Zhen Fei and Xiao Jin talk in secret language. Yuan Zhenzi and Xiao Jin don't know the inside story.

Shijizi said angrily, "let's sacrifice the magic weapon together. If we can't open it, we'll make a hole from the side."

Yuan Zhenzi shook his head and said, "it's not as simple as the cave behind the door. If it's an alternative space, you can't get into it."

His words are very reasonable. For example, the storage space looks like a small ornament. In fact, it has a different world. The cave in front of us can only be entered through the main entrance. No other way will work.

Zhen Fei sacrificed the repaired Xuan scaly beetle and put it on his body. He wore a rain hat on the top of his diving helmet. It looked very strange. Then, as Xiao Jin said, he wrote a "5" with his finger after the equal sign.

Just when yuan Zhenzi was surprised, a huge force came from the door and sucked four people in.

After arriving at the door, the four people are still in a state of shock. Zhen Fei's heart is moved and he uses the eye to check. Only then can he find that the eye has lost its effect and can't be used at all. Yuan Zhenzi said: "no, we can't use magic in this space. We must be careful."

If you can't use a spell, you can't even open the storage space, because opening the storage space also uses a spell. It's just a relatively simple spell.

The mage can't use the storage space, which brings a lot of inconvenience, and the magic tools in it can't be taken out.

There is no sea water in this space. Several people quickly take off their diving suits. The diving suits are very heavy and need the buoyancy of sea water to reduce the weight. After taking off, several people feel relaxed.

Zhen Fei tried with the cloud piercing gun. The front was in a vacuum, and he didn't touch anything.

Suddenly the fire flashed. It turned out that shijizi took off his coat and lit it. His bare upper body was full of scars. It seems that shijizi must have experienced a lot of fighting in the past, leaving permanent scars.

As you can see, the space inside is very large. There is a torch shaped facility not far from the front. Shijizi walks over and throws his clothes into the torch shaped facility. The fire flashes and the torch burns, illuminating the surroundings.

Then I was surprised to see that in the depth of this space, every step away, a dead person appeared. I couldn't see it clearly in the distance, and I didn't know what it was like.

Wind soughing, a fishy wind came, a snow-white wolf like animal rushed over. Zhen Fei gave a big drink. Majestic to extend through the cloud gun, lightning general hit the White Wolf's throat.

"Ding Dang..." with a loud noise, the White Wolf turned into a stone. The spear pierced the cloud on the stone and sent out a string of sparks. The White Wolf's head fell from above and became two halves.

Several people were surprised. They didn't expect that there were monsters in it. This space is really weird.

Zhen Fei ignores the white wolf who turns into a stone. He continues to walk inside. The torch leads the way all the time. It floats close to the ground.

After a while, several white wolves came out and were stabbed to death by Zhen Fei. Some became stones, some became wood, and some turned out to be a tree. Yuan Zhenzi cried: "be careful, these things are changed into white wolves by the mage. It shows that the master here doesn't welcome outsiders to enter. Don't be too reckless."

Zhen Fei thought: "I don't advocate you to come in, but I ran in regardless of my life? The host certainly does not welcome outsiders to come in. We are all coveting other people's treasure. "

There is no treasure in it. The more we walk, the more corpses there are on the ground. The corpses are all black. There are also a very small number of Asian faces and white people. Before their death, most of these people lived at the bottom of the society. Their clothes were very shabby and shabby. Most of them didn't even have shoes. They were barefoot and had thick cocoons on their feet. The white corpses were dressed up and looked like rich people. Asians are rich and poor. It seems that they come from different social levels.

Zhen Fei bowed his head and examined several corpses. He said in a heavy voice: "these people are all dead. As for the reason, it needs to be dissected to determine. If these people are of the same age, they are probably killed by a severe plague. You don't have to touch any corpses."

"Of course we won't touch the body." Shijizi said quickly. He had a long sword in his hand. It was cold.

Xiaojin silently follows behind Zhen Fei, her hands are empty. She has no weapons. Her magic weapons are locked in the storage space, and can't be taken out.

In the dark, I don't know how far ahead. The corpses in front of me are all on the ground. When he can't get off his feet any more, Zhen Fei frowns. He can't trample on the corpses of the dead people. He can't bear it.

Shijizi doesn't care. Seeing that Zhenfei doesn't leave, he hums and steps on a corpse. At this moment, the corpse makes a "pop" sound. It turns out that the corpse isn't as strong as it looks. This foot treads the rotten corpse out of a stream of black water. Shijizi can't fly. His two feet sink into the corpse, The black water polluted shijizi's feet.

Zhen Fei said in a hurry: "don't come forward, the body may be poisonous."

"What do I do?" Shijizi was surprised and said in horror.

