000 times larger than the space expanded by Zhen Fei, which shows that the power of the sage is at least 2000 times deeper than that of Zhen Fei.

After that, the sage was sweating and said, "do you have any good wine? Take a breath. I haven't eaten for a long time

Zhen Fei was almost speechless and said, "it seems that the mage hasn't eaten yet?"

"I have a lot of food in my space. Unfortunately, when I arrived in Africa, I saw that the local people were so poor that I gave them all the food. Later, when I got to the bottom of the sea, I was in a state of suspended animation and I couldn't eat."

Hearing the sage's words, Zhen Fei's heart gave birth to infinite worship, such a person is absolutely worthy of respect, the real self sacrifice thought, is the world's great Xia, is a god like person.

Zhen Fei offered the wine from the space. When he opened the seal, the fragrance of the wine overflowed. The sage smelled it, laughed and said, "this is the wine from Yin mansion. I know it as soon as I smell it. It's really good wine." After that, he held the wine jar in his hands and drank it with his neck up, just like a whale swallowing it. The wine flew straight down and entered the sage's stomach without breathing.

A jar of wine is ten jin. Zhen Fei's eyes widened. Then he knew that his amount of wine was too small. The sage who drank on an empty stomach was not drunk. His eyes were bright and full of spirit. Zhen Fei didn't care about the wine. Then he took out another jar, and the sage still drank. After drinking three jars of wine in a row, he touched his mouth and said in a loud and heroic way: "enjoy, enjoy, ha ha... I haven't had such a good time for a long time."

With a doubt in his heart, Zhen Fei said, "did you enter the Yin mansion?"

"I didn't go in, but I ran out of Yin mansion." The sage revealed a great secret.

"Running out of Yin mansion?" Zhen Fei was stunned. He woke up and said, "the math problem on the gate, one plus one, is obviously from the hell, isn't it? Who are you? "

The sage said with a smile: "you can enter my space. Obviously, you know the legend. Only people from Yin mansion know the story. Tell me how you know the story. Tell me clearly."

"I heard it from a friend." Zhen Fei didn't tell Xiaojin, and then told the story again.

The sage nodded and said, "the stories are almost the same, but the man who became a God didn't kill the first monk. The first monk left the hell and came to the world."

"So you are the friar who has three children?" Zhen Fei suddenly realized.

"Yes, since I left the nun, I have been practicing in the Yin mansion. Later, I saw that they were very happy together. Moreover, the male nun's mana increased very fast with the help of the nun. I thought I was not their opponent, and I still had self-knowledge. So I left the Yin mansion and came to the world. Then I found that the nun was more carefree in the world, So he challenged the strong everywhere and did some magnificent things. Later, when he heard about the outbreak of plague in Africa, he came to Africa. Unexpectedly, the plague was really terrible and almost fell. " After that, he shook his head and sighed.

Qin Rou brought over the dishes and meat and laid them on the table.

Zhen Fei said to the sage, "please have dinner."

"Well, after drinking a lot of wine, I should have something to eat." The sage did not show any hypocrisy. He sat down and ate his food.

Zhen Fei offered a jar of wine in a big cup made of jadeite and drank with the sage.

In the middle of the wine, Zhen Fei said: "sage, do you really have a lot of magic tools in your hand?"

"Some of them came from looting. At that time, I went all the way from the Song Dynasty to challenge the mage and captured a lot of magic weapons." The sage didn't care, suddenly said: "you enter my space, just for those magic weapons?"

Seeing the sage's expression is not very happy, Zhen Fei explained: "I just want to have a look. I have no intention of coveting the sage's treasure."

"I think it's the same. You have a lot of artifact. If you're not satisfied, you're very greedy, and you won't cure my plague. You're quite honest."

Zhen Fei is noncommittal, he won't stick gold on his face, said: "I don't know what the sage plans to do in the future?"

After thinking for a while, the sage said to himself, "I don't plan to go back to the Yin mansion. Seeing such a big change in the world, I will continue to travel in the world."

"Well, please speak when you need something. I'm willing to help you in terms of manpower and material resources." Zhen Fei made a promise.

"Well." A sage doesn't care much. He will seek what he needs and won't depend on others.

After a while, the sage said, "I suggest you plant some fruit trees in the artifact. In this way, you don't need to buy fruit. Moreover, after the soil is rich, the yield of fruit will be very high."

