After going to work, Zhen Fei finds Mei Zi and tells her everything about Li Zi. Finally, he says, "I'm not his opponent now. I hope there will be another decisive battle after he Jingyao comes back."

Mei Zi said with concern, "younger martial brother, what can you do to deal with that heart eating ancestor devil?"

"Do you remember when I treated her for angina?"

"Remember, it was the first time you met."

"At that time, I added an extra dose of Glauber's salt to her prescription, which is harmless to the human body. However, when Glauber's salt met with alkaline magnesium phosphate, it would be highly toxic, causing pain all over the body and making people unable to make efforts."

Mei Zi said doubtfully, "I've never heard of such drug compatibility."

"There are such records in Shifu's books. I also saw them by chance. In my mind, because he Jingyao suddenly appeared, I was very worried about her, but I could not doubt her identity, so I kept a hand. If she was a friend, of course, mirabilite was harmless, and she had little chance to meet alkaline magnesium phosphate, if she was an enemy, Magnesium phosphate is her grave. "

"Wow! Younger martial brother, you are so great. " Mei Zi said happily, "in this way, we don't have to be afraid of the heart eating ancestor."

"But that little plum is very difficult to deal with. I'm not his opponent at all now. Carp essence. It's my first time to meet the characters in Liaozhai. I can't believe anything in this world."

Frowning, Mei Zi said, "is there really a monster?"

"I didn't believe in this kind of thing before, but now I have to believe it. Let's go step by step. I hope you can keep the master's things well, and don't let the evil people like the heart eating ancestor get it, or many people won't suffer."

"Don't worry, I will keep it." After a while, Mei Zi said, "and Guo Haidong, he killed people. Are you going to let him go?"

"For the time being, there's really no way. It's well known that giolo died of SANA virus, not in the river. There's no evidence to accuse him, but such a villain won't last long. Sooner or later, people with evil intentions will show their feet, and the villain will be punished by the villain."

Zhen Fei hasn't figured out how to deal with Guo Haidong, so he has to comfort Mei Zi. When it comes to dealing with the enemy, Zhen Fei has no experience at all. He has always followed the principle of being kind to others since he was young. He never wanted to hurt others in the past, and let his fists and feet add up. That's a clear fight. If he uses intrigues, he's a complete layman.

Mei Zi's eyes turned and said, "I have a way to deal with Guo Haidong."

"What can you do?" Zhen Fei said very impolitely: "you are my secret game. You can't expose it. Guo Haidong is a small role. The important thing is to bite the heart ancestor devil. If you don't take down this big devil, my heart will never be stable."

"Then you concentrate on dealing with the heart eating ancestor demon, and I'll deal with Guo Haidong." Mei Zi made a new suggestion.

After thinking about it, Zhen Fei said, "well, you'd better not use your mana. I'm not the opponent of Xiao Li, so don't try to be brave."

Mei Zi nodded and agreed, but as soon as she turned around, she forgot. The fledgling Mei Zi didn't believe in the saying of carp essence at all. No matter how fierce she was, she was also an animal. This idea made her suffer a great loss.

The conversation between Zhen Fei and Mei Zi is very short. The main reason is that Zhen Fei is too busy. As soon as he goes to work, he begins to treat the patients. He only has half an hour's rest time when he has lunch.

Shortly after going to work in the afternoon, Qu Jinlin personally found Zhen Fei and said, "doctor Zhen, I heard that the oncology department has become your own world recently."

"Dean Qu, you mean I'm too overbearing, don't you?" Zhen Fei, the president who strongly recommended himself to get a doctor's license, is grateful. Without Qu Jinlin's help, his work would not have been carried out so smoothly.

"Ha ha... I admire doctors who are capable and efficient. Those who live a simple life will be eliminated sooner or later. This is the trend and the trend of the times. It is also our lifelong pursuit as doctors. Your medical skills and ethics are outstanding. I hope you will make greater achievements."

"I'm so busy that I can't even go to the toilet now." Zhen Fei is really busy. The whole oncology department is full of him. He doesn't even have Sundays. Every day, he is faced with severe patients, and he can't even spare time for study. Besides, Guo Haidong is eyeing him, and the evil spirit of eating heart also attacks him at any time, which makes Zhen Fei feel very tired.

"Yes, we hope your medical skills can be promoted. In this hospital, I will give the green light to who you need to help." Qu Jinlin made a guarantee immediately.

"Such ah..." Zhen Fei began to seriously consider Qu Jinlin's words, said: "let the head nurse Wen Xiaoge from the emergency department and Leng Xiao from the pharmacy department help, one is my classmate, the other is the head nurse who has guidance experience for me, which is what I lack around me."