"Come back soon." Cried Zhen Fei.

Shijizi is very embarrassed to pull out his feet. Yuanzhenzi's face is very blue. He cuts a white wolf to death and says, "shidaoyou, take off your shoes quickly. Doctor Zhen, do you have a way to cure it?"

"There's no medicine or equipment here. I can't cure it even if I'm an immortal. Shi Daoyou'd better have a rest here first. Don't go forward," said Zhen Fei, shaking his head

"You go ahead and take away the lights. What shall I do?" After shijizi took off his shoes, he smelled the instep of his feet, and the smell went straight to his nose. He felt even more frightened and regretted that he should not step on the corpse in such a hurry. Thinking about this, I can't help recalling that Zhen Fei had examined the body just now and said aloud, "Dr. Zhen, what do you mean? When I checked the body just now, didn't I find that it was rotten? "

Shaking his head, Zhen Fei said suspiciously: "no, the corpse I checked is just like the one that just died. It doesn't decay."

Zhen Fei turned over the rotten corpse with the cloud piercing gun and said, "Shi Daoyou, you won the lottery. It turns out that the corpses here are not all intact. Some are rotten, some are not rotten. Your foot just stepped on the rotten corpse."

Shijizi was even more angry. He took the torch and lit the body. Soon the body began to burn, and the air was full of stink and smell of burning meat. Xiaojin covered his nose and cried, "what are you doing? It's too strong to bear. "

Shijizi was a little embarrassed. The fire in front of him was getting more and more fierce. A corpse was next to a corpse and burned one after another.

When the white wolves saw the light of the fire, they went around the fire and came up. Zhen Fei's heart moves. He picks up a white wolf with a cloud piercing gun and suppresses the fire. He kills more than ten white wolves and finally puts out the fire.

Then he used the cloud piercing gun to open the way in front of him. When he met the corpse, he used the head of the gun to pick it aside to avoid trampling on the corpse with his feet.

In this way, they moved much slower. Shijizi refused to stay in the same place, and followed them with dismay.

The corpses became more and more dense, so tired that Zhen Fei's arms were sore, and his forehead was sweating.

Due to Zhen Fei's concentration on cleaning up the body, Xiao Jin has to protect him. She blows out and a white wolf flies out. Xiao Jin's physical strength is huge, like a god of war. Shi Jizi behind is surprised to see Xiao Jin so powerful. She puts away her frivolous expression. If she annoys Xiao Jin and is hit by a blow, it must be very uncomfortable.

Just when Zhen Fei's physical strength was about to fail, a house appeared in front of him. The door was open and there were no bodies around the house. Everyone was relieved. The stone base behind felt sour and sneezed. He said to himself, "I've caught a cold. I'm depressed."

Zhen Fei's heart jumped and looked at Shi Jizi in horror. He said, "no, you may be infected by the plague. Let's hurry out. If you are late, Shi Daoyou will encounter something unexpected."

Yuan Zhenzi said in disgust: "Shi Daoyou, you have implicated everyone."

"I didn't mean to." Shijizi didn't dare to be arrogant any more. His voice lowered and he said that he was still counting on Zhenfei to treat him. Shi Jizi, who had been first seized by Hou Gong, made Zhen Fei shake his head. This kind of person actually became a mage. His character is too bad and he has no determination. No matter how high his magic power is, he will not become a famous teacher.

After entering the small room, I saw that in the middle of the room there was a man with a Chinese character face. He sat in a chair with a dignified expression and looked out, but his eyes did not move. Zhen Fei was surprised and said, "this man doesn't look like a dead man."

Yuanzhenzi cried, "Wow! He's a sage. I didn't expect him to die. " Surprised, yuan Zhenzi didn't hear Zhen Fei's warning, and hurried forward to check the sage's body.

Just after yuan Zhenzi got close to the sage, a strong force burst out of the sage's body, and suddenly hit yuan Zhenzi's body out of the room. Yuan Zhenzi fell into the bodies and got up for a long time. His face had completely changed and he looked at the sage in the small room in horror.

Zhen Fei was also very shocked. He bowed to the sage deeply and said, "I'm sorry, elder. We have no malice. Please forgive me."

After that, he waited for the sage to speak, but he did not move.

Xiao Jin suddenly said, "he's shutting up. Now he can't hear you. It's the sage's self-defense magic that just killed yuan Zhenzi. Take a closer look."

Zhen Fei went up to the front two steps. After checking, he found that the sage did not breathe. Is this "shut up"? It's like a dead man. He then said to the sage, "elder, when can you get out of the pass?" After that, he shrugged his shoulders and said something that the sage could not hear.

The lame yuan Zhenzi came in and found that the sage was still in seclusion. He couldn't help saying, "kill him, kill him, everything here is ours."