A moment later, instead of exerting an offensive spell, Tong blind man said to Zhen Fei, "the character" Ren "is originally a slanting stroke, but you write it squarely and roundly, which shows that you have a deep understanding of the way of being a man. Therefore, you are bound to succeed this time. Because the character" Ren "is originally slanting, there must be some twists and turns, and the final result is very satisfactory, Your most auspicious direction here is southeast. "

What do you mean the most auspicious direction is southeast Zhen Fei asked.

Blind Tong shook his head slowly and said, "this is the secret of heaven. It can't be revealed."

Wen Xiaoge was impatient to hear this, and saw the last sentence of "decomposition next time". She was so angry that she hummed and said, "let's go. This is the trick of pretending to be gods and ghosts. It's really unreliable."

Shaking his head, Zhen Fei doesn't think Tong blind man is cheating him. He secretly remembers this sentence, and then says to Sima Qingyang, "give me money, let's go."

Sima Qingyang took out two hundred dollars and handed it to Tong blind man. He said, "this is your money for divination. If it's not accurate, remember to give it back to me." She knows that the US dollar is relatively strong in this area. When she goes abroad, she carries us dollars with her.

"All right." Blind Tong folded the bill carefully and put it into his pocket. Then he raised his mouth and laughed mysteriously.

Out of this divination place, Wen Xiaoge said angrily, "master, do you really believe that blind man's words?"

"That's an expert. Don't call him insulting in the future." Zhen Fei scolds severely.

The three female disciples couldn't help looking at each other. Zhong Xiaolan asked carefully, "does the master see anything?"

Nodding, Zhen Fei sighed and said, "I didn't expect to see such an expert here."

There is a jewelry shop in front of us. There are several rough stones in the window. This is the characteristic of Thailand. Gold is not as popular as jadeite here. Only jade with changeable prices is more popular.

Wen Xiaoge moved in her heart and said, "master, I have a piece of jade I want to sell."

After hearing this, Zhen Fei immediately thought of the storage space captured from Galileo and said, "is there a problem?" What he worried about was that Galileo's things would be noticed when they were sold in Bangkok, adding unnecessary trouble.

"Nothing." Wen Xiaoge doesn't care. Galileo is dead and an old monster hundreds of years ago. Now most people in Bangkok don't even remember Galileo's name.

She took out a plate of ruby, and then walked into the jewelry store. The waiter came over with a professional smile and said, "welcome, can I help you?"

"Give me a price for this stone." Wen Xiaoge put the jade directly into the waiter's hand. The waiter's eyes immediately straightened, and then his body began to shake. Sima Qingyang was quick eyed and quickly helped the waiter, saying: "sister, are you not well? We have a doctor here. Let me show you. "

"Thank you, sister." The waiter still held the jade tightly in his hands and said nervously, "I've never seen such a good quality jade. I'm sorry, I just lost my temper."

Hearing her saying this, Sima Qingyang noticed the jade that Wen Xiaoge had taken out. He yelled and grabbed it in his hand. He said, "Xiaoge, where did you get such a big jade?"

"You don't care where I got it. It's from my family." Wen Xiaoge's heart is a little empty. It seems that this jade is old and valuable.

Zhen Fei is very calm, said to Sima Qingyang: "do you have a lot of research on jade?"

"Don't forget my family background, master. There are many Jadeites in my family, but they are all rings and necklaces. I've never seen such big Jadeites." Sima Qingyang quickly explained.

"Is it valuable?" Zhen Fei muttered: "isn't it a beautiful stone?"

"No? Master, you are too old-fashioned. Jadeite is more valuable than diamond. " Sima Qingyang made a "don't scare me" expression and said it exaggeratively.

"Are diamonds valuable?" Zhen Fei sighed and shook his head. Although Sima Qingyang was born in a prominent family, he was still greedy for his belongings. Everyone knows that money is very important, but the pursuit of wealth is endless. It doesn't matter if he has more money or less. Enough money is enough. Too much money will only lead to losing one's heart. Now it's very popular to say: "money is capricious." It's the revelation of lost.

Wen Xiaoge and Sima Qingyang walk upstairs behind the waiter. Zhen Fei sits down in the chair. A woman in the waiter's costume brings a cup of fragrant tea.

Seeing that she looks like a Chinese, unlike a person from Southeast Asia, Zhen Fei asked casually, "aren't you a local?"

"Sir, I'm a man of Fuzhou. I'm here to work." This woman speaks Chinese with a round accent, which is standard Mandarin. She has obviously received language education.

