After Pei Xinyue came to the civilian hospital, she heard a lot of legendary stories about Zhen Fei, from how he treated a patient with malignant tumor to how he taught students and spread knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. These stories seem like Zhen Fei's medical skills, but in fact they reveal a message: Zhen Fei's students have become very rich and have a better future.

Even if outsiders don't know more about it, Zhen Fei's students drive luxury cars every day, and the high-grade jewelry hanging on their fingers and necks is still in people's eyes and minds. And every time Zhen Fei comes back from home, he gives you rich gifts, which is not what an ordinary doctor can do.

Quite scheming Pei Xinyue immediately realized: to be a student of Zhen Fei means to ascend to the sky step by step.

Unfortunately, when Pei Xinyue came, Zhen Fei was not in the hospital, and Zhen Fei came back only a month later. During this period, Pei Xinyue often came to the emergency department and was very familiar with Zhen Fei's disciples and students.

Pei Xinyue came back from the emergency department and happened to meet her classmate Xu Zhan to see her. They are not only classmates, but also lovers.

Pei Xinyue said to Xu Zhan, "don't we worry about our future work? It takes one year to practice in the hospital, but there is a doctor Zhen in our hospital. His students can basically get the doctor's certificate within half a year, and his students also have a hospital. If they can become doctors Zhen, they will work well, and we will be together forever. "

"You mean Dr. Zhen Fei? He is a senior brother of our medical university. He graduated one year earlier than us. I've heard of him, but Dr. Zhen's students are very strict, and ordinary graduates can't be selected at all. " Obviously, Xu Zhan also noticed that Zhen Fei had done some research in advance.

"Yes, I've heard that he basically doesn't accept students. Every time he selects students, he just selects a few people from thousands of candidates. The elimination rate is far more strict than the civil service examination. Last month, two of Dr. Zhen's students were sent to Italy to study, and all the expenses are borne by Dr. Zhen, you say, Why can't such a good thing come to us? " Pei Xinyue said with a frown.

"Don't think about it if you don't belong to yourself. It's still a while before you graduate." Xu Zhan enlightened her.

"But there is an opportunity." Pei Xinyue said, "Dr. Zhen doesn't accept students, but he lacks a secretary. How do you think I'll fight for this position?"

Xu Zhan said suspiciously, "no? You want to be his secretary? Then the income will be much less in the future. "

"You're stupid, but you're really stupid. Let's get a secretary first. I'll have a chance to practice with Dr. Zhen when I'm with him. If Dr. Zhen is kind, we can not only work together, and our income will not be a problem. Now the competition for doctor positions is so fierce, neither you nor I are from Shanghai stock market, It's a big problem in the future when it comes to buying a house, evaluating professional titles and so on. Don't you have a plan for the future? "

Hesitant Xu Zhan said: "I heard that Dr. Zhen is very lustful."

"You only have this little bit of cleverness. Do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Beautiful, you are the most beautiful." Xu Zhan said.

Pei Xinyue gave Xu Zhan a hard hand and said, "yes, I am the most beautiful in your eyes, but all the disciples of Dr. Zhen are more beautiful than me. Do you think he can look up to me? I'm working hard for our future. "

"You can't offer yourself." Xu Zhanyue is very concerned about Pei Xinyue and doesn't want his girlfriend to associate with a man like Zhen Fei.

"What do you say? Don't say that Dr. Zhen doesn't like me, he just likes me. Don't you trust me? If I'm the kind of person who betrays myself in order to get something, I won't find a rich man or rich childe? Is it necessary to work hard in the profession of a doctor? "

"Then you have to promise me that I can only be a man in my life, not all day and night."

"Well, I, Pei Xinyue, swear that only you can kiss me in my life. I only love you, a man, and I will never change my heart, OK?" Pei Xinyue gives Xu Zhan a warm kiss. They cuddle with each other impatiently. Now they are still living together.

In order to get close to Zhen Fei, Pei Xinyue often goes to the emergency department, but she can only talk to people like Qin you and Shen Yuanyuan. Zhen Fei, who is very busy, has no time to chat with Pei Xinyue. She just nods and says hello to each other by wiping her shoulders in the corridor. And every time Pei Xinyue takes the initiative to speak, Zhen Fei is not familiar with her at all.

Because Pei Xinyue often left the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, her teacher, attending doctor Chen Fei, sometimes couldn't find anyone. After a long time, Pei Xinyue came back in a hurry, which made Chen Fei very unhappy. After such times increased, Chen Fei had a lot of opinions on Pei Xinyue and criticized her, saying, "Pei Xinyue, you say you are a little intern, Why are there so many things? There are more things to do than my attending doctor. If I can't find you again, I'll give you an unqualified appraisal for your internship. Can a doctor who doesn't abide by the rules and regulations be a good doctor in the future? "

Pei Xinyue, who has been criticized, is very depressed. Who can understand a student's hard work? He came to the south from the north of China. After five years of medical education, he spent more than 200000 yuan at home and finally graduated. During his internship, he paid for his own expenses. He had to rely on his family to rent a house and earn his living expenses. It was still unknown whether he could find a job in the future. If he could not work in the Shanghai stock market, he would be separated from Xu Zhan, The relationship had to end.

