In the evening, after work, Zhen Fei comes to the third girls' hospital in a hurry and meets with banchun Jingyao. Takeda Xiaoya greets her master warmly and holds Zhen Fei's arm. Lengxiao and Qiao Huizi are very angry and unhappy. Takeda Xiaoya recently came and went in a hurry. She seldom got together with Zhen Fei. It's very intimate to meet her.

Zhen Fei said to banchun Jingyao, "banchun president, thank you for your great support to the hospital. On behalf of Wen Xiaoge and others, I would like to thank you."

"This is what we should do. Our company hopes to form a business partnership with your hospital and cooperate closely in medical treatment and training." Half spring Jing Yao's attitude is more sincere.

But Zhen Fei didn't trust banchun Jingyao very much. He said, "it's OK to cooperate. I don't know if banchun president has a more specific project?"

"I'd like to talk to Dr. Zhen alone." Half spring Jing Yao's expression is very mysterious.

Zhen Fei takes a look at banchun Jingyao. He can't figure out what the Japanese want to say to him.

However, Zhen Fei didn't owe any favor to banchun Jingyao, and he was not afraid of him. He said calmly in his heart, "then go to my office. It's quieter there."

Standing in Zhen Fei's office, half spring Jing Yao suddenly saw the precipitous scenery outside the window. He couldn't help saying, "where is this?"

"It's a kind of art design. It's all false. Don't take it seriously." Zhen Fei said jokingly.

After sitting down, half spring Jing Yao drank the white coffee and said, "this kind of drink is the first time to drink. According to my judgment, it has the effect of beauty and longevity. So you bought it?"

"This kind of thing is good, but I can't ask for it. I got it from an expert. It's worth more than gold." Zhen Fei can't tell the birthplace of white coffee, so he has to talk nonsense.

Seeing that Zhen Fei refused to name the origin of white coffee, banchun Jingyao put the topic aside for a moment and said: "our company has a research project, which has made no progress for many years, and has been looking for technical personnel with common interests to cooperate, that is, DNA separation and synthesis technology."

The separation and synthesis of DNA refers to the rearrangement of human or plant genetic genes. This technology is a kind of cutting-edge technology. For example, we can see the tip of the iceberg of this technology. For example, after the transformation, an animal with ox head and horse legs will be generated. It may also be a variation of the human head and snake body. This is the so-called monster produced after the separation of DNA synthesis.

Of course, if the technology is mature, we can carry out the transformation of human genes to achieve the goal of producing perfect human beings.

Some people have questioned this technology, because the processed human is still human, and the definition of human needs to be revised.

As a traditional doctor, Zhen Fei is opposed to this technology. Genetic modification is different from practicing Yin and Yang. Yin Yang formula belongs to a part of natural evolution. By absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, the human body can transform itself naturally and become stronger.

Even the changes of goblins such as Xiaojin and Xiaoya are part of natural evolution. But banchun Jingyao said that genetic transformation is part of biological science, and this science was full of evil and demons at the beginning. Therefore, it was proposed that genetic transformation is not a real science, but a variation mode of pseudoscience, There is an essential conflict with real science.

Shaking his head firmly, Zhen Fei said, "I'm sorry, President banchun. I'm firmly against such a project. It's a blasphemy to human and animal genes."

"Our goal is to produce human beings with infinite output, fast movement, hard body and even flying ability. This is a good wish, and our research on animals has achieved certain results." Half spring, Jing Yao continued. What he is interested in is Zhen Fei's powerful medical technology. Although this kind of genetic transformation is separated from the scope of medicine, it is a biotechnology, not for the purpose of curing diseases and saving people, but it has an inseparable relationship with medicine.

"I don't think you understand what I said. No matter what the wish is, genetic transformation is evil thought. I'm a doctor, and it's my duty to cure and rescue people. I'm not interested in other projects without this category." Zhen Feijian was not confused by banchun Jingyao's language.

In the helpless half spring, Jing Yao sighed and said, "well, I have to look for another candidate for cooperation. If breakthrough progress is made, I hope Dr. Zhen can change his mind."

"We'll talk about it later." Zhen Fei is also embarrassed to let banchun Jingyao not come down. After all, he is the host here. China has a long history and culture. In the way of hospitality, he pursues loyalty, kindness, leniency and magnanimity like the sea. Even evil guests should be treated with courtesy.

