After returning to the hospital, Zhen Fei first goes to Qu Jinlin to sell off his leave and brings Qu Jinlin two packets of tea, which is also a human exchange. Ouyang Yuhuan forced Zhen Fei to bring them.

Zhen Fei is not used to giving gifts to people, especially the leaders. He always has a feeling of inferiority. He puts the tea on Qu Jinlin's desk and says in a blunt tone: "Dean Qu, how would you like to drink this tea? This is from my students, and I don't know how to drink tea This is also Ouyang Yuhuan teach, let Zhen Fei himself can't say such words.

Qu Jinlin casually picked up the tea and said in surprise: "Yo, this is Longjing before the rain. It's very rare. Look at this package, it must be true. Now many Longjing before the rain in the market are fake. Last time I saw this kind of tea at Mayor Liu's home, isn't it cheap?"

"I really don't know how much money is given to me by my students. It's nothing if I don't have money. I'll always keep in mind your care for me. It's not something I can get with one or two gifts." This is Zhen Fei's words from the bottom of his heart.

After coming out of Qu Jinlin's office and going back to the Department, Zhen Fei still holds the title of acting director of the emergency department. After he left, Fang Kangyong was also acting director. After all, when Fang Kangyong was seriously ill, the director's position was removed. If he wanted to be the director, he would not discuss it with Zhen Fei. He needed to report to the president for research and voting, After all, the title of a chief physician is very heavy. He is in charge of the lives of countless patients. He can't be promoted by anyone who wants to be a chief physician. He should also obey the organization and discipline.

Fang Kangyong and others don't know where Zhen Fei is traveling. Wen Xiaoge and others are clear, but they can't tell the truth. They just say that Zhen Fei has gone to Japan, and Takeda Xiaoya's grandfather has something to do with him. That's a reasonable reason, and there are not many opportunities to go abroad. We all envy going out to have fun.

When Zhen Fei comes back, Wen Xiaoge and others give gifts packed in Japan to all the people in the Department. Zhen Fei is always generous and everyone has a share every time he goes out. These gifts are worth more than 100000 yuan, which is worth Zhen Fei's salary for several months.

As soon as we met, Fang Kangyong said, "Dr. Zhen, you are very kind. You should bring me back a mobile phone, which should be worth more than ten thousand yuan?"

"You know, Dr. Fang, I never care about these things. Lengxiao brought them back. She is still playing in Yunnan. Ask her when she comes back." Zhen Fei carelessly let it slip.

Sure enough, Fang Kangyong said in surprise, "how did she go to Yunnan?" The flights from Shanghai to Japan are very frequent, so it is obviously unreasonable to fly to Yunnan.

Zhen Fei knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly corrected it and said, "well, Leng Xiao wanted to go to Yunnan for a long time. This time, there is no deadline for asking for leave, so she just wants to play outside for a few more days. What's going on in the Department recently? " Zhen Fei quickly changed a topic, let Fang Kangyong's brain don't always entangle in lengxiao's body.

Fang Kangyong is a very responsible doctor. When he talked about his work, he really took it seriously and said, "it's nothing serious. He sent a patient with chills a few days ago. After a long time of examination, he didn't find the cause. According to doctor Wen Xiaoge, the patient got the Triple Energizer Yin pulse."

"What?" Zhen Fei was surprised and stood up, feeling very excited.

"Have you ever heard of this disease?" Fang Kangyong was very surprised. He had not heard of this strange disease for so many years. Unexpectedly, Zhen Fei had heard of it.

What Zhen Fei thinks of is Xue Shuang, the wife of Yin Yang master. She is just this kind of disease. In the end, even Yin Yang master can't save her. She can only seal up Xue Shuang alive. It's really cruel, and it also reflects how deep Yin Yang master's love for his wife is.

After thinking about it, Zhen Fei said solemnly: "where is the patient? I went to have a look. I had only heard of such cases before, but I didn't see such patients myself. "

"I'll take you to have a look. She has always been a patient of Wen Xiaoge, and no one else can get in." Fang Kangyong also wants to see how Zhen Fei treats this kind of difficult and complicated disease. This is the best opportunity to learn.

The patient was an 18-year-old girl. She had been suffering from this disease for more than a month. At first, she was cold all over. Later, with the aggravation of the disease, she became colder and colder. When she stayed in a room with a temperature of at least 33 degrees, others could not stand the heat. She still cried cold, which made her family uneasy.

But this kind of strange disease is very difficult, to any hospital treatment can not check the cause, the doctor did not dare to start treatment.

After arriving at the civilian hospital, Wen Xiaoge, the young doctor in charge, found that the three veins of Taiyin, Shaoyin and Jueyin of the female patient were abnormal, and the cold air was emitted from the Yin veins of Sanjiao. Although he found the root of the disease, Wen Xiaoge had no good way at the moment, so he could only give the female patient acupuncture every day and send in mana to keep her condition from getting worse, When it comes to treatment, there is nothing to do.

