A few days later, the flying horse made a clear cry from the tripod. The damaged flying horse in the Yin mansion was restored to its original rank. Qin Ying and four other girls were very happy and gave the flying horse to Qin AO and Qin Yao.

Qin AO and Qin Yao did not choose anyone else. They just took the two nurses assigned to them in the hospital with them. After saying goodbye to Zhen Fei, they left Shanghai stock market on a flying horse. Because these two nurses do not belong to the mage. Qin Ao performed a trick of bewilderment. In the eyes of the two nurses, they were flying. Along the way, they could see security personnel, flight service personnel, many passengers and so on.

This is the power of the puzzle, which can expand everything in your mind. For example, if a person wants to go out for a ride, he will inevitably meet other passengers. Before going out, he will have an idea in his mind: what kind of person will I meet today? Is he a handsome man or a beautiful woman, a graceful scholar or a unreasonable villain?

It's human nature to have such an idea.

Bewilderment is such a kind of magic. It can expand people's thoughts infinitely. If she is a cheerful person, all the tourists she meets will satisfy her. If she wants to be a handsome man, she will sit next to him and even talk with each other. If she is not in a high mood, she will encounter something unpleasant, Even quarrel with people.

It's hard for ordinary people to distinguish between these little things of hallucination. In their view, all these things are real, not illusory at all.

In order not to affect the lives of ordinary people, Pegasus is also covered by the defensive amulet, which is hard for human eyes to see clearly. The Pegasus crossed the space and flew to the southwest.

Qin Ao saw the rolling mountains and rivers, picturesque scenery, and was in a good mood. He said to Qin Yao, "Yao Yao, how do you feel about your father's side?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Yao said doubtfully.

With a sigh, Qin Ao said, "why do I always feel that my parents are strange recently? They feel like they are in a trance. It seems that they are not so real, but they don't understand. It seems that they can't catch the real things."

"Of course they are not our own parents. Don't you see that they are as old as us? And mom and dad are not married, we have too many sisters, but I asked mom, she said we are reborn Qin Yao's mind is delicate. With the deepening of her understanding of everything in the world, she finds many unreasonable places and has asked Leng Xiao for a long time.

"Rebirth? What do you mean Qin Ao asked.

Shaking her head, Qin Yao said: "at that time, my mother's eyes suddenly became terrible, I did not dare to continue to ask, but we must have the same experience, and this experience is very terrible, even mom and dad are hard to say." The clever Qin Yao guessed some facts vaguely, but could not be confirmed.

Qin Ao looked back and saw the two little nurses murmuring to the air. Their brains had been controlled by magic. They were talking to the imaginary passengers. It seemed that they were having a good conversation, and sometimes they would laugh like a silver bell.

With a little smile, Qin Ao said: "they have nothing on their mind. It's also a kind of happiness. We might as well call out Qin Mei's sisters and talk with them together. They are usually very busy and have no time to get together to talk about these problems."

Qin Ao's idea is a sign of the recovery of the previous life. After the resurrection of 27 Su, their memories of the previous life will be erased. This is a common thing in the world. For example, people's amnesia is the result of the memory damage of brain cells. Some amnesia is permanent, some amnesia is temporary, in the future some stage will restore memory.

If they are ordinary people after their resurrection, their memory is hard to recover.

However, Zhen Fei thinks that they are as simple as newborn babies, and their hearts are flawless. Therefore, he leads them to become mages, and they live up to Zhen Fei's expectations and have been doing very well.

The mage has the ability to surpass ordinary people. The memory of Qin AO and others is slowly recovering, which is unexpected to Zhen Fei. He is a doctor and pays more attention to science. It's a miracle that twenty-seven sleepers can be revived, and memory can't be restored at all. Because they were persecuted to death by Jiuyou old monster, the situation was very miserable when they died. Zhen Fei didn't want to let them know the tragic experience of the previous life, which concealed the past.

Only a few of Zhen Fei's classmates know about these things, but they are in step with Zhen Fei, and no one mentions the unforgettable past. In addition, Jiuyou old monster has been arrested, which is equal to revenge for 277su indirectly, and no one cares about their previous life.

The recovery of memory is not so simple, it needs the growth and sound of brain cells, and it also needs external means such as personnel reminder, repetition and supplement to stimulate. Because Leng Xiao and others conceal the facts, Qin AO and others just doubt and guess, unable to confirm the trance state.

But the magic power of mages is accelerating their memory recovery.