"I don't think you need doctors, but beauties." Qu Jinlin pretended to be angry.

Qu Jinlin, the two people Zhen Fei ordered, is familiar with. They are really beautiful women. They are very famous in civilian hospitals. Many patients come to this hospital just for Wen Xiaoge and Leng Xiao. Even if you look at these two beautiful women, the pain is reduced a lot.

Scratch head, embarrassed to smile, Zhen Fei said: "anyway, I was named, Qu Dean look at it, OK or not in your words."

"You're putting me in the army!" Qu Jinlin thought for a while and said: "recently, there is a very unfavorable wind. Medical experts in Japan, South Korea and Singapore have a slogan, that is, let traditional Chinese medicine give way to western medicine."

"Get out of the way? What do you mean Zhen Fei is puzzled to say.

"That is to say, let our country increase the investment in the research of Western medicine, cut down some specialized departments of traditional Chinese medicine, and add western medicine departments. This is to let western medicine occupy the mainstream of treatment, and gradually achieve the status of completely replacing traditional Chinese medicine."

"And such things?" Zhen Fei is very surprised. He is not very clear about these academic debates.

"If Western medicine is allowed to occupy the mainstream of medical treatment, doctors in developed countries will monopolize the treatment projects, which will have a huge impact on our medical model of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Many traditional Chinese medicine under study will be forced to stop, and many traditional Chinese medicine will lose their market. After approaching step by step, traditional Chinese medicine doctors will lose their jobs, which is a challenge to Chinese medicine."

Zhen Fei said with a slight smile: "what I'm taking now is standard Chinese medicine therapy. Who says that Chinese medicine is not important? Let him see for himself. "

"You are just a little doctor in our hospital. Although your treatment is very effective, there are not many people who know about it. Moreover, suppressing tumor does not mean complete cure. This is your deficiency." Qu Jinlin said sternly.

"Then what? Dean Qu, you don't fit in with those bullshit experts, do you? Let me get out of here? "

"That's impossible." Qu Jinlin turned his head uneasily and said, "I mean, let you attend the Asian medical competition and show your Chinese medicine therapy to those arrogant people abroad. Our Chinese medicine is more magical than western medicine."

"To compete?" Zhen Fei said, "look, I really don't have time now."

"From today on, the oncology department will not accept new patients for the time being. Even the patients who come in will have to be treated by other doctors. Dr. Zhen, you are not the Savior. It is impossible to take over all the patients. Relatively speaking, it is more significant to attend the competition. At your level, it is a good opportunity to win glory for the country. If you get good results, Your title will also be implemented. Don't you want a "Professor" title? "

Now Zhen Fei is an ordinary doctor, and the next level is the title of chief physician, Professor, expert and so on. With the change of the title, his annual salary and influence are also changing.

Among the doctors working with Zhen Fei, Mei Zi is the only one who can count. Mei Zi graduated from a doctor's degree. Now she has the title of chief physician, but her academic background is "doctor". Therefore, Mei Zi's position has been promoted rapidly.

But Zhen Fei is different. He is only an undergraduate. No matter how high his medical skills are, he can't solve the problem of professional title. Because his educational background is not high enough, he needs to do difficult operations, take exams, and publish influential papers in national journals to become a chief physician. These are the necessary conditions for evaluating professional title.

If you make remarkable achievements in the Asian medical competition, you can naturally add points in the evaluation of professional titles. It can be said that to participate in such an important competition is an opportunity you can't get.

Zhen Fei thought for a moment and said firmly: "Dean Qu, I can't leave patients alone and pursue those false names. In my first class at Medical University, the teacher told us that only treating and rescuing people is the sacred duty of a qualified doctor. Fame, wealth, status and money are on the side."

"Ha ha..." Qu Jinlin stroked his gray hair, his mouth twisted, and said: "I agree with what you said, but a doctor should not only cure patients and save others, but also impart medical skills to others, regard himself as a banner, generate charisma, let more people understand and support doctors, so as to win the trust of patients, If you think about it, my suggestion is that you must take part in the competition. You are not for yourself, but for our declining Chinese medicine. "

Qu Jinlin walks out with heavy steps. Zhen Fei looks at his back and feels confused.

After a while, Mei Zi came over and said, "younger martial brother, I think you should take part in the competition. It's not about your honor, but for those who advocate treating all kinds of diseases in the West. Our traditional Chinese medicine is more effective than western medicine. This is the 5000 year dream of China, and it's also the belief of countless traditional Chinese medicine doctors."

"Well, I'm gone. What about these patients?" Zhen Fei's face became very ugly.