Zhen Fei said with a smile: "is it very profitable to work here?"

"My grandfather settled down here. He left a house. Now he is old and not in good health. He plans to let me inherit the property."

"This is a good thing. My name is Zhen Fei. I come from Shanghai stock market." Zhen Fei first introduced himself.

"My name is Fang Yuanyuan." Fang Yuanyuan's face turned red and said, "are you here to buy jewelry?"

"I don't like those things very much." Shaking his head, Zhen Fei turned his hand, took out a string of rosary beads, handed them to Fang Yuanyuan and said, "this is a Buddhist treasure that has been enlightened by a famous teacher. Take it."

This rosary is not an ordinary open treasure, but a magic weapon. It is defensive and not powerful. Ordinary people wear Rosary that can ward off evil and poison attacks. For example, when they enter the tropical rain forest, they will be protected from mosquito bites and snake attacks. Rosary has the function of protector.

Zhen Fei is always generous. This Rosary Bead is useless to him. It was found in Jiuyou's room. It was put on the table and Zhen Fei took it. After seeing Fang Yuanyuan, I like it very much in my heart, so I give this Rosary as a gift.

Zhong Xiaolan stood beside him, knowing the benefits of this magic weapon. He couldn't help wondering: "how can Zhen Fei like this kind of girl who is not the most beautiful?" Zizi looked at Fang Yuanyuan carefully, but he didn't feel that she was shining. Even Sima Qingyang looked like Yuanyuan was beautiful.

If Zhong Xiaolan's idea is known by Zhen Fei, he will say: "I'm not such a lecherous person, OK?"

He is not a lecherous man, but a generous and spendthrift man. As long as he is happy in his heart, he can give away his hand anytime and anywhere.

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan didn't attach great importance to the rosary beads, Zhong Xiaolan had to remind him: "be careful, it's a treasure that is hard to change. Not everyone has such a fate."

"OK, I'll cherish it." Fang Yuan agreed and said.

After a cup of tea, Wen Xiaoge still didn't come down. Zhen Fei was so depressed that he said, "Xiaolan, go up and have a look, why don't you come down?"

"All right." Zhong Xiaolan went up.

Julius immediately said, "I'll follow you up."

"What are you doing?" See Zhu Lisi anxious appearance, Zhen Fei feel not quite right, stop way.

"I know the owners here. Don't let them drive down the price." Julius explained.

Zhen Fei's heart is more puzzled: "since you know the boss here, why didn't you say just now?" He had an opinion of Julius in his heart. I don't think Julius is that kind of real person, and his work is not very reliable.

After waiting for another hour, Wen Xiaoge and other girls came down from the top. Instead of asking how much the jade cost, Zhen Fei said, "let's go. I'm hungry."

Wen Xiaoge is very excited, quietly said to Zhen Fei: "master, how much did you guess that stone sold?"

"How much? A hundred thousand? " Zhen Fei is not familiar with the price of this kind of gem.

"Guess as hard as you can." Wen Xiaoge is selling the pass on purpose.

"Tell me straight, let me guess. Is it interesting to guess?" Zhen Fei said impatiently.

"You are a pig." Wen Xiaoge was so angry that she scolded.

"How dare you scold me?" Zhen Fei makes the expression of bared teeth to threaten a way.

"You're a pig. I'll tell you. It's sold for 34 million yuan."

"You mean Thai dollars?" Zhen Fei's heart is very surprised.

"It's Chinese currency. Can we convert them into Thai currency?"

"So much money?" Zhen Fei's heart is very surprised.

"Of course, there is still a lot of room for appreciation, but you don't care very much. Sell it." Wenxiao pigeon shook her head and said.

Julius was also very excited and said, "let's go to the Grand Hotel and have some good food."

Zhong Xiaolan objected: "it's better to eat some special dishes. It depends on whether they are nutritious." Thailand is a country full of poetic and picturesque flavor. All visitors here are moved by the superb cooking talent of Thai people.

Thailand is always hot in summer. Local people like to eat hot and sour food to reduce the lazy feeling of hot summer. The popularity of Thai cuisine has been witnessed by the large number of Thai restaurants in metropolises all over the world.

Another feature is that Thailand is rich in green vegetables, seafood and fruits. Therefore, Thai food is mainly made of seafood, fruits and vegetables.

At a small restaurant by the side of the road, Sima Qingyang ordered two fruit salads, one fried beef, one braised tuna with sauce and four dishes for five people. He was very full.

Only Julius looked sad. He was used to these most common snacks, and his mouth had no taste.