Qin Mei four people received Qin Ao's call, jumped out from the storage space. Six charming girls chatted together for a while, only to find out that others had such doubts.

The clever Qin Ling even said: "I always have the same dream recently. In my sleep, I sleep with an old man, and I feel very happy. That old man... The old man is very similar to Jiuyou old monster."

Qin Lan said with a smile: "you must miss a man, what kind of man is not good to think, but to think of such an ugly old man?"

We all laughed together. Qin Ao, who was full of heroic determination, said, "don't make trouble. It seems that mom and dad must have hidden something from us. When we have a chance, we must ask them."

Qin Ling jumped up and said, "Mom and dad will not harm us. They will not. They love us so much."

"You sit down for me." Qin Ao said angrily, "I don't mean that mom and dad want to harm us, but we have the right to know the truth. Look at the two nurses. Although they look very happy, they are a pair of silly walls in our eyes. I don't want to be such a silly wall."

Qin Ling was silent for a moment, and said: "Xiao Ao, don't pursue it. I suddenly feel very afraid in my heart. It seems that something threatens me."

With a sigh, Qin Mei said: "yes, my heart is also like this. It seems that it's too terrible to say these words. Let's go back and build a house."

"You're always building houses, but none of them have been built." Qin Ao said reluctantly.

"Well, you look down on us." Qin lie's character is more irritable. He waved his fist and said, "I'll let you see this evening. We don't eat for nothing. We'll surprise you a lot at that time."

Qin Mei's four girls talked and laughed for a while and then returned to the storage space. The topic of memory has been put down.

Qin Yao looked at the space below and suddenly said, "Xiao Ao, look at the woman below. She's crying miserably. Is there something wrong?"

Qin Ao controlled the flying horse to slow down. On the mountain road halfway up the mountain, a farm truck stopped in the middle of the road. A woman in her thirties was lying on the driver's body and crying loudly.

Qin Yao looked at the two nurses, who were still talking and laughing with void. She could not help shaking her head and said, "I'd better not disturb them."

The Pegasus stopped near the farm truck. Qin AO and Qin Yao went down and said to the crying woman, "elder sister, what's the matter with you?"

The woman raised her head and was surprised to see two beautiful young people in the mountain with few pedestrians. She couldn't speak. Qin Ao gave a soft smile and said, "elder sister, is this your husband? What's the matter with him? "

"Ah yes, we are a couple. He was driving, and suddenly he was unconscious. I'm a man. I don't work every day. I have two children at home. What can I do?"

"Let's see." Qin Ao came forward and dragged the man out of the car. Her strength is very big. She can easily move a man who weighs more than 130 Jin with one hand. Qin Yao went forward to give the man a pulse, and then checked his feet and heart parts, said: "the reason is that the Ming hall and que court are not unobstructed, so the patient is in shock temporarily, so it is necessary to rescue him in time, otherwise the state of suspended animation will become the result of real death."

"I'll do it." Qin Ao offered three filiform needles. According to Zhen Fei's method of dredging collaterals, he acupunctured the patient in Ming Tang and que ting. Qin Yao smoked his mouth and nose with wormwood. After a while, the man sneezed. You woke up, looked around, eyes fell on Qin Ao's face, said: "who are you?"

"We are doctors who cure and save people. You are OK. Fortunately, we found out in time."

Qin Ao said: "when you work in the future, you should pay attention to rest. You can't be too tired. Drink more crucian carp soup and wolfberry. You can't have sex every day. You have a serious loss of Qi and blood, and there's no big problem. Just pay attention to the combination of work and rest. This kind of disease needs cultivation."

Hearing this, Shanmin and his wife can't help blushing. In the past, men were young and energetic, demanding their wives excessively. With the age of women getting older, their position turned over. Now it's women demanding too much, and men are tired of dealing with it. I can't imagine that doing too much of that kind of things will hurt their health.

After some advice, Qin Yao wrote a prescription, handed it to the woman, and Qin Ao got up and left.

The couple chased out and wanted to thank them, but when they turned around the foot of the mountain, Qin Ao disappeared. The couple began to be suspicious. Just at the critical moment, two beautiful girls appeared, and the treatment process was like flowing water. They were better than the doctors in the county. In addition, Qin AO and Qin Yao suddenly disappeared. They thought they had met immortals. Later, the couple invested to build a small temple beside the mountain road. The statues they worshiped were Qin AO and Qin Yao.