He stayed in Shanghai for one night and then flew back to Japan.

Zhen Fei is more enthusiastic about Takeda Xiaoya's hospitality and asks with concern: "you are also a doctor and mage now. I don't know what's your plan in the future?"

With a charming smile, Takeda Xiaoya said, "I like Chinese culture very much. It's broad and profound, and it's amazing. I want to stay in China and work. Moreover, I have already agreed with my grandfather that if my master is willing to take me in, I'll work in my younger martial sister's hospital."

"Then you're overqualified." Zhen Fei is in a good mood. Takeda Xiaoya is his eldest disciple. He can inherit the medical career, which makes him have face and wealth. But he said, "if you think about it well, it seems easy to do the work of curing patients and saving people. In fact, it is the best test of a person's willpower and character. Especially now that you have super skills and strong ability, you can do such work again, It's obvious that it's a bull's knife. "

"Master, aren't you also a doctor? Can I beat you? " Takeda Xiaoya said, looking at him playfully.

*** There is hatred between nations, but there is no boundary between humanity and kindness. I can trust Xiaoya's character. I hope you don't regard her as an alien and don't discriminate against her. "

"We have always had a good relationship with Xiaoya, and we believe in her without reservation." Wen Xiaoge said first.

Leng Xiao said: "you even believe the goblin. Is Xiaoya not as good as a goblin? We all know in our hearts that what you pay attention to is not the origin and identity, but the character of the true, the good and the beautiful. As long as this person is beneficial to mankind, you will be regarded as a good person, otherwise you will be a bad person. "

"Yes, well said." Zhen Fei said with a smile: "in the heart, there must be good and evil. This is the foundation of life. Then there is the problem of pursuing career and belief. As long as you have good and evil in your heart and tend to good and avoid evil, you can have righteousness in your heart."

"Master, why are you so excited today?" Takeda Xiaoya finds that Zhen Fei is obviously different from the past.

Zhen Fei then repeated banchun Jingyao's words, and finally said: "human evolution is also changing genes, but this change is a natural state, which meets the requirements of human biology. If we forcibly change genetic genes, it will cause disastrous consequences. The main component of genes is deoxyribonucleic acid, This is a very complex technology of microbial separation and synthesis. Even I can't do this technology well now. If I'm not careful, I'll give birth to freaks of variation. Moreover, some research departments also use immature technology directly on human beings. This is a crime without humanity. Later, I saw such things, We must stop those who do experiments directly on human bodies. "

Zhong Xiaolan asked: "master, you have opened your eyes and can fly now. Have you changed your genes?"

"Of course not. This is the evolution of cultivation." Zhen Fei said in a slow tone, "if the child I gave birth to can't learn Yin Yang Jue, it needs to be taught. Do you believe it?"

He thought the disciples said "believe it", but he didn't expect everyone to shake their heads together and say: "don't believe it."

Even cold Xiao said, "believe it or not, we don't has the final say. Your husband has a child to show us. If it's not genetically modified, then believe your words."

Zhen Fei laughs and says, "don't talk about me. Who among you got married and had children can also prove this problem."

Bold Bai Sijin said, "if I want to have a baby with my master, can I?"

"Boom." Wen Xiaoge and others scattered in a hurry. White silk Jin's mouth is a disaster, later to cup with.

Leng Xiao's face turned red with anger and said angrily, "how can I accept people like you? I should have left you out of the sect at the beginning. I warn you, don't say such crazy words again in the future. Otherwise, I'll take back your Yin Yang formula and lock you up for the rest of my life

"Shigu, I know you like Shifu, but love is just. Don't you allow me to love Shifu if you love him? Are you overbearing? "

"How dare you talk back?" Leng Xiao is furious. She used to be a lady. After falling in love with Zhen Fei, she is worried about her. She doesn't care about the lady's demeanor. She not only becomes suspicious, but also often jealous. Love is really a huge trap.

Zhen Fei stops Leng Xiao in a hurry and rebukes Bai Sijin: "the most important thing in our school is to respect teachers. Leng Xiao is your elder martial sister. You have to listen to her unconditionally."

"I can listen to other words, but in love, I have the right to pursue the people I like." After that, Bai Sijin turned around and ran away, with tears streaming down her face.