After Zhen Fei felt the pulse of sun Xiaoli, the female patient, he looked at her with the eye of heaven for a long time. After three hours of examination, even the bystander Fang Kangyong was tired. However, Zhen Fei seemed not tired at all and was still thinking hard. This disease is really very difficult.

Finally, Zhen Fei said slowly, "I'm not sure, but this special disease needs special treatment."

"What can I do?" When Fang Kangyong heard that there was a way to treat it, he felt nervous. It seems that Zhen Fei's medical technology is high, and he just came back and found a solution.

But Zhen Fei shook his head, sighed and said, "let's go to the office."

Fang Kangyong, confused, follows Zhen Fei to the doctor's office. Zhen Fei then says, "I didn't know until recently that there is such a strange disease in the world. As for how to get it, I can't find the reason for it. But there are several pure positive drugs that should be able to control this strange disease from Yin to cold."

"What medicine?" Fang Kangyong's attitude is not optimistic. Seeing Zhen Fei's expression, we can see that it must be the kind of medicine that is very difficult to find. Sun Xiaoli's strange disease has become more complicated.

Zhen Fei said slowly: "flame bead, to Yang grass, strong steel bacteria."

Having never heard of the names of these herbs, Fang Kangyong couldn't help asking, "what kind of herbs are they?"

"These herbs can be found near the crater. Most people don't know their names, and there are no records in ancient books. Of course you don't know." What Zhen Fei thought in his heart was: "these medicines are all from Yin mansion, and they can't be found in the world. Even I thought of such herbs from the items taught by the owner of Yin mansion shop about how to identify the natural materials and treasures." When it comes to the cognition of nature, the monks in the Yin mansion know more about nature. They have walked almost all over the Yin mansion and made a detailed investigation of all the creatures in the nature.

Although there is a lack of drugs, the treatment is more troublesome, because there are no cases to learn from, and we can only rely on Zhen Fei's superb medical skills and treatment experience to configure new prescriptions.

After thinking of this, Zhen Fei said to Kang Yong, "I have to go out once more."

"Do you want to go?" Fang Kangyong exclaimed in surprise.

"I'm going to look for those herbs, which no one else can do." Zhen Fei's tone is very tough to say.

"Are you going deep into the crater?" Fang Kangyong painstakingly said: "you are not an explorer. Let professionals do things like entering the crater. You are a doctor. Sun Xiaoli is a patient. It doesn't matter if you can't cure her. There are thousands of sun Xiaoli waiting for your treatment."

"You don't understand." Zhen Fei said dryly. Zhen Fei really doesn't care about sun Xiaoli, but he has to care about Xue Shuang. She is his teacher's mother, and she is the wife of Yin Yang master. Moreover, Yin Yang master had no other way to seal Xue Shuang alive at all costs. This is what Zhen Fei cares about most. His teacher's kindness is as heavy as Mount Tai, but he can't repay it, Only by rescuing snow and frost can we get peace of mind.

Sun Xiaoli is also an experimental object. Only after sun Xiaoli is cured, can Zhen Fei treat Xueshuang. Moving Xueshuang's body is a very difficult task. As for these details, Zhen Fei can't think about them carefully. It's not a good thing to think too much. He can only attack his confidence step by step.

Fang Kangyong looked at the stubborn Zhen Fei, can only shake his head and sigh, since can't dissuade, can only let Zhen Fei to break. At this point, Fang Kangyong admires Zhen Fei very much. Can we find a more dedicated doctor in the world? I'm afraid not. Zhen Fei's medical skills are the best, and his medical ethics and style are the best. Only those doctors who can spare their lives can complete the profession of doctor as faith.

After work, Wen Xiaoge finds Zhen Fei, pouts his mouth and says, "master, the hospital wants to sign a contract with me."

"Sign a contract? Well, you will be the doctor in charge of this hospital from now on. Isn't that what you expected before? " Zhen Fei is very surprised, don't understand why Wenxiao pigeon is not happy.

"But..." Wen Xiaoge lowered her head, fiddled with the corner of her clothes and said, "but I don't want to work in this hospital."

"Ah." Zhen Fei wake up, said: "there are other hospitals looking for you?"

"No more." Wen Xiao cried out in a coquettish way.

"What's in your mind?" After several questions were rejected by Wen Xiaoge, Zhen Fei realized that Wen Xiaoge must have something on her mind.

"I just don't want to work." Wen Xiaoge shakes her body and continues to act coquettishly.

"Don't work?" Zhen Fei's brain is a little short-circuit. He seems unable to guess what Wen Xiaoge is thinking.

"I want to do it myself." Wen Xiaoge also knows that although Zhen Fei's IQ is high, he has a strong character. If he doesn't make it clear, he can't.

"Do it yourself?" Zhen Fei's brain is indeed some short circuit, subconsciously repeated a sentence.

Wen Xiaoge curled her lips and said, "I want to open a hospital myself."

"Run your own hospital?" Zhen Fei was frightened by her big words and immediately said, "do you know how difficult it is to open a hospital?"

"No matter how hard it is, you have to do it." Wen Xiaoge gave a mysterious smile and said, "master, don't you always support self employment?"