These are Pei Xinyue's troubles. In her opinion, any difficulty is enough to make a young girl crazy. If she can't get these, it means that her life will enter a dark life.

The job is not ideal, the income is too low, and the boyfriend is not satisfied. What about the children in the future? What about her parents and relatives who are looking forward to her flying high?

The dejected Pei Xinyue secretly runs to the roof of the hospital to cry, and seizing Zhen Fei is an excellent opportunity. But she is not a girl to pester Zhen Fei. Besides, it's very difficult to talk to him once. No matter where Zhen Fei goes, he is surrounded by a group of people, all of them are his students and disciples. These people are also arrogant roles. Only by flattering, can he talk to Zhen Fei's students.

Pei Xinyue is also a talented student. She was admitted to the Medical University with her high score. In the eyes of her family and friends, Pei Xinyue has a bright future and will become a great person in the future. However, Pei Xinyue knows in her heart that her future is not very smooth and everything is full of unknown variables.

There are many students like Pei Xinyue in the Shanghai stock market. They are not outstanding in their studies. Their social relations are not very tough. It is very difficult for them to rely on their personal struggle to make a world.

Pei Xinyue, who is crying, rings the phone. When she picks up the phone, she sees that it is Chen Fei, the teacher. She jumps up in a hurry, goes downstairs in a hurry, slips and falls down the stairs.

Zhen Fei received the emergency. A intern of our hospital fell down the stairs, causing serious internal bleeding in the head. He came to the emergency room and first cut the pulse to stop bleeding for Pei Xinyue in a coma. Then he examined her head and said seriously: "the patient's head has about two milliliters of blood stasis, which oppresses the central nervous system of the terminal brain, and may lead to language If you have behavioral disorder, craniotomy should be performed immediately. "

After the operation on Pei Xinyue, Zhen Fei is very satisfied and says to Qin you and others: "fortunately, it's found in time. If it's delayed for more than half an hour, it's bound to leave sequelae. How can a young man roll down the stairs

Qin you said with a smile, "she thinks what you think."

"What are you talking about?" Zhen Fei scolds.

"I'm not talking nonsense. She wants to be a Secretary for you. Of course, she wants you to be distracted. That's the painful result." Qin you shrugged his shoulders.

"Is that true?" Zhen Fei is very surprised.

"When she wakes up, ask her yourself, I guess." Qin you doesn't care if Pei Xinyue really wants to be Zhen Fei's secretary.

Xu Zhan anxiously waited outside the operating room. He did not expect disaster to come from the sky. Pei Xinyue rolled down the stairs. Chen Fei, who arrived outside the operating room after receiving the news, reproached himself and said, "Ouch! How can Pei Xinyue be so careless? It's all my fault. I called her. Maybe I scared her. "

Xu Zhan rolled his eyelids and didn't like Chen Fei. He only pressed his anger and said, "if Pei Xinyue doesn't have anything to do, everyone will have a good life. If she makes any mistakes, everyone will have a bad life."

Looking up and down at Xu Zhan, Chen Fei woke up and said, "are you Pei Xinyue's boyfriend?"

Nodding, Xu Zhan didn't speak. Chen Fei said with a bitter smile, "young man, don't be impulsive. Dr. Zhen's medical skills are still quite good. Pei Xinyue will be OK. Are you also a doctor?"

After receiving the news of Pei Xinyue's injury, Xu Zhan came in a hurry. He didn't even change his clothes. He was still wearing a doctor's white coat.

"Yes, I'm an intern in an orthopedic hospital." Xu admits.

"Since you are Pei Xinyue's boyfriend, do you know why Pei Xinyue is upset recently?" Chen Fei can see that Pei Xinyue has something on his mind, but he doesn't know the details.

Xu Zhan knows about Pei Xinyue. Of course, he knows that Pei Xinyue is worrying about Zhen Fei recently, but he can't tell Chen Fei about this. If he says that Pei Xinyue doesn't want to practice in obstetrics and Gynecology, but wants to be a Secretary for Zhen Fei, it's also Pei Xinyue's mistake. What she says is to strive to achieve her ideal, but what she says is not to say is that she is ambitious and single-minded.

So Xu Zhan said, "recently, our feelings have split. Maybe it's because of this."

Chen Fei still knows something about Pei Xinyue. He shakes his head and says, "it's not like that because of this reason, Pei Xinyue won't worry about his feelings."

"Why?" Xu Zhan was very surprised.

"I just know." Chen Fei's tone is firm.