Zhen Fei is shocked. As a mage, he is not poor in money at all. He can eat any fruit. Unexpectedly, the sage with profound magic power cares about this small problem. After thinking about it deeply, he will find that the sage has been in poor Africa for a long time and has the deepest feeling of material poverty. With the sense of crisis of food shortage, he cares about the problem of growing fruit.

In Zhen Fei's heart, he immediately branded the sage as a "farmer". In today's society, although there are still people who died of malnutrition and hunger, most of them are still very rich, and there is no lack of food.

Only a very small number of people died of starvation, and more people died in car accidents. At first glance, the people who died of starvation are pitiful. But things in society are always complicated, and there are always dissatisfactories.

Zhen Fei is not the Savior, and he doesn't care about so many poor people. He is a doctor. It's his job to cure and save people. If he can do his own job, he is a person of high quality.

After eating in the hall, the sage didn't say a word of thanks. He turned around and went away without taking away a cloud.

Xiao Jin, who survived the disaster, also left.

Tang Xiaoxiao is very concerned about Zhen Fei. When he hears that he has come back, he quickly gets up from his sleep, takes a bath, and is full of energy. After dressing up, I came to tuyuan.

Seeing that Zhen Fei was safe and sound, Tang Xiaoxiao put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, honey, are you back?"

After seeing her, Zhen Fei, who was in a good mood, hummed. Out of politeness, he said reluctantly, "yes, can I go out without coming back?"

"This is your home. You come back home." Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes are rolling. She always puts herself in the position of the hostess, which makes Zhen Fei very headache. Moreover, her mother, Ou Xuli, is not completely on Zhen Fei's side. She accepts that Tang Xiaoxiao also means Ou Xuli. On this point, Zhen Fei fights alone. Even his disciples either did not make clear their position, or Wang Gu talked about him and avoided this sharp problem.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Zhen Fei doesn't have words to look for words ground to ask a way.

"Do you care about my rhythm?" Tang Xiaoxi said with a smile.

Turning his eyelids, Zhen Fei said with a headache, "when can you become normal?"

"I've always been normal, OK?" Tang Xiaoxiao retorted.

"I don't think you are normal. Why let Liang Yin make a fool of himself? Only those girls who don't know the world like Liang Yin can be fooled by you. " Think of that thing, Zhen Fei's heart is very angry.

"So, do you want to be with Liang yin?" Tang Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable, but he had to ask a clear question.

"It has nothing to do with you. Just be yourself." Zhen Fei did not give an answer.

"I have done well enough, husband. Think for me. I am your wife. What can I do if you treat me like this?" Tang Xiaoxiao covers his eyes, but spreads his fingers. He observes Zhen Fei's reaction from the gap between his fingers.

Zhen Fei helplessly looked up to the sky and sighed, saying: "you are so dead hearted that I can't communicate with you. Shouldn't love be sacred? It's hard for me to bear the consequences of such an easy decision. I hope to save you, but I will drown you after saving you. I'm not that kind of fool. "

"Cut, what drowns you? What I said is so vicious. You are a typical exaggeration. Am I not good enough? Am I that bad? "

"It's not that it's not that bad, it's that I don't love you at all."

"Who are you in love with? Tell me, I promise not to be jealous. "

"I haven't fallen in love with anyone yet. It has nothing to do with you."

"You're my husband, I'm your wife. Why doesn't it matter? Whether you admit it or not, your father and grandfather admit my status and identity, unless you are not from the Qin family. "

"I don't know." Zhen Fei is very crazy, how to go around and back to the starting point, this is Tang Xiaoxiao's indestructible foothold, as long as it is Zhen Fei's daughter-in-law, we can't ignore Tang Xiaoxiao's existence.

"I won't force you either. Anyway, you'd better think about it. Try to think about my benefits as much as possible. After a long time, you'll change your mind." Tang Xiaoxiao said firmly.

"I didn't go astray at all. Why should I change my mind?" Zhen Fei argues.

"You have entered the evil way. You'd better take a good look at yourself. Don't think that all your thoughts are right. If you can think in another way, you will find that the world is very big, and you don't take it for granted."

"This is also my advice to you. Don't impose your ideas on me." Zhen Fei was not moved by Tang Xiaoxiao's words at all.

The dispute between Zhen Fei and Tang Xiaoxiao is doomed to have no result. No one can convince the other, but